8.8  Electrical Power Distribution Systems Compliance Documents

8.8.1      Overview

This section describes the compliance documentation (compliance form[s]) required for compliance with the Energy Code requirements regarding electrical power distribution systems.

At the time a building permit application is submitted to the local enforcement agency, the applicant also submits plans and energy compliance documentation.

This section is addressed to the person preparing construction and compliance documents, and to the local enforcement agency plan checkers who are examining those documents for compliance with the Energy Code.

8.8.2      Compliance Documentation and Numbering

List of compliance documents for electrical power distribution systems is as follows; the documents are downloadable from California Energy Commission website under the “Compliance Manuals and Compliance Documents” section.

   NRCC-ELC-E, Certificate of Compliance, Electrical Power Distribution Systems

   NRCI-ELC-E, Certificate of Installation, Electrical Power Distribution Systems

   NRCA-LTI-04-A, Certificate of Acceptance, Demand Responsive Controls

A certificate of acceptance (NRCA-LTI-04-A) will be required for projects that must meet the demand responsive controlled receptacle requirements in §130.5(e) and §110.12(e). Acceptance testing for demand responsive controlled receptacles must be completed by a certified lighting controls acceptance test technician.

The following is the numbering scheme of the compliance documentation forms:

NRCC               Nonresidential Certificate of Compliance

NRCI                Nonresidential Certificate of Installation

NRCA              Nonresidential Certificate of Acceptance

ELC   Electrical power distribution systems

LTI                    Lighting, indoor

E                        Primarily used by local enforcement authority

A                       Primarily used by acceptance tester

A permit applicant should use a single compliance form for each building included in the permit application. This ensures clarity of information for the permit and plan check process. The person who is eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Profession Code to accept responsibility for the building design can sign the compliance form.