1.14 Zone Comfort Algorithm

CSE includes an implementation of the ISO 7730 comfort model.  The model is documented in ASHRAE Standard 55-2010 (ASHRAE 2010) among other places.  The model calculates Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) and Predicted Percent Dissatisfied (PPD) for each zone at each time step.  These statistics are averaged over days, months, and the full year.

The inputs to the ISO 7730 model are:

•           Air dry-bulb temperature

•           Air humidity ratio

•           Mean radiant temperature

•           Air velocity

•           Occupant metabolic rate

•           Occupant clothing level

Zone conditions calculated by CSE are used for the first three of these inputs.  The remaining inputs are set by user input.  They can be varied during the simulation using the CSE expression capability.