JA9.2    Qualification Requirements

To qualify as a low leakage air-handling unit for use for compliance with applicable performance compliance credits, the air-handling unit shall be certified to the Energy Commission according to the following requirements:

JA9.2.1 Method of Test

The air-handling unit shall be tested in accordance with the requirements given in ASHRAE Standard 193.

JA9.2.2 Testing Laboratory Requirements

The Air-Handling Unit shall be tested in a laboratory that has demonstrated compliance with ISO Standard 17025, General Criteria for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories, and is accredited for the ASHRAE Standard 193 test methods. The accreditation body shall be a signatory to the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation Mutual Recognition Arrangement (ILAC MRA) www.ilac.org.

JA9.2.3 Nominal Air-Handling Unit Airflow

The nominal air-handling unit airflow used for determining the leakage criterion for qualification shall be as follows:

(a) For heating-only systems the nominal air-handling unit airflow shall be 21.7 cfm per kBtu/hr of rated heating output capacity.

(b) For systems that provide space cooling, the nominal air-handling unit airflow shall be 400 cfm per nominal ton of cooling capacity as specified by the manufacturer, or the heating-only value, whichever is greater.

JA9.2.4 Leakage Criterion for Qualification

Allowable leakage for qualification as a Low Leakage Air-Handling Unit shall be equal to or less than 1.4 percent of the nominal air-handling unit airflow determined by Section JA9.2.3.