2.5  Appliances, Miscellaneous Energy Use, and Internal Gains

2.5.1    Background

This model is derived from the 2008 HTM (California Energy Commission, HERS Technical Manual, California Energy Commission, High Performance Buildings and Standards Development Office. CEC-400-2008-012).  This is a major change from the 2008 RACM in that internal gains are built up from models for refrigerator, people, equipment and lights instead of the simple constant plus fixed BTU/ft2 used there. The HTM derived model has been used in the 2013 Development Software throughout the 2013 revision process.

This model has another significant change beyond the HTM model with the addition of latent gains required as input for the new CSE air conditioning model. There was no information on latent gains in either the 2008 RACM or the HTM. The latent model here was created by applying the best available information on the latent fraction of internal gains to the HTM gains model.

2.5.2    Approach

The approach here is to calculate the Appliances and Miscellaneous Energy Use (AMEU) for the home and use that as the basis for the internal gains.  This will facilitate future expansion of the procedure to calculate a HERS Rating.  Problems

The procedure here (also used in the 2013 development program) does not work correctly for multifamily buildings unless all of the units are the same (CFA and number of bedrooms).  I don't believe this problem was considered in developing the HTM. I believe that the only exactly correct solution involves simulating each unit as a separate zone with a different internal gain. For now we will ignore this problem and assume that average values are OK.

The HTM equations do not work if there is a gas range and electric oven.

The allocation of internal gain to zones is not specified in either the RACM or the HTM.  A proposed approach is presented here.

2.5.3    Inputs

            Units                 Number of dwelling units in the building.

            BRperUnit         Bedrooms/DwellingUnits rounded to an integer

            CFA                              Conditioned Floor Area in the building

            CFAperUnit       CFA/DwellingUnits

New CBECC input at the building level: an Appliances Input Screen (for a single conditioned zone, most of these default, we are assuming that MF buildings will be done as one zone):


Efficiency (Choice of Default = 669 kWh/year, no other choices at this time), Location (Choice of zones if multiple conditioned zones).  // HTM assumes all Dwelling units have refrigerators.  Different for additons and alterations when we get to them.


Efficiency (Choice of Default, no other choices at this time), Location (Choice of zones if multiple conditioned zones).  // HTM assumes all Dwelling units have refrigerators.  Different for additons and alterations when we get to them.

Clothes Dryer

Location (Choice of zones if multiple zones, No Dryer space or hookup provided) Dryer power (Choice Electric, Gas or other)  //Assuming gas for now

Clothes Washer

Location (Choice of zones if multiple zones), No Washer space or hookup provided)


Location (Choice of zones if multiple conditioned zones, No Range/Oven space and hookup provided) Range/Oven power (Choice Electric, Gas or other) Assumes gas for now.


Assumes CSE Meters are set up elsewhere:



            Mtr_Othewr     //PropaNE


Write Constants to the CSE input:

             #redefine Intgain_mo choose1($month, 1.19,1.11,1.02,0.93,0.84,0.8,0.82,0.88,0.98,1.07,1.16,1.21)  //The monthly internal gain multiplier (same as 2008 RACM).

    #redefine Lights_hr hourval(0.023,0.019,0.015,0.017,0.021,0.031,0.042,0.041,0.034,0.029,0.027,0.025,\

          0.021,0.021,0.021,0.026,0.031,0.044,0.084,0.118,0.113,0.096,0.063,0.038)  // Changed 0.117 to 0.118 to add to 1

    #redefine OutdoorLights_hr hourval(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25)  //      

    #redefine People_hr hourval(0.035,0.035,0.035,0.035,0.035,0.059,0.082,0.055,0.027,0.014,0.014,0.014,\


             #redefine Equipment_hr hourval(0.037,0.035,0.034,0.034,0.032,0.036,0.042,0.044,0.037,0.032,0.033,0.033,\


1.   Setup the gains that are distributed across the zones per CFA of the zone and write to CSE input:  Calculations are generally more complicated in future for HERS

a.   //Lights  Returns Btu/day-CFA - based on ElectricityInteriorLights = (214+ 0.601×CFA)×(FractPortable + (1-FractPortable)×PAMInterior )  //HTM Eqn 11, p. 30

                                    #define FractPortable .22    //fixed for now, variable later for HERS

                                    #define Paminterior 0.625    //fixed for now, variable later for HERS

                                                #Redefine LightsGainperCFA (((214. + 0.601 * CFAperUnit) * (FractPortable + (1-FractPortable) * Paminterior ) * 3413. / 365) * DwellingUnits /CFA)

b.   People    Returns BTU/day-CFA - 100% is internal gain 57.3% sensible, 42.7% latent  Based on HTM and  BA existing bldgs Sensible 220, Latent 164 BTU

        #redefine PeopleperUnit (1.75 + 0.4 * BRperUnit)

        #Redefine PeopleGainperCFA ((3900/0.573) * PeopleperUnit * DwellingUnits / CFA)                   

c.   Misc Electricity  Returns BTU/day-CFA - 100% is internal gain

                                    #Redefine MiscGainperCFA ((723. + (0.706 * CFAperUnit))* DwellingUnits * 3413. / 365.)/CFA 

2.   Setup the gains that are point sources located in a particular zone and write to CSE input.  Calculations are generally more complicated in future for HERS

a.   Refrigerator.  In the HTM all Standard Design refrigerators use the same amount of electricity (669 kWh/year) regardless of the size of dwelling unit or number of bedrooms.  The proposed use is based on the energy label of the actual refrigerator installed or if that is not available the default.  For existing home HERS calculations the default is (775 kWh/year).  Refrigerators run at a constant power 24 hours per day, regardless of the interior air temperature or number of times the door is opened.

                                                Returns BTU/day - 100% is internal gain.  Installed refrigerator rating is input for proposed in HERS later

                                                #Redefine RefrigeratorGain (DwellingUnits * 669. * (3413. / 365.))

b.   Dishwasher.  0 based choose returns BTU/day  // uses Table based in INTEGER bedrooms per dwelling. 

                                                #Redefine DishwasherGain (choose (BRperUnit,90,90,126,126,126,145,145,174,174,174,default 203) * DwellingUnits * 3413. / 365.)

c.   Stove and Oven  – Assumes both are gas with electonic igniter  Returns BTU/day - Full Energy Use, 90% is internal Gain

                                                define CookGain (((31. + (.008 * CFAperUnit))* 0.43* 0.9)* DwellingUnits * 100000. / 365.)  //Added the 0.43 for the electronic ignition  12/4  BAW

d.   Clothes Washer  -   // Returns BTU/day

         #Redefine WasherGain ((-64 + 0.108 * CFAperUnit) * DwellingUnits * 3413. / 365.)

e.   Clothes Dryer  -  Assumes gas with electonic igniter  Returns BTU/day - Full energy Use, 30% is internal gain

                                                define DryerGAin (13. + (.01 * CFAperUnit))* DwellingUnits * 100000. / 365.  //Added the 0.43 for the electronic ignition  //120831

f.    Exterior Lights  Returns Btu/day - based on HTM Eqn 14

                                    #define PamExterior 0.49    //fixed for now, variable later for HERS

                                    #Redefine ExtLightGain (-81+ 0.152 × CFA)×PAMExterior * 3413. / 365)

3.   For each conditioned zone:  //Write GAIN objects inside each conditioned zone

GAIN Lights(zone)  gnPower= LightsGainperCFA*CFA(Zone)*Lights_hr*Intgain_mo  gnFrRad=0.4 gnEndUse=Lit gnMeter= Mtr_Elec  

GAIN People(zone)  gnPower= PeopleGainperCFA*CFA(Zone)*People_hr*Intgain_mo  gnFrRad=0.3 gnFrLat=0.427   // Free Energy so not metered 

GAIN Misc(zone)    gnPower= MiscGainperCFA*CFA(Zone)*Equipment_hr*Intgain_mo  gnFrRad=0.3 gnFrLat=0.03 gnEndUse=Rcp gnMeter= Mtr_Elec

Write any of the following if the source is located in this zone:

GAIN Refrigerator gnPower= RefrigeratorGain/24 gnFrRad=0 gnEndUse=Refr gnMeter= Mtr_Elec   //  No *Intgain_mo, change fro 2013 DevProg

GAIN Dishwasher gnPower= DishwasherGain*Equipment_hr*Intgain_mo gnFrRad=0 gnFrLat=0.25 gnEndUse=Dish gnMeter= Mtr_Elec    //

GAIN Cooking gnPower= CookGain*Equipment_hr*Intgain_mo gnFrRad=0 gnFrLat=0.67 gnEndUse=Cook gnMeter= Mtr_NatGas gnFrZn=.9   // 

GAIN Washer gnPower= WasherGain*Equipment_hr*Intgain_mo gnFrRad=0 gnEndUse=Wash gnMeter= Mtr_Elec    // 

GAIN Dryer gnPower= DryerGAin*Equipment_hr*Intgain_mo gnFrRad=0 gnFrLat=0.5 gnEndUse=Dry gnMeter= Mtr_NatGas gnFrZn=.3   // 

Write the following to the 1st zone only (one gain per building):

GAIN ExtLights  gnPower=  ExtLightGain*OutdoorLights_hr  gnFrZn=.0 gnEndUse=Ext gnMeter= Mtr_Elec   // outside lights, no internal gain


4.   For each unconditioned zone write the following if the source is located in this zone:  //Garage or Basement     Maybe 2nd refrigerator in garage later?

GAIN Washer gnPower= WasherGain*Equipment_hr*Intgain_mo gnFrRad=0 gnEndUse=Wash gnMeter= Mtr_Elec    // 

GAIN Dryer gnPower= DryerGAin*Equipment_hr*Intgain_mo gnFrRad=0 gnFrLat=0.5 gnEndUse=Dry gnMeter= Mtr_NatGas gnFrZn=.3   //