The tests in this section are intended to verify that the software correctly constructs the Standard Design model and applies rules of the 2013 Nonresidential ACM appropriately to the proposed and Standard Design models. The rule set implementation tests cover representative portions of the rules for building envelope, lighting, daylighting, space use data and HVAC. For each test there is a set of three models defined:
• User Model – the user model contains the user inputs for the as-designed building. In most cases, the values for the Proposed Design will be taken from user inputs with no modification. However, there are some cases where the building input is prescribed for the Proposed Design, or constrained by mandatory minimums or other rules.
• Proposed Design Model – the proposed model is defined by the rules in the ACM Reference Manual and created by the vendor software and is the building modeled for compliance. This model takes user inputs for building geometry, building envelope, lighting and HVAC and is used in the compliance simulation.
• Standard Design Model – this is the baseline model defined by the ACM Reference 'Manual modeling rules, and is the basis for comparison that determines whether a building passes compliance using the performance method.
These tests do not require that simulation outputs be verified, but they do require that simulation input files for the Proposed Design and Standard Design are properly constructed according to the rules in the ACM Reference 'Manual. Some tests require that sizing runs be performed, for HVAC inputs whose values are dependent on autosized Standard Design systems.
The test runs described in this section represent the Title-24 2013 Non-Residential ACM code compliance calculation and use the following Prototype Models- Small Office Building, Medium Office Building, Large Office Building, Warehouse Building and Small Hotel. For further details on the Prototype Models, refer to Appendix 3C. Each of the Standard Design test cases shall be created by modifying the Prototype Model as described in Section IV of this document. The modified Prototype Model shall form the proposed case for each test run. The Standard Design model shall be generated by compliance software as per the rules in the 2013 Nonresidential ACM. The Standard Design and proposed model files for each of test cases shall then be evaluated to verify that:
• The Standard Design building envelope constructions are correctly substituted for exterior opaque surfaces and fenestrations.
• Fenestration area in the Standard Design building is reduced in accordance with the 2013 Nonresidential ACM 'Manual, when the Proposed Design fenestration area is greater than 40% of the exterior wall.
•Skylight area in the Standard Design building is adjusted in accordance with the 2013 Nonresidential ACM 'Manual, when applicable.
• Default schedules of operation are applied for both the Standard Design building and the Proposed Design.
• The Proposed and Standard Design cases use the same defaults or tailored inputs for internal loads as required by the 2013 Nonresidential ACM 'Manual.
• The Standard Design building lighting system is correctly specified and that exterior lighting is modeled.
• Receptacle loads, process loads is modeled according to the rules in the 2013 Nonresidential ACM 'Manual.
• The Standard Design building use the correct system types as prescribed in the 2013 Nonresidential ACM Manual.
• An economizer (of the right type) is included in the Standard Design building if required.
• The primary and secondary Standard Design building systems are properly specified and sized.
• Fan brake horsepower is correctly specified for the Standard Design building.
• Prescribed modeling assumptions are applied for both the Standard Design building and the Proposed Design.
• Overhangs are modeled in the Proposed Design for Test Case 7 but not the Standard Design building.
• Unconditioned spaces are modeled.
• Other Standard Design building specifications and/or modeling assumptions are correctly applied.
As the software developer verifies the various test conditions, the input and output files should be annotated with comments or other methods to demonstrate that the modeling rules specified in the 2013 Nonresidential ACM Manual are correctly applied. Software developers should use the spreadsheets included in Appendix 3C, to report the results of these tests. These annotated files shall then be submitted to the Commission for further evaluation. Any errors discovered shall be corrected by making modifications to the software; the runs shall be repeated; and the new results shall be annotated for submittal to the Commission.
The Standard Design Tests are labeled using the format:
(S) 0200CZ-OffSml- Run01
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The following tests shall be performed to verify that the compliance software correctly creates the Standard Design model and applies modeling rules as per the requirements of the Nonresidential ACM 2013. The user model shall be created by modifying the appropriate Prototype Model type. The Standard Design Model for each test case shall be generated automatically by the complaince software.
The intent of each test run, characteristics of the user model and inputs to be verified in the Proposed and Standard Design models are described below.
1. (D/S) 020006-OffSml-Run01– This test will verify that the applicant software models the wall, floor and roof construction correctly in the Standard Design model and that the envelope and fenestration performance requirements for the Standard Design are modelled as per the requirements of 2013 Nonresidential ACM.
The user model is a small office building in climate zone 6 with the following envelope characteristics:
• Steep slope, wood frame roof with assembly U-value of 0.044, Aged Solar Reflectance of 0.75 and Thermal emittance of 0.78
• Wood-framed wall with assembly U-value of 0.091
• Mass floor with asssembly U-value of 0.039
• Fixed window with U-factor of 0.25, SHGC of 0.20 and VT of 0.45
The following inputs in the Proposed Design and Standard Design model file shall be verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
• Standard Design roof, wall and floor construction assembly type
• Standard Design roof, wall and floor overall U-value
• Standard Design roof, wall and floor construction assembly layer inputs
• Standard Design roof aged solar reflectance and thermal emittance
• Window U-factor, SHGC and VT
2. (D/S) 020015-OffSml-Run02– This test will verify that the applicant software models the wall, floor, roof construction and fenestrations correctly and that the envelope performance requirements for the Standard Design are modelled as per the 2013 Nonresidential ACM.
The user model is a small office building in climate zone 15 with the following envelope characteristics:
• Steep sloped wood frame roof with assembly U-factor of 0.053, Aged Solar Reflectance of 0.60 and Thermal emittance of 0.70
• Metal-framed wall with assembly U-factor of 0.056
• Slab on grade floor with floor F-factor of 0.70
• Horizontal overhang of 2 feet on south facing windows and vertical fins of 2 feet on right of west facing windows
The following inputs in the Proposed Design and Standard Design model file shall be verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
• Standard Design roof, wall and floor construction assembly type
• Standard Design roof, wall and floor construction assembly layer inputs
• Standard Design roof, wall overall U-value
• Standard Design floor slab F-factor
• Standard Design roof aged solar reflectance and thermal emittance.
• Window overhangs for south and west windows
3. (D) 070015-HotSml-Run03 – This test will verify that the applicant software models the wall, floor and roof construction correctly in the Standard Design model and that the envelope and fenestration performance requirements for the Standard Design are modelled as per the requirements of 2013 Nonresidential ACM.
The user model is a small hotel building in climate zone 15 with the following characteristics:
• Horizontal Metal frame Roof with assembly U-value of 0.055, Aged Solar Reflectance of 0.60 and Thermal emittance of 0.70
• Metal-framed wall with assembly U-value of 0.082
• Mass Floor with assembly U-value of 0.058
• Fixed windows in the first floor with U-factor of 0.25, RSHGC of 0.20 and V.T of 0.47
• Operable windows in guest room windows with U-factor of 0.42, SHGC of 0.18 and V.T of 0.35
The following inputs in the Standard Design model file shall be verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
• Standard Design roof, wall and floor construction assembly type
• Standard Design roof, wall and floor construction assembly layer inputs
• Standard Design roof, wall and floor U-value
• Standard Design roof aged solar reflectance and thermal emittance.
• Window U-value, SHGC and VT
4. (D/S) 030006-OffMed-Run04 – This test will verify that mandatory minimum opaque envelope insulation requirements are applied. The user model is a small office building in climate zone 6, with a metal-framed wall containing R-5 continuous insulation on the exterior and a U-factor of 0.136.
a. For this test, the user model should be undefined, and the compliance simulation should not run.
5. (D) 040006-OffLrg-Run05 – Run 05 tests whether the applicant software determines the window area of the Standard Design model as per the rules in 2013 Nonresidential ACM.
The user model is the Large office building in climate zone 6 with an overall window-to-wall ratio (WWR) of 52% made of a continuous band of glass distributed evenly across all facades.
The following inputs in the Proposed Design and Standard Design model file shall be verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
6. (D) 040006-OffLrg-Run06 – Run 06 tests whether the applicant software determines the window area of the Standard Design model as per the rules in 2013 Nonresidential ACM.
The user model is the Large office building in climate zone 6 with overall building WWR-46% and 50% WWR in the west, 40% in South, 45% in East and 50% in the North façade.
The following inputs in the Proposed Design and Standard Design model file shall be verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
• Window Area (and WWR) for each orientation
• Window Area (and Overall WWR) for the building
7. (D) 080006-Whse-Run07 – This tests verifies whether the applicant software models the Standard Design skylight as per the performance requirements for skylights in 2013 Nonresidential ACM. This test checks whether the applicant software determines the skylight area of the Standard Design model correctly.
The user model is a Warehouse building in climate zone 6 with an overall skylight-to-roof ratio (SRR) of 7%. Curb mounted glass Skylight with U-value 0.55, SHGC 0.20 and VT 0.40. The building has ceiling heights of 28 feet in the warehouse and 14 feet in the office. The LPD is 0.8 W/ft2 in the office and 0.6 W/ft2 in the warehouse.
The following inputs in the Standard Design model file shall be verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
• Skylight U-factor, SHGC and VT, and SRR
8. (D) 080006-Whse-Run08 – This test checks whether the applicant software determines the skylight area of the Standard Design model correctly.
The user model is a Warehouse building in climate zone 6 with
ceiling heights of 20 feet and a lighting power density of 0.8 W/ft2.
The SRR of the proposed building is 14% 15% and 80% of the building area gets
daylighting from skylights or sidelights.
The following Standard Design inputs shall be verified:
• Standard Design SRR, Standard Design total daylit area as a fraction of gross building area
9. (D) 080006-Whse-Run09 – This test checks whether the applicant software determines the skylight area of the Standard Design model correctly.
The user model is a Warehouse building in climate zone 6 with ceiling heights of 28 feet and a lighting power density of 0.8 W/ft2. The SRR of the proposed building is 5% and 55% of the building area gets daylighting from skylights or sidelights.
The following Standard Design inputs shall be verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
• Standard Design SRR, Standard Design total daylit area as a fraction of gross building area
10. (D) 030006-OffMed-Run10 – This test verifies whether the applicant software inserts the correct Standard Design inputs for schedules, occupant density, equipment power density, lighting power density, hot water load and ventilation rates using the Complete Building lighting method and in accordance with 2013 Nonresidential ACM. The user model is an office occupancy with:
• Occupant Density- 50 ft2/person
• Equipment Power Density- 3 W/ft2
• Lighting Power Density- 1.2 W/ft2
• Hot Water Load- 106 Btu/person
• Ventilation Rate- 0.15 cfm/ft2
The Proposed Design and Standard Design Standard Design model inputs shall be verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
• Schedules (verified shall include occupancy schedule, lighting schedule, receptacle schedule, hot water schedule, infiltration schedule and elevator schedule)
• Occupant Density
• Equipment Power Density
• Lighting Power Density
• Hot Water Load
• Ventilation Rate
11. (D) 040006-OffLrg-Run11 – This test verifies whether the applicant software inserts the correct Proposed Design and Standard Design inputs for schedules, occupant density, equipment power density, lighting power density, hot water load and ventilation rates in accordance with 2013 Nonresidential ACM. This run tests the capability of the applicant software to model Standard Design inputs for multiple space types using the Area Category lighting method.
The user model is the Large office building in climate zone six with the following characteristics:
• First Floor
Core and North, West Perimeter Zones - Retail
Merchandise Sales, Wholesale Showroom- Occupant Density 33 ppl/1000ft2,
EPD-2W/ft2, LPD-1W/ft2, Ventilation rate- 0.75
cfm/ft2, Hot Water Load- 0.18 gal/person/hr.
East Perimeter Zone – Corridors, Restrooms, Stairs and Support Areas - Occupant Density 10 ppl/1000ft2, EPD-0.2W/ft2, LPD-0.5W/ft2, Ventilation rate- 0.15 cfm/ft2 , Hot Water Load- 0 gal/person/hr.
South Perimeter Zone – Lobby, Main Entry - Occupant Density 10 ppl/1000ft2, EPD-0.5W/ft2, LPD-1.5W/ft2, Ventilation rate- 0.15 cfm/ft2, Hot Water Load- 0.09 gal/person/hr
• Second to Sixth Floor
Core and South, West, North Perimeter Zones - Medical and Clinical Care- Occupant Density 10 ppl/1000ft2, EPD-1.5 W/ft2, LPD-1W/ft2, Ventilation rate- 0.15 cfm/ft2, Hot Water Load- 0.24 gal/person/hr
East Perimeter Zone – Corridors, Restrooms, Stairs and Support Areas - Occupant Density 10 ppl/1000ft2, EPD-0.2W/ft2, LPD-0.5W/ft2, Ventilation rate- 0.15 cfm/ft2, Hot Water Load- 0 gal/person/hr.
• Seventh to Eleventh Floor Core zones
Core and South, West, North Perimeter Zones - Office (Greater than 250 swaure feet in floor area)- Occupant Density 10 ppl/1000ft2, EPD-1.5 W/ft2, LPD-0.75W/ft2, Ventilation rate- 0.15 cfm/ft2, Hot Water Load- 0.18 gal/person/hr
East Perimeter Zone – Corridors, Restrooms, Stairs and Support Areas - Occupant Density 10 ppl/1000ft2, EPD-0.2W/ft2, LPD-0.5W/ft2, Ventilation rate- 0.15 cfm/ft2, Hot Water Load- 0 gal/person/hr.
• Twelfth Floor Core zones
Core and South, West, North Perimeter Zones – Convention, Conference, Multipurpose and Meeting Center- Occupant Density 67 ppl/1000ft2, EPD-1W/ft2, LPD-1.2W/ft2, Ventilation rate- 1 cfm/ft2, Hot Water Load- 0.09 gal/person/hr
East Perimeter Zone – Corridors, Restrooms, Stairs and Support Areas - Occupant Density 10 ppl/1000ft2, EPD-0.2W/ft2, LPD-0.5W/ft2, Ventilation rate- 0.15 cfm/ft2 Hot Water Load- 0 gal/person/hr.
For each space type, the Proposed Design and Standard Design model inputs shall be verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
• Schedules (verified shall include occupancy schedule, lighting schedule, receptacle schedule, hot water schedule, infiltration schedule and elevator schedule)
• Occupant Density
• Equipment Power Density
• Lighting Power Density
• Ventilation Rate
12. (D) 030006-OffMed-Run12 – This test verifies if the applicant software applies the requirements of the Tailored Lighting Method appropriately.
The User Model is a medium office building in climate Zone 6 with the following chracteristics:
• Perimeter zones on all floors are modelled as main entry spaces using the Tailored Lighting Method. The space has a general lighting of 0.5 W/ft2
• Core zones on all floors are modelled as waiting spaces using the Tailored Lighting Method. The space has a general lighting of 0.75 W/ft2 and ornamental lighting of 0.2 W/ft2
For each space type, the Proposed Design and Standard Design model inputs shall be verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
• Lighting Power Density for main entry area
• Lighting Power Density General Lighting Power for waiting area
• Lighting Power Density Custom Lighting Power for waiting area
• Lighting Schedules
13. (D) 030006-OffMed-Run13 – This test verifies if the applicant software applies the requirements of the Tailored Lighting Method appropriately.
The user model is a medium office building in climate Zone 6 with the following chracteristics:
• Perimeter zones on all floors are modelled as main entry spaces using the Tailored Lighting Method. The space has a general lighting of 0.8 W/ft2 and task lighting of 0.1 W/ft2
• Core zones on all floors are modelled as waiting spaces using the Tailored Lighting Method. The space has a general lighting of 0.6 W/ft2, floor display lighting of 0.1 W/ft2, and ornamental lighting of 1.2 W/ft2
For each space type, the Proposed Design and Standard Design model inputs shall be verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
• Lighting Power Density for main entry area
• Lighting Power Density General Lighting Power for waiting area
• Lighting Power Density Custom Lighting Power for waiting area
• Lighting Schedules
14. (D/S) 020006-OffSml-Run14 – This test verifies if the applicant software models lighting power density and schedules for eligible Califonia Power adjustment factors as required by the 2013 Nonresidential ACM.
The user model is a small office building (area=5500 sq ft) with demand responsive lighting controls. The model files shall be examined to verify whether adjustment factors are applied as per the requirements in the 2013 Nonresidential ACM.
For this test, the lighting power density of the proposed model and Standard Design are verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
15. (D) 080006-Whse-Run15 – This test verifies the ability of the applicant software to model daylighting controls as per the requirements of the 2013 Nonresidential ACM.
The user model is a warehouse building in CZ-6 with the following characteristics:
• The building has three spaces – Office, Fine Storage and Bulk Storage. The office space gets daylighting from four windows. Fine Storage and bulk storage get daylighting from skylights.
• Daylighting controls are installed in primary and skylit daylit areas in all spaces and in the secondary daylit area of the Bulk Storage.
• The installed general lighting power controlled by daylight controls in the office space is 150 Watts. The installed lighting power in the primary daylit zone is 150 Watts and the installed lighting power in the secondary daylit zone is 0 Watts.
• The illuminance setpoint for the office spaces is set at 400 lux and the illuminance setpoint in the fine storage and bulk storage are each set at 250 lux.
The Proposed Design and Standard Design model inputs shall be verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
For the office space primary daylit zone and secondary daylit zone:
• Lighting Power in Daylit Zone – for this input, the lighting power for general lighting is assumed to be uniform throughout the space for the Standard Design, so the fraction of lighting power in the space in the primary daylit zone and secondary daylit zone is equal to the fraction of space floor area that is in the primary daylit zone
• Secondary Daylit Zone Adjustment Factor – by space type, from Appendix 5.4A
• Daylight control type
• Reference position and illuminance setpoint
For the bulk storage space:
• Lighting Power in the Daylit Zone
• Daylight control type
• Reference position and illuminance setpoint
• For the fine storage space:
• Lighting Power in the Daylit Zone
• Daylight control type
• Reference position and illuminance setpoint
16. (D) 050006-RetlMed-Run16 – This test verifies the ability of the applicant software to model daylighting controls as per the requirements of the 2013 Nonresidential ACM.
The user model is a retail building in CZ-6 with the following characteristics:
• The building has five spaces – Front Entry, Point of Sale, Front Retail, Core Retail and Back Space. The front retail space has daylighting from 5 feet high glass on the exterior with a sill height of 3.74 ft. This test only tests the daylighting control in the front retail space.
• Daylighting controls are installed in primary and skylit daylit areas in all spaces and in the secondary daylit area of the Bulk Storage.
• The front retail space has a general lighting power of 1.6 W/ft2 and task and floor display accent lighting in the space of 0.75 W/ft2 in the front half of the space closest to the exterior window.
• The illuminance setpoint in all daylit spaces is set at 950 lux in all daylit spaces except for the Front_Entry Space which is at 200 lux..
• The reference position for the front retail space is 5 feet from the exterior wall, at the midpoint between the two interior walls, for the primary daylit zone, and 12 feet from the exterior wall, at the midpoint between the two interior walls, for the secondary daylit zone.
The Proposed Design and Standard Design model inputs shall be verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
For the front retail space, primary daylit zone and secondary daylit zone:
• Lighting Power Density, General Lighting – this is calculated from the room cavity ratio and illuminance level
• Lighting Power in Daylit Zone – this input defines the lighting power that is controlled by daylight dimming controls
• Secondary Daylit Zone Adjustment Factor – by space type, from Appendix 5.4A
• Daylight control type
• Reference position and illuminance setpoint
17. (D) 040006-OffLrg-Run17 – This test verifies if the 2013 Nonresidential ACM rules for exterior lighting are applied accurately for exterior lighting power, exterior lighting control and schedules. This test also verifies if the Service Hot Water systems are modelled correctly.
The user model is a large office building in climate zone 6, with the following characteristics:
a. Hot water load of 106 Btu/h-person
b. Thermal efficiency of 0.78
c. An exterior hardscape comprising of:
i. Driveway of dimensions 20x30 feet with lighting load of 1115 Watts
ii. Parking lot of dimensions 180x56 feet with lighting load of 6566 Watts
iii. 2 sidewalks of dimensions 6x30 feet with total lighting load of 977 Watts
iv. A building entrance door light of 90 Watts.
v. 50 square feet of hardscape ornamental light of 2 Watts
vi. Lighting load of 6566 Watts on the building façade.
vii. Signage of 40 square feet with lighting load of 80 Watts
This test verifies that the Proposed Design and standard design are specified correctly for:
d. Service Water Heating: thermal efficiency, hot water load
e. Exterior Lighting Power
18. (D/S) 020006-OffSml-Run18 – This test checks if the applicant software models the Standard Design HVAC system in accordance with the requirements of the 2013 Nonresidential ACM.
The user model is a small office building in climate zone 6 with the following characteristics:
• DX cooling
• Cooling COP-3.84 (EER 13.1)
• Gas Furnace Heating
• Thermal Efficiency – 80%
• Constant Volume Fan
The following Standard Design model inputs shall be verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
• HVAC System Type
• Heating and Cooling Type
• Heating and Cooling Efficiency
• System Sizing
• Maximum and minimum supply air temperature
• Fan Control Method
• Cooling and heating efficiency curve
• Cooling, Heating and Fan Schedule
19. (D) 030006-OffMed-Run19 – This test checks if the applicant software models the Standard Design HVAC system in accordance with the requirements of the 2013 Nonresidential ACM.
The user model is a medium office building in climate zone 6 with the following characteristics:
• Core, Mid and Top Bottom Zones are computer rooms with a zone Cooling load= 110,000 Btuh-Packaged Single Zone unit and constant volume fan
• All Perimeter zones- DX Cooling and Hot water Boiler with reheat and variable volume fan
• Cooling Efficiency- COP=4 for packaged single zone units; COP=3.8 for VAV units serving perimeter zones
• Heating Efficiency – 82% for VAV unit serving perimeter zones
The following Standard Design model inputs shall be verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
• HVAC System Type
• Heating and Cooling Type
• Heating and Cooling Efficiency
• System Sizing
• Maximum and minimum supply air temperature
• SAT Reset Control
• Economizer Type and limits
• Fan Power
• Fan Control Method
• Cooling and heating capacity adjustment curve
• Cooling and heating efficiency curve
• Cooling, Heating and Fan Schedule
• Terminal heat type and capacity
• Terminal minimum stop
• Terminal heat control type
• Boiler type and Number of boilers
• Boiler Heat loss, boiler minimum unloading ratio
• Hot water supply and return temperature
20. (D) 040006-OffLrg-Run20 – This test checks if the applicant software models the Standard Design HVAC system in accordance with the requirements of the 2013 Nonresidential ACM.
The user model is a Large office building in climate zone 6 with the following characteristics:
• Basement Zone is a computer room with cooling only dedicated packaged DX system.
• All other zones have a Built-up VAV system.
• Cooling Efficiency- COP 6.2 for chiller; EER 11, SEER 14 for packaged DX system
• Heating Efficiency – 82% for boiler; not applicable for packaged DX system
The following Standard Design model inputs shall be verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
• HVAC System Type
• Heating and Cooling Type
• Heating and Cooling Efficiency
• System Sizing
• Sizing Factor (zone, system)
• Maximum and minimum supply air temperature
• Sat Reset Control
• Economizer Type and limits
• Fan Power
• Fan Control Method
• Cooling, Heating and Fan Schedule
• Terminal heat type and capacity
• Boiler type and Number of boilers
• Boiler Heat loss, boiler minimum unloading ratio
• Boiler Performance Curve
• Hot water supply and return temperature
• Boiler pump type
• Pump motor power and efficiency
• Pump part load curve.
• Chiller Type and Number of chillers
• Chiller fuel, capacity and efficiency
• Chiller Minimum Unloading ratio
• Chiller cooling capacity and adjustment curves
• Chilled water supply and return air temperature
• Condenser Type
• Cooling Tower Fan control type and horse power
• Cooling Tower Set Point Control
• Pump Control Type, Motor Power, Efficiency and design flow rate
21. (D) 080006-Whse-Run21 – This test checks if the applicant software models the Standard Design HVAC system in accordance with the requirements of the 2013 Nonresidential ACM.
The user model is a Warehouse building in climate zone 6 with the following characteristics:
• Warehouse zones are served by a gas furnace heat only system.
• Office Zones served by Package Single Zone system with gas furnace heating and DX cooling.
• Heating Efficiency – 84%
The following Standard Design model inputs shall be verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
• HVAC System Type
• Heating and Cooling Type
• Heating and Cooling Efficiency
• System Sizing
• Maximum and minimum supply air temperature
• Sat Reset Control
• Economizer Type and limits
• Fan Power
• Fan Control Method
• Cooling, Heating and Fan Schedule
22. (D) 07006-HotSml-Run22 – This test checks if the applicant software models the Standard Design HVAC system in accordance with the requirements of the 2013 Nonresidential ACM.
The user model is a ten-story Hotel in climate zone 6 with a full-service restaurant, and an assembly area that uses demand control ventilation.
• Guestrooms are served by a four-pipe fan coil with water-cooled chiller and boiler
• Building has a water-side economizer
The following Standard Design inputs shall be verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
• System Type is four-pipe fan coil for the hotel, and kitchen is served by a dedicated kitchen system with exhaust meeting ACM requirements
• Assembly area contains demand control ventilation in Standard Design
•Standard Design building does not contain a water-side economizer
23. (D) 030006-OffMed-Run23 – This test checks the Standard Design building for an existing, altered building that has the roof replaced with a metal building roof, R-15 continuous insulation, and that has the windows replaced on the South façade with low-e, double glazed windows with U=0.40, SHGC=0.33 and VT=0.50. The windows on the North, East and West facades are existing, unchanged single-paned windows with U=0.55, SHGC=0.56, VT=0.6.
24. (D) 020006-OffSml-Run24– This test checks the Standard Design building for an existing, altered building.
The user model is a small office in climate zone 6, with the following characteristics:
• All fenestration on the south elevation replaced; the new fenestration has U=0.36, SHGC=0.30 and VT=0.60. Existing Fenestration has: U= , SHGC=, and VT= .
• The HVAC system is also replaced with a packaged single zone unit with an EER 13.1 unit.
The following Standard Design Inputs shall be verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
• South elevation fenestration properties U, SHGC, and VT.
• All other facades fenestration properties U, SHGC and VT.
• HVAC System Type
• Heating and Cooling Type
• Heating and Cooling Efficiency
• System Sizing
• Maximum and minimum supply air temperature
• Fan Control Method
• Cooling and heating efficiency curve
• Cooling, Heating and Fan Schedule
25. (D) 020006-OffSml-Run25– This test checks the Standard Design building for an existing, altered building.
The user model is a small office in climate zone 6, with the following characteristics:
• All fenestration on the south elevation replaced, added window area increases WWR to 45%.; The new fenestration has U=0.36, SHGC=0.30 and VT=0.60. Existing Fenestration has: U= , SHGC=, and VT= .
• The HVAC system is also replaced with a packaged single zone unit with an EER 13.1 unit.
The following Standard Design Inputs shall be verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
• South elevation fenestration properties U, SHGC, and VT.
• All other facades fenestration properties U, SHGC and VT.
• West Façade and Overall Window Wall Ratio
26. (D) 020006-OffSml-Run26– This test checks the Standard Design building for an existing, altered building.
The user model is a medium retail building in climate zone 6 with the following characteristics:
• All fenestration on the south elevation replaced, added window area increases WWR to 45%.; The new fenestration has U=0.36, SHGC=0.30 and VT=0.60. Existing Fenestration has: U= , SHGC=, and VT= .
• The HVAC system is also replaced with a packaged single zone unit with an EER 14 unit.
The following Standard Design Inputs shall be verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
• South elevation fenestration properties U, SHGC, and VT.
• All other facades fenestration properties U, SHGC and VT.
• West Façade and Overall Window Wall Ratio
27. (D) 050006-RetlMed -Run27– This test checks the Standard Design building for an addition, modeled alone.
a. The three south facing zones are modeled as an addition alone.
b. Walls between the addition and the exisiting building (not modeled) area modeled as adiabatic
c. WWR of the south façade is 45%. New Fenestration has : U= , SHGC=, and VT= .
d. The HVAC system is a dedicated package single zone unit serving the entire addition.
The following Standard Design Inputs shall be verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
•Wall type and construction assembly properties of the adiabatic surfaces
• South elevation fenestration properties U, SHGC, and VT.
• HVAC System Type
• Heating and Cooling Type
• Heating and Cooling Efficiency
• System Sizing
• Maximum and minimum supply air temperature
• Fan Control Method
• Cooling and heating efficiency curve
• Cooling, Heating and Fan Schedule
28. (D) 050006-RetlMed -Run28– This test checks the Standard Design building for an addition, modeled with existing, unaltered building.
The user model is a medium retail building in climate zone 6 with the following characteristics:
a. The three south facing zones are modeled as an addition.
b. The HVAC system is a dedicated package single zone unit serving the addition.
The following Standard Design Inputs shall be verified:
• HVAC System Type
• Heating and Cooling Type
• Heating and Cooling Efficiency
• System Sizing
• Maximum and minimum supply air temperature
• Fan Control Method
• Cooling and heating efficiency curve
• Cooling, Heating and Fan Schedule
29. (D) 030006-OffMed -Run29– This test checks the Standard Design building for an Envelope Only, partial compliance project.
The user model is a medium office building in climate zone 6 with the following characteristics:
• Flat, insulation above deck roof with assembly U-value of 0.0XX, Aged Solar Reflectance of 0.75 and Thermal emittance of 0.78
• Metal frame wall with assembly U-value of 0.0XX
• Mass floor with assembly U-value of 0.039
• Fixed windows with U-factor of 0.25, SHGC of 0.20 and VT of 0.45
• No lighting or mechanical system is specified in the user input model (envelope only compliance)
The following inputs in the Proposed Design and Standard Design model file shall be verified and reported in the output form provided in Appendix 3C:
• Standard Design roof, wall and floor construction assembly type
• Standard Design roof, wall and floor overall U-value
• Standard Design roof, wall and floor construction assembly layer inputs
• Standard Design roof aged solar reflectance and thermal emittance
• Window U-factor, SHGC and VT
• Lighting Power Density
• HVAC System Type
• Heating and Cooling Type
• Heating and Cooling Efficiency
• System Sizing
• Maximum and minimum supply air temperature
• Fan Control Method
• Cooling and heating efficiency curve
• Cooling, Heating and Fan Schedule
30. (D) 020006-OffMed –Run30– This test checks the Standard Design building for a Lighting and Mechanical partial compliance project
The user model is a small office building in climate zone 6 with the following characteristics:
• DX cooling
• Cooling COP-3.84 (EER 13.1)
• Gas Furnace Heating
• Thermal Efficiency – 80%
• Constant Volume Fan
• Space Function – Open Office
• Lighting Power Density 0.7 W/ft2
The following Standard Design model inputs shall be verified:
• HVAC System Type
• Heating and Cooling Type
• Heating and Cooling Efficiency
• System Sizing
• Maximum and minimum supply air temperature
• Fan Control Method
• Cooling and heating efficiency curve
• Cooling, Heating and Fan Schedule
• Lighting Power Density
The applicant shall perform all tests specified in Section IV and report the outputs in the forms provided in Appendix 3C. Note that the Standard Design for some inputs, such as cooling efficiency and pump power, are dependent upon the autosizing of the HVAC equipment. The ruleset implementation tests do not check that the autosized capacity matches the Reference Method, but rather, that the Standard Design input is properly defined in relation to the autosized capacity.