JA5.5               Terminology

Current Setpoint

The setpoint that existed just prior to the price event or Demand Response Period.

Demand Response


See Joint Appendix JA1- Glossary.

Demand Response Period

See Joint Appendix JA1 – Glossary.

Demand Response Signal


See Joint Appendix JA1 – Glossary.

Demand Responsive Control


 See Joint Appendix JA1 – Glossary.

Energy Management Control System


 See Joint Appendix JA1 – Glossary.


Refers to an occupant adjusting thermostat settings to either not respond to a Demand Response Signal or adjusting the setpoint compared to the OCST’s programmed response to a price signal or Demand Response Signal.

Price Signal

is a signal sent by the local utility, Independent System Operator (ISO), or designated curtailment service provider, information update service or aggregator, to an enrolled or subscribed customer, indicating a price or other economic indicator that can trigger OCST Demand Responsive Control.

Price Event

Refers to a change in pricing sent to the OCST from the utility or the occupant’s selected demand response provider.