13.1   Overview

The following key terms and acronyms refer to important concepts in commissioning:


   BOD - Basis of Design

   Cx - Commissioning

   FPT - Functional Performance Test

   HVAC - Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning

   O&M - Operations and Maintenance

   OPR - Owner’s Project Requirements



   Acceptance Criteria - The conditions that must be met for systems or equipment to meet defined outcomes.

   Commissioning (Cx) - Building commissioning as required in this code is a quality assurance process that begins during design and continues to occupancy. Commissioning verifies that the new building and its systems are planned, designed, installed, tested, operated and maintained as the owner intended, and the building staff are prepared to operate and maintain its systems and equipment.

   Commissioning Coordinator - The person who plans, schedules and coordinates the commissioning team to implement the commissioning process. This can be either a third-party commissioning provider or an experienced member of the design team or owner’s staff.

   Commissioning Team - The people designated to provide insight and carry out tasks necessary for commissioning. Team members may include the commissioning coordinator, owner, owner’s representative, building staff, design professionals, contractors, manufacturer’s representatives, and testing specialists.

   Complex Mechanical Systems - Mechanical Systems that includes

1.    fan systems each serving multiple thermostatically controlled zones; or

2.    built-up air handler systems (non-unitary or non-packaged HVAC equipment); or

3.    hydronic or steam heating systems; or

4.    hydronic cooling systems. Complex mechanical systems are NOT the following:

a.    unitary or packaged equipment listed in Tables 110.2-A, 110.2-B, 110.2-C, and or 110.2-E that each serves one zone, or

b.    two-pipe, heating only systems serving one or more zones.

NOTE: Mechanical Systems that are not considered, “Complex” are the following:

a.    unitary or packaged equipment listed in Tables 110.2-A, 110.2-B, 110.2-C or 110.2-E that each serves one zone, or

b.    two-pipe, heating only systems serving one or more zones and is not a Complex Mechanical System

   Design Reviewer - The person who reviews the design documents to ensure the design will likely meet the OPR.

   Independent Third-Party Commissioning Professional (Authority/Agent/Provider/Lead) - An entity contracted by the owner who is not responsible or affiliated with any other member of the design and construction team. This professional leads, plans, schedules, and coordinates the commissioning team and activities.

   Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals - Documents that provide information necessary for operating and maintaining installed equipment and systems.

    Owner - The individual or entity holding title to the property on which the building is constructed.

   Owner Representative - An individual or entity assigned by the owner to act and sign on the owner’s behalf.

   Sequence of Operation - A written description of the intended performance and operation of each control element and feature of the equipment and systems.

   Scope of the Commissioning Requirements - All building systems and components covered by §110.0, §120.0, §130.0, and §140.0 must be included in the scope of the commissioning requirements, excluding covered processes.

13.1.1      Selecting Trained Personnel for Commissioning

It is important to designate one person to lead and manage the commissioning activities. This person is referred to as the commissioning coordinator in this manual. Other terms commonly used for this person are commissioning authority, agent, provider, or lead.

The commissioning coordinator must manage the commissioning process, including the development and implementation of the commissioning tasks and associated documents. Trained personnel must execute the tasks and may include members of the owner’s staff, contractors, design team, and independent commissioning professionals.

The commissioning coordinator may be an independent third-party commissioning professional, a project design team member (e.g. engineer or architect), an owner’s engineer, contractor, or specialty sub-contractor. Evaluation of the designated commissioning coordinator and trained personnel includes reviewing:

   Technical knowledge.


   Potential conflict of interest.

   Professional certifications and training.

   Communication and organizational skills.

   Reference and sample work products.