12.4 Design Phase Review


1.  Design reviewer requirements are based on the project size and complexity of the mechanical systems, as follows:

a.  For newly constructed buildings less than 10,000 square feet, design phase review may be completed by the design engineer.

b.  Newly constructed buildings between 10,000 and 50,000 square feet, it may be completed by either an in-house engineer to the design firm but not associated with the building project, or a third party design engineer.

c.  For newly constructed buildings larger than 50,000 square feet or buildings with complex mechanical systems, an independent review by a third party design engineer id required.

2.  Design Review. During the schematic design phase of the building project, the owner or owner’s representative, design team and design reviewer must meet to discuss the project scope, schedule and how the design reviewer will coordinate with the project team. The building owner or owner’s representative shall include the Design Review Checklist in the Certificate of Compliance documentation (see §10-103).

3.    Construction Documents Design Review. The design review compliance documents list the items that shall be checked by the design reviewer during the construction document review. The completed compliance documents shall be returned to the owner and design team for review and sign-off. The building owner or owner’s representative shall include the design review compliance documents in the Certificate of Compliance documentation (see §10-103).

12.4.1  Intent

The intent of design phase review is to improve compliance with the Energy Standards, encourage adoption of best practices in design, and lead to designs that are constructible and maintainable.

12.4.2  Compliance Method

Compliance requires completion of the Design Review Kickoff and Construction Document checklists by the design reviewer. Requirements for the design reviewer are provided in §120.8(d)1. The following steps are required to complete this requirement:

A.   Design Review Kickoff - Initial Schematic Review

1.  An in-person meeting is held between the project owner (or owner’s representative), design team representatives (including mechanical and electrical design engineers, project architect), commissioning coordinator, and design reviewer.

2.  Meeting topics to be discussed include the following:

a.  Discuss Project Coordination, including design reviewer involvement.

b.  Identify Project Scheduling, including design review.

c.  Review Project scope.

d.  Review OPR and BOD.

e.  Discuss Design Elements and Assumptions.

f.   Discuss HVAC System Selection.

g.  Identify Construction Documents Design Review checklists to be completed.

h.  Discuss Energy Efficiency Measures.

i.   Complete and Sign Certificate of Compliance – Cx Design Review Kickoff NRCC-CXR-01-E.

B.   Construction Document Review

1.  The design team provides the design reviewer with a set of drawing plans and specifications late in design as agreed upon in Design Review Kickoff meeting, typically around 90 percent construction document completion.

2.  The Design reviewer provides a review of the construction documents:

a.  NRCC-CXR-02-E. This compliance document is used as a checklist for all projects that require a Construction Documents Design Review.

b.  NRCC-CXR-03-E. This compliance document is used as a supplement to the NRCC-CXR-02-E for simple mechanical systems.

c.  NRCC-CXR-04-E. This compliance document is used as a supplement to the NRCC-CXR-02-E for complex mechanical systems.

3.  Completed compliance documents are submitted to the design team and project owner for consideration.

4.  The designer provides a response on the Construction Document compliance documents. The design reviewer is not required to provide a second review of the construction documents for compliance purposes.

5.  Certification of Completion - The design reviewer, design engineer, and owner/owner’s representative sign the Certificate of Compliance – Cx Design Review Signature Page, NRCC-CXR-05-E, indicating that the construction documents design review has been completed.

The commissioning coordinator who meets the requirements may also complete the construction documents design review.

12.4.3  Enforcement

Compliance is demonstrated by completion of the compliance documents NRCC-CXR-01-E through NRCC-CXR-04-E, as applicable, and signature page, NRCC-CXR-05-E.