JA9.1        Purpose and Scope


Joint Appendix JA9 provides the qualification requirements for air-handling units to meet the requirements for low leakage air-handling unit compliance credit(s) available in the performance standards set forth in Title 24, Part 6, Sections 150.1(b) and 140.1. Joint Appendix JA9 is applicable to air-handling units intended for installation in ducted forced-air space conditioning systems. Joint Appendix JA9 is applicable to air-handling units that are rated by the manufacturer to move less than 3,000 cfm (1400 L/s) of air.

Air-handling unit equipment types include:

(a)  furnaces

(b)  heat pumps

(c)  air conditioners

Joint Appendix JA9 does not apply to coil boxes, filter boxes, or other duct system components that are not an integral part of the air-handling unit cabinet or enclosure certified by the manufacturer.

Joint Appendix JA9 does not apply to ducts, plenums, or other field-constructed components.