2.4  How to Create CSE Conditioned Zone Internal Mass Inputs

2.4.1    Background

2.4.2    Approach

Internal mass objects are completely inside a zone so that they do not participate directly in heat flows to other zones or outside. They are conected to the zone radiantly and convectively and participate in the zone energy balance by passively storing and releasing heat as conditions change.  For now only in Conditioned Zones.

The main internal mass objects in the are:                     

              Interior walls

              Interior floors



              Specific masses (for addition later)

CBECC inputs to add:

              Specific masses (for addition later)

2.4.3    Inputs

Floor Area of zone                        

For each Conditioned Zone           

1.   Interior Floor Setup.  Input for inside the conditioned zone interior floors as mass elements.


a.   Xflr = sum of the area of floors to ground, crawl space, exterior or other zones

b.   IntFlr = Floor Area-Xflr

2.   Interior Wall Setup.  Input for inside the conditioned zone interior walls as mass elements.


a.   IZwall = sum of the area of interior walls to other conditioned zones    

b.   Intwall(zone) floor area - .5 * IZwall

3.   Write objects to the CSE input                                            

Light stuff

1.      znCAir=floor area * 2    

2.   Interior wall if Intwall(zone) > 0

SURFACE IntWallC(zone) sfType=Wall sfArea=0.75*Intwall(zone) sfCon=IntwallCav; sfAZM=0  sfExCnd=ADJZN sfAdjZn=(zone)

SURFACE IntWallF(zone) sfType=Wall sfArea=0.25*Intwall(zone) sfCon=IntwallFrm; sfAZM=0  sfExCnd=ADJZN sfAdjZn=(zone)

3.   Furniture                  

SURFACE Furniture(zone) sfType=wall sfArea= Floor Area * 2.;   sfCon=FurnCon; sfAZM=0   sfExCnd=ADJZN sfAdjZn=Zone


4.   Interior Floor if IntFlr(zone) >0

// floor construction for interior mass.  Assumes 2x10 @ 16" OC.  Both floor and ceiling are in the conditioned zone              

SURFACE IntFlrFrm sfType=Floor sfCon=IntFFrm2x10 sfArea=0.1 * RaisedFlr;   sfExCnd=ADJZN sfAdjZn=(Zone)                    

SURFACE IntFlrCav sfType=Floor sfCon=IntFCav2x10 sfArea=0.9 * RaisedFlr;   sfExCnd=ADJZN sfAdjZn=(Zone)

4.   Constructions

CONSTRUCTION FurnCon // 2.5" wood Revised Layers

Layer    lrMat="SoftWood" lrThk=2.5/12

CONSTRUCTION IntwallCav // 2x4        Revised Layers

Layer    lrMat="Gypsum Board"

Layer    lrMat="Gypsum Board" 

CONSTRUCTION IntwallFrm // 2x4        Revised Layers

Layer    lrMat="Gypsum Board"

Layer    lrMat="SoftWood" lrThk=3.5/12.

Layer    lrMat="Gypsum Board"

CONSTRUCTION IntFFrm2x10 // 9.25"   (2x10)             

Layer    lrMat="Carpet"

Layer    lrMat="Wood layer"

Layer    lrMat="SoftWood" lrThk=9.25/12.

Layer    lrMat="Gypsum Board"

CONSTRUCTION IntFCav2x10 // 9.25"   (2x10)             

 Layer   lrMat="Carpet"

 Layer   lrMat="Wood layer"

Layer    lrMat="Carpet"   // Air space with 1 psf of stuff (cross bracing wiring, plumbing etc) approximated as 1" of carpet

Layer    lrMat="Carpet"  // Air space with 1 psf of stuff (cross bracing wiring, plumbing etc) approximated as 1" of carpet

Layer    lrMat="Gypsum Board"