NA7.6    Lighting Control Acceptance Requirements

Lighting control acceptance testing shall be performed on:

(a)  Automatic Daylighting Controls complying with Section 130.1(d)

(b)  Shut-off Controls complying with Section 130.1(c)

(c)  Demand Responsive Controls in accordance with Section 130.1(e).

NA7.6.1 Automatic Daylighting Controls Acceptance Tests

NA7.6.1.1          Construction Inspection

Verify that automatic daylighting controls qualify as one of the required control types, are installed, and fully functional in accordance with each applicable requirement in Section 130.1(d), and list each specific exception claimed, from Section 130.1(d).

NA7.6.1.2          Functional testing

All photocontrols serving more than 5,000 ft² of daylit area shall undergo functional testing. Photocontrols that are serving smaller spaces may be sampled as follows:

For buildings with up to five (5) photocontrols, all photocontrols shall be tested. For buildings with more than five (5) photocontrols, sampling may be done on spaces with similar sensors and cardinal orientations of glazing; sampling shall include a minimum of 1 photocontrol for each group of up to 5 additional photocontrols. If the first photocontrol in the sample group passes the functional test, the remaining building spaces in the sample group also pass. If the first photocontrol in the sample group fails the functional test, the rest of the photocontrols in the group shall be tested. If any tested photocontrol fails the functional test, it shall be repaired, replaced or adjusted until it passes the test.

For each photocontrol to be tested do the following:

(a)  Test each group of lights controlled separately by the photocontrol according to the following protocol.  In all interior spaces other than parking garages, a separate test shall be conducted for daylighting control of the primary sidelit zone separate from the secondary sidelit zone.

NA7.       Continuous Dimming Control Systems

This requirement is for systems that have more than 10 levels of controlled light output in a given zone.

(a)  Identify the minimum daylighting location in the controlled zone (Reference Location). This can be identified using either the illuminance method or the distance method.


Illuminance Method

(b)  Turn OFF controlled lighting and measure daylight illuminance within zones illuminated by controlled luminaires.

(c)  Identify the Reference Location; this is the task location with lowest daylight illuminance in the zone illuminated by controlled luminaires. This location will be used for illuminance measurements in subsequent tests.

Distance Method

Identify the task location within the zone illuminated by controlled luminaires that is farthest away from daylight sources. This is the Reference Location and will be used for illuminance measurements in subsequent tests.

(d)  No daylight test. Simulate or provide conditions without daylight. Verify and document the following:

1.  Automatic daylight control system provides appropriate control so that electric lighting system is providing full light output unless otherwise specified by design documents.

2.  Document the reference illuminance, which is the electric lighting illuminance level at the reference location identified in Step 1.

3.  Light output is stable with no discernable flicker.

(e)  Full daylight test. Simulate or provide bright conditions. Verify and document the following:

1.  Lighting power reduction is at least 65 percent under fully dimmed conditions and light output is stable with no discernable flicker.

2.  Only luminaires in daylit zones are affected by daylight control. . If the daylighting controls control lighting outside of the daylight zones including those behind obstructions as described in Section 130.1(d)1, the control system is not compliant

3.  If a Power Adjustment Factor is claimed for Daylight Dimming plus OFF controls in accordance with Section 140.6(a)2H, compliant systems shall automatically turn OFF the luminaires that are receiving this credit. This portion of the full daylight test does not apply to lighting systems that are not claiming a Power Adjustment Factor for Daylight Dimming plus OFF controls.

(f)   Partial daylight test. Simulate or provide daylight conditions where illuminance (fc) from daylight only at the Reference Location is between 60 and 95 percent of Reference Illuminance (fc) documented in Step 2. Verify and document the following:

1.  Measure that the combined illuminance of daylight and controlled electric lighting (fc) at the reference location is no less than the electric lighting illuminance (fc) at this location during the no daylight test documented in Step (d) 2.

2.  Measure that the combined illuminance of daylight and controlled electric lighting (fc) at the Reference Location is no greater than 150 percent of the reference illuminance (fc) documented in Step (d) 2.

3.  Light output is stable with no discernable flicker.

NA7.       Stepped Switching or Stepped Dimming Control Systems

This requirement is for systems that have no more than 10 discrete steps of control of light output.

If the control has 3 steps of control or less, conduct the following tests for all steps of control. If the control has more than 3 steps of control, testing 3 steps of control is sufficient for showing compliance.

(a)  Identify the minimum daylighting location(s) in the controlled zone. (Reference Location). This can be identified using either the illuminance method or the distance method.

Illuminance Method

1. Turn OFF controlled lighting and measure daylight illuminances within a zone illuminated by controlled luminaires.

2. Identify the reference location; this is the task location with lowest daylight illuminance in the zone illuminated by controlled luminaires. This location will be used for illuminance measurements in subsequent tests.

3.  Turn controlled lights back ON.

Distance Method

1.  Identify the task location within the zone illuminated by controlled luminaires that is farthest away from daylight sources. This is the reference location and will be used for illuminance measurements in subsequent tests.

(b)  No daylight test. Simulate or provide conditions without daylight for a stepped switching or stepped dimming control system. Verify and document the following:

1.  If the control is manually adjusted (not self commissioning), make note of the time delay and override time delay or set time delay to minimum setting. This condition shall be in effect through step 4.

2.  Automatic daylight control system turns ON all stages of controlled lights unless it is documented that multi-level luminaires have been "tuned" to less than full output and providing design illuminance (fc) levels

3.  Stepped dimming control system provides reduced flicker over the entire operating range as specified in §110.9.

4.  Document the reference illuminance which is the electric lighting illuminance level measured at the reference location identified in Step 1.

(c)  Full daylight test. Simulate or provide bright conditions. Verify and document the following:

1.  Lighting power reduction of controlled luminaires is at least 65 percent

2.  Only luminaires in daylit zones (toplit zone, primary sidelit zone and secondary sidelit zone) are affected by daylight control. If the daylighting controls control lighting outside of the daylight zones including those behind obstructions as described in Section 130.1(d)1, the control system is not compliant.

(d)  Partial daylight test. For each control stage that is tested in this step, the control stages with lower setpoints than the stage tested are left ON and those stages of control with higher setpoints are dimmed or controlled off. Simulate or provide conditions so that each control stage turns on and off or dims. Verify and document the following for each control stage:

1.  Document the total daylight and electric lighting illuminance level measured at its reference location just after the stage of control dims or shuts off a stage of lighting:

A.     The total measured illumination shall be no less than the reference illuminance measured at this location during the no daylight test documented in Step 2.

B.     The total measured illumination shall be no greater than 150 percent of the reference illuminance.

2.  The control stage shall not cycle on and off or cycle between dim and undimmed while daylight illuminance remains constant.

3.  Only luminaires in daylit zones (toplit zone, primary sidelit zone, and secondary sidelit zone) are affected by daylight control.

(e)  Verify time delay.

1.                                                Verify that time delay automatically resets to normal mode within 60 minutes.

2.                                                    Set normal mode time delay to at least three minutes.

3.  Confirm that there is a time delay of at least 3 minutes between the time when illuminance exceeds the setpoint for a given dimming stage and when the control dims or switches off the controlled lights.


NA7.6.2 Shut-off Controls Acceptance Tests

NA7.6.2.1          General Requirements

Verify that the shut-off control qualifies as one of the required control types, is installed, and is fully functional in accordance with each applicable requirement in Section 130.1(c), or that the application meets one of the exceptions.  List each specific exception claimed, from Section 130.1(c).

NA7.6.2.2          Occupancy Sensing Lighting Control Construction Inspection

Prior to Functional testing, verify and document the following:

(a)  Occupancy sensor has been located to minimize false signals:

(b)  No closer than four (4) feet from a HVAC diffuser.

(c)  Passive infrared sensor pattern does not enter into adjacent zones.

(d)  Occupancy sensors do not encounter any obstructions that could adversely affect desired performance.

(e)  Ultrasonic occupancy sensors do not emit audible sound.

NA7.6.2.3          Occupancy Sensing Lighting Control Functional testing

For buildings with up to seven (7) occupancy sensors, all occupancy sensors shall be tested. For buildings with more than seven (7) occupancy sensors, sampling may be done on spaces with similar sensors and space geometries; sampling shall include a minimum of 1 ocupancy sensor for each group of up to 7 additional photocontrols. If the first occupancy sensor in the sample group passes the acceptance test, the remaining building spaces in the sample group also pass. If the first occupancy sensor in the sample group fails the acceptance test the rest of the occupancy sensors in that group must be tested. If any tested occupancy sensor fails it shall be repaired, replaced or adjusted until it passes the test.

For each sensor to be tested do the following:

(a)  For a representative sample of building spaces, simulate an unoccupied condition. Verify and document the following:

1.  Lights controlled by occupancy sensors turn off within a maximum of 20 minutes from the start of an unoccupied condition.

2.  The occupant sensor does not trigger a false “on” from movement in an area adjacent to the space containing the controlled luminaires or from HVAC operation.

3.  Signal sensitivity is adequate to achieve desired control.

(b)  For a representative sample of building spaces, simulate an occupied condition. Verify and document the following:

1.    Status indicator or annunciator operates correctly.

2.    Lights controlled by occupancy sensors turn on immediately upon an occupied condition, OR sensor indicates space is “occupied” and lights are turned on manually (automatic OFF and manual ON control strategy).

NA7.6.2.4          Automatic Time Switch Lighting Control Construction Inspection

Prior to Functional testing, verify and document the following:

(a)  Automatic time switch control is programmed with acceptable weekday, weekend, and holiday (if applicable) schedules.

(b)  Document for the owner automatic time switch programming including weekday, weekend, holiday schedules as well as all set-up and preference program settings.

(c)  Verify the correct time and date is properly set in the time switch.

(d)  Verify the battery back-up (if applicable) is installed and energized.

(e)  Override time limit is set to no more than 2 hours.

(f)   Override switches remote from area with controlled luminaires have annunciator lights.

NA7.6.2.5          Automatic Time Switch Lighting Control Functional testing

(a)  Simulate occupied condition. Verify and document the following:

1.  All lights can be turned on and off by their respective area control switch.

2.  Verify the switch only operates lighting in the enclosed space (ceiling-height partitioned area) in which the switch is located.

(b)                                             Simulate unoccupied condition. Verify and document the following:

1.  All non-exempt lighting turn off in accordance with the programmed time switch schedules.

2.  Manual override switch allows only the lights in the enclosed space (ceiling height partitioned) where the override switch is located to turn on or remain on until the next scheduled shut off occurs.

NA7.6.3 Demand Responsive Controls Acceptance Tests.

NA7.6.3.1          Construction Inspection

Prior to Functional testing, verify and document the following:

(a)  That the demand responsive control is capable of receiving a demand response signal directly or indirectly through another device and that it complies with the requirements in Section 130.1(e).

(b)  If the demand response signal is received from another device (such as an EMCS), that system must itself be capable of receiving a demand response signal from a utility meter or other external source.

NA7.6.3.2          Functional testing

For buildings with up to seven (7) enclosed spaces requiring demand responsive lighting controls, all spaces shall be tested. For buildings with more than seven (7) enclosed spaces requiring demand responsive lighting controls, sampling may be done on additional spaces with similar lighting systems; sampling shall include a minimum of 1 enclosed space for each group of up to 7 additional enclosed spaces If the first enclosed space with a demand responsive lighting control in the sample group passes the acceptance test, the remaining building spaces in the sample group also pass. If the first enclosed space with a demand responsive lighting control in the sample group fails the acceptance test the rest of the enclosed spaces in that group must be tested. If any tested demand responsive lighting control system fails it shall be repaired, replaced or adjusted until it passes the test.

Test the reduction in lighting power due to the demand responsive lighting control using one of the following two methods.

Method 1: Illuminance Measurement. Measure the reduction in illuminance in enclosed spaces required to meet Section 130.1(b), as follows:

(a)  In each space, select one location for illuminance measurement. The chosen location must not be in a skylit or primary sidelit area. When placed at the location, the illuminance meter must not have a direct view of a window or skylight. If this is not possible, perform the test at a time and location at which daylight illuminance provides less than half of the design illuminance. Mark each location to ensure that the illuminance meter can be accurately located.

(b)  Full output test

1.    Using the manual switches/dimmers in each space, set the lighting system to full output. Note that the lighting in areas with photocontrols or occupancy/vacancy sensors may be at less than full output, or may be off.

2.                                                   Take one illuminance measurement at each location, using an illuminance meter.

3.                                             Simulate a demand response condition using the demand responsive control.

4.    Take one illuminance measurement at each location with the electric lighting system in the demand response condition.

5.    Calculate the area-weighted average reduction in illuminance in the demand response condition, compared with the full output condition. The area-weighted reduction must be at least 15% but must not reduce the combined illuminance from electric light and daylight to less than 50% of the design illuminance in any individual space.

(c)  Minimum output test

6.     Using the manual switches/dimmers in each space, set the lighting system to minimum output (but not off). Note that the lighting in areas with photocontrols or occupancy/vacancy sensors may be at more than minimum output, or may be off.

7.     Take one illuminance measurement at each location, using an illuminance meter.

8.     Simulate a demand response condition using the demand responsive control.

9.     Take one illuminance measurement at each location with the electric lighting system in the demand response condition.

10.   In each space, the illuminance in the demand response condition must not be less than the illuminance in the minimum output condition or 50% of the design illuminance, whichever is less.

EXCEPTION: In daylit spaces, the illuminance in the demand response condition may reduce below the minimum output condition, but in the demand response condition the combined illuminance from daylight and electric light must be at least 50% of the design illuminance.

Method 2: Current measurement. Measure the reduction in electrical current in spaces required to meet Section 130.1(b), as follows:

(a)  At the lighting circuit panel, select at least one lighting circuit that serves spaces required to meet Section 130.1(e).

(b)  Full output test

1.    Using the manual switches/dimmers in each space, set the lighting system to full output. Note that the lighting in areas with photocontrols or occupancy/vacancy sensors may be at less than full output, or may be off.

2.    Take one electric current measurement for each selected circuit.

3.    Simulate a demand response condition using the demand responsive control.

4.    Take one illuminance measurement at each location with the electric lighting system in the demand response condition.

5.    Add together all the circuit currents, and calculate the reduction in current in the demand response condition, compared with the full output condition. The combined reduction must be at least 15% but must not reduce the output of any individual circuit by more than 50%.

(c)  Minimum output test

6.    Using the manual switches/dimmers in each space, set the lighting system to minimum output (but not off). Note that the lighting in areas with photocontrols or occupancy/vacancy sensors may be at more than minimum output, or may be off.

7.    Take one electric current measurement for each selected circuit.

8.    Simulate a demand response condition using the demand responsive control.

9.    Take one electric current measurement for each selected circuit with the electric lighting system in the demand response condition.

10.  In each space, the electric current in the demand response condition must not be less than 50% or the electric current in the minimum output condition, whichever is less.

EXCEPTION: Circuits that supply power to the daylit portion of enclosed spaces as long as lighting in non-daylit portions of the enclosed space.