13.51   Process Acceptance Test Issues

Acceptance testing must be tailored for each specific design, job site, and climactic conditions. While the steps for conducting each test and the acceptance criteria remain consistent, the application of the tests to a particular site may vary. The following section discusses some of the known issues that occur when the acceptance tests are performed.

Cooling Loads

Some acceptance tests require adequate cooling load to be performed accurately.  For the purpose of performing the acceptance test, the system cooling load could be artificially increased (such as by lowering the space temperature setpoint).

Initial Conditions

Each acceptance test includes a final instruction stating that any schedules, setpoints, and/or control parameters that were changed during the acceptance test should be restored to their pre-test values. These initial settings shall be recorded prior to performing the acceptance test.

Internal Control Features

The Field Technician should be aware that many control functions include internal control features such as start-up and shutdown delays, fail-safes, control deadbands, and automatic overrides.  These features are intended to protect system equipment and increase system stability.  These features are necessary for the safe and efficient operation of the refrigeration system, and should not be considered when determining if a component passes or fails an acceptance test.

Before doing any acceptance testing, it is important for the Field Technician to fully understand the control logic for each component that is being tested.  Close coordination and communication with the controls engineer, contractor, or component vendor may be necessary.

Estimated Time to Complete

The test summaries in section 13.53 (“At-A-Glance” summaries) include estimates of the time to complete construction inspection as well as functional testing for each system component.  These estimates are made for a single test on a single component; actual time to complete the tests will vary depending on the complexity of the controls and the refrigeration system, the number of control systems, etc.  The first time a test is performed it will take longer than the subsequent similar tests.