
This compliance 'manual is intended to help plans examiners, inspectors, owners, designers, builders, and energy consultants comply with and enforce California’s 2019 Building Energy Efficiency Standards (Energy Standards) for low-rise residential buildings. The lighting, domestic hot water, and indoor air quality requirements in this compliance 'manual also apply to high-rise residential buildings. The 'manual is written as a reference and an instructional guide and can be helpful for anyone that is directly or indirectly involved in the design and construction of energy-efficient low-rise residential buildings.

The compliance 'manual has nine chapters:

Chapter 1 introduces the Energy Standards and discusses the application and scope of the standards for low-rise residences.

Chapter 2 analyzes the compliance and enforcement process, including design and preparation of compliance documentation through field verification and diagnostic testing.

Chapter 3 details the building envelope.

Chapter 4 discusses heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.

Chapter 5 outlines water heating systems requirements, including the requirements for swimming pool systems.

Chapter 6 looks at the requirements for hardwired interior lighting and for outdoor lighting permanently attached to the building.

Chapter 7 examines photovoltaics, battery storage systems, and shared solar electric systems or community-shared battery system compliance option and solar-ready requirements for low-rise residential buildings.

Chapter 8 outlines the performance approach to compliance.

Chapter 9 goes over additions, alterations, and repairs.