RESIDENTIAL SPACE TYPE is one of the following:

Bathroom is a room or area containing a sink used for personal hygiene, toilet, shower, or a tub.

Closet is a nonhabitable room used for the storage of linens, household supplies, clothing, non-perishable food, or similar uses, and which is not a hallway or passageway.

Garage is a nonhabitable building or portion of building, attached to or detached from a residential dwelling unit, in which motor vehicles are parked.

Kitchen is a room or area used for cooking, food storage and preparation and washing dishes, including associated counter tops and cabinets, refrigerator, stove, ovens, and floor area.

Laundry is a nonhabitable room or space which contains plumbing and electrical connections for a washing machine or clothes dryer.

Storage building is a nonhabitable detached building used for the storage of tools, garden equipment, or miscellaneous items.

Utility room is a nonhabitable room or building which contains only HVAC, plumbing, or electrical controls or equipment; and which is not a bathroom, closet, garage, or laundry room.