13.80   NA7.5.14 Thermal Energy Storage (TES) System Acceptance


NA7.5.14 Thermal Energy Storage (TES) System Acceptance

Use Form NRCA-MCH-15-A

Purpose of the Test

This test verifies proper operation of thermal energy storage (TES) systems. TES systems reduce energy consumption during peak demand periods by shifting energy consumption to nighttime. Operation of the thermal energy storage compressor during the night produces cooling energy which is stored in the form of cooled fluid or ice in tanks. During peak cooling hours the thermal storage is used for cooling to prevent the need for chiller operation.

Benefits of the Test

The test will ensure that the TES system is able to charge the storage tank during off-peak hours and discharge the storage tank during on peak hours to reduce peak demand. Since the chiller may operate more efficiently at night when ambient temperatures are lower, the system may save cooling energy in some climates.


TES acceptance tests require no additional instrumentation for testing.

Test Conditions

The chiller, EMS, piping, and components should be installed and operational. The thermal storage tank should be without charge or partially charged (not fully charged) at the start of testing. The system should be configured with an on-peak cooling period (tank discharge)  and an off-peak charging period.

 The cooling load can be met by storage if the tank has stored energy available or by compressor cooling if there is no stored energy available.

Estimated Time to Complete

Construction Inspection: 0.5 hours

Acceptance Tests: 2 hours

Acceptance Criteria

The TES system and the chilled water plant is controlled and monitored by an EMS.

Verify that the TES system  stores energy in storage /charge mode.

Verify that the storage charging is stopped when an end of charge signal is generated.

Verify that the TES system starts discharging with the compressor(s) off in discharge mode.

Verify that the TES does not discharge and the cooling loadis met by the compressor(s) only in mechanical cooling only mode.

Verify that the TES discharges with the chiller sharing the load during discharge and mechanical cooling mode.

Verify storage does not discharge and all compressors are off during the off/storage-secure mode.

When applicable, verify that tanks can be charged while serving in active cooling mode during charge-plus cooling mode.


Potential Problems and Cautions

Potential damage to the chiller, pumps, storage tanks, etc., by improper manipulation of the control system.

It is recommended to perform this test with the assistance of the controls vendor or facility operator.

Construction Inspection

Verify that the efficiency of the chiller meets or exceeds the requirements of §110.2.

 Supporting documentation needed to perform the test includes:

      Construction documents (plans, drawings, equipment schedule, etc.)

      Approved submittals (for chillers, storage tanks, controls)

      Copy of manufacturers’ product literature

      Copy of the Building Energy Efficiency Standards and Appendices

System Installation Information

The following information for the chiller and the storage tank(s) shall be provided on the plans to document the key TES System parameters.  Information is likely to be found in submittal documents.



      Manufacturer Brand and Model

      Type (Centrifugal, Reciprocating, etc.) and quantity

      Heat rejection type (air, water, other)

      Charge mode capacity (tons) at average fluid temperature

      Discharge mode capacity (tons) at temperature

      Discharge mode efficiency (kW/ton or EER) at design ambient temperature

      Charge mode efficiency at nighttime design ambient temperature (kW/ton or EER)

      Fluid type and percentage (nameplate)



      Type (Ice-on-Coil Internal Melt, Ice-on-Coil External Melt, Encapsulated (e.g. ice balls), Ice Harvester, Ice Slurry, Other Phase Change Material (e.g. paraffin), Chilled Water, Brine (or chilled water with additives), Eutectic Salt, Clathrate Hydrate Slurry (CHS) Cryogenic, Other (specify)

      Brand and Model

      Number of Tanks

      If custom tanks are used, specify height/width/depth or height/diameter

      Storage capacity per tank (ton-hours)  at entering/leaving temperatures and hours discharged

      Storage rate (tons) at flow rate (gpm) per tank

      Minimum charging temperature based on  chiller and tank selections

      Discharge rate (tons) at entering/leaving temperatures and hours discharged.


Functional Testing

Step 1. TES System Design Verification

The installing contractor(s) shall certify the following information, which verifies proper installation of the TES system components, consistent with system design expectations.

      Chiller(s) start-up procedure has been completed

      System fluid test and balance has been completed

      Air separation and purge has been completed

      Fluid (e.g. glycol) has been verified at the concentration and type indicated on the design documents

      The TES system has been fully charged at least once and charged duration noted

      The system has been partially discharged at least once and discharged duration noted

      The system is in partial charge state in preparation for Step 2

      Schedule of operation has been activated as designed

      Mode documentation describes the state of system components in each mode of operation

Step 2:  TES System Controls and Operation Verification

The Acceptance Testing Technician shall verify the following information.

The TES system and the chilled water plant is controlled and monitored by an EMS

The system has controls in place that are configured for the operator to manually select each mode of operation or use and EMS schedule to specify the mode of operation

For scheduled operation, not the times when the system will be in each mode of operation

Storage/charge mode.  Manually select storage mode.  Verify that the TES system stores energy If the TES operates on a schedule, note the times, cause the TES to engage, and verify that the TES system goes into energy storage mode.

End of charge signal.  Simulated a storage charge by changing the thermal storage manufacturer’s recommended end of charge output sensor to the EMS. Verify that the storage charging is stopped.

Discharge Mode. Simulate a call for cooling Manually select storage only discharge mode. Verify that the TES system starts discharging. (If the TES operates on a schedule, note times, cause the TES to engage, and verify that the TES system starts discharging and the compressor(s)off.

Mechanical cooling only mode.  Simulate a call for cooling.  Manually select mechanical cooling only mode and verify that the storage does not discharge and the cooling load is met by the compressor(s) only.  Return to the off/secured mode.  If the TES operates on a schedule, not the times, cause the TES to engage, and verify that the storage does not discharge and the cooling load is met by the compressor(s) only.

Discharge and mechanical cooling mode.  Simulate a call for cooling.  Manually select discharge and mechanical cooling mode.  Verify that the TES system discharges with the chiller(s) sharing the load.  Return to the off/secured mode.  If the TES operates on a schedule, not the times, cause the TES to engage, and verify that the storage starts discharging with the compressor(s) sharing the load.

Off/storage-secured mode.  Manually select the off/storage-secured mode.  Verify that the storage does not discharge and all compressors are off, regardless of the presence of calls for cooling.  If the TES operates on a schedule, note the times, cause the TES to engage, and verify that the storage does not discharge and all compressor(s) are off, regardless of the presence of calls for cooling.

Charge plus cooling mode.  If the provisions for this mode have been made by the system designer, verify that the tank(s) can be charged while serving an active cooling load, simulated by generating a call for cooling and entering the charge mode either manually or by time schedule.  If the system disallows this mode of operation, verify that energy storage is disallowed or discontinued while an active cooling load is present.