5.9  Lighting Control Installation and Acceptance Requirements – for Installers and Acceptance Test Technicians 

With the onset of the construction phase of projects, two types of documentation must be prepared for showing compliance to the Energy Code — certificate of installation and certificate of acceptance.

The following sections layout the scope of these types of certification and the related parts of the Nonresidential Appendix that contain the acceptance testing procedures. Refer to Section 5.11 for a list of certificate of installation and certificate of acceptance documents.

5.9.1      Lighting Installation Certificate Requirements (§130.4[b])

The person eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the installation or construction of features, materials, components, or manufactured devices shall sign and submit the certificate of installation for installation of the following items before any of the following applications will be recognized for compliance with the lighting requirements:

1.  Lighting Control System

2.  Energy Management Control System

3.  Interlocked lighting systems serving a single space.

4.  Lighting controls installed to earn a lighting power adjustment factor (PAF)

5.  Additional lighting wattage available for a videoconference studio

If any of the requirements in the certificate of installation are not met, that application shall not be recognized for compliance with the Energy Code.

See Section 5.11.6 for more information on certificate of installation documents.

5.9.2      Lighting Control Acceptance Requirements (§130.4[a])

Acceptance testing must be performed by a certified lighting controls acceptance test technician to certify the indoor and outdoor lighting controls serving the building, area, or site will meet the acceptance requirements.

A certificate of acceptance shall be submitted to the local enforcement agency under §10-103(a) of Part 1 and §130.4(a), that:

1.    Certifies that all of the lighting acceptance testing necessary to meet the requirements of Part 6 is completed.

2.    Certifies that the applicable procedures in Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7.6 and NA7.8 have been followed.

3.    Certifies that automatic daylight controls comply with §130.1(d) and Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7.6.1.

4.    Certifies that lighting shut off controls comply with §130.1(c)|topic=(c) Shut-OFF Controls. and Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7.6.2|topic=NA7.6.2  Shut-off Controls Acceptance Tests.

5.    Certifies that demand-responsive controls comply with §130.1(e)|topic=(e) Demand Responsive Controls. and Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7.6.3|topic=NA7.6.3  Demand Responsive Controls Acceptance Tests.

6.    Certifies that outdoor lighting controls comply with the applicable requirements of §130.2(c) and Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7.8.

7.    Certifies that lighting systems receiving the institutional tuning power adjustment factor comply with §140.6(a)2J|topic=2. Reduction of wattage through controls. and Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7.6.4|topic=NA7.6.4  Institutional Tuning Power Adjustment Factor (PAF) Acceptance Tests.