are building types in which a minimum of 90 percent of the building floor area functions as one of the following, which do not qualify as any other Building Occupancy Types more specifically defined in Section 100.1, and which do not have a combined total of more than 10 percent of the area functioning of any Nonresidential Function Areas specifically defined in Section 100.1:

Assembly Building is a building with meeting halls in which people gather for civic, social, or recreational activities. These include civic centers, convention centers and auditoriums.

Commercial and Industrial Storage Building is a building with building floor areas used for storing items.

Financial Institution Building is a building with floor areas used by an institution which collects funds from the public and places them in financial assets, such as deposits, loans, and bonds.

Industrial/Manufacturing Facility Building is a building with building floor area used for performing a craft, assembly or manufacturing operation.

Grocery Store Building is a building with building floor areas used for the display and sale of food.

Gymnasium Building is a building with building floor areas used for physical exercises and recreational sport events and activities.

Library Building is a building with building floor area used for repository of literary materials, and for reading reference such as books, periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets and prints.

Office Building is a building of CBC Group B Occupancy with building floor areas in which business, clerical or professional activities are conducted.

Parking Garage Building is a building with building floor areas used for parking vehicles, and consists of at least a roof over the parking area enclosed with walls on all sides. The building includes areas for vehicle maneuvering to reach designated parking spaces. If the roof of a parking structure is also used for parking, the section without an overhead roof is considered an outdoor parking lot instead of a parking garage.

Religious Facility Building is a building with building floor areas used for assembly of people to worship.

Restaurant Building is a building with building floor areas in which food and drink are prepared and served to customers in return for money.

Retail Store Building is a building with building floor areas used for the display and sale of merchandise except food.

School Building is a building used by an educational institution. The building floor area can include classrooms or educational laboratories, and may include an auditorium, gymnasium, kitchen, library, multi-purpose room, cafeteria, student union, or workroom. A maintenance or storage building is not a school building.

Sports Arena Building is a building with building floor areas used for public viewing of sporting events and activities. Sports arenas are classified according to the number of spectators they are able to accommodate, as follows:

Class I Facility is used for competition play for 5000 or more spectators.

Class II Facility is used for competition play for up to 5000 spectators.

Class III Facility is used for competition play for up to 2000 spectators.

Class IV Facility is normally used for recreational play and there is limited or no provision for spectators.

Motion Picture Theater Building is a building with building floor areas used for showing motion pictures to audiences.

Performance Arts Theater Building is a building with building floor areas used for showing performing arts that include plays, music or dance to audiences.