13.32   Construction Inspection

The installing contractor, engineer of record, owner’s agent, or the person responsible for certification of the acceptance testing/verification on the Certificate of Acceptance (Responsible Person) must perform a construction inspection prior to testing. Reviewing the acceptance requirements with the contractor prior to installation is very useful on several counts.

In some cases, it is most economical to perform testing immediately after installation, which also requires that the installation of any associated systems and equipment necessary for proper system operation is also completed.

Awareness of the acceptance test requirements may result in the contractor identifying a design or construction practice that would not comply with the acceptance requirements prior to installation.

Purchasing sensors and equipment with calibration certificates reduces the amount of time required for site calibration and may keep overall costs down.

The purpose of the construction inspection is to assure that the equipment that is installed is capable of complying with the requirements of the Standards. Construction inspection also assures that the equipment is installed correctly and is calibrated.