Building Commissioning Compliance forms NRCC-CXR-01-E through NRCC-CXR-05-E must be completed by all projects, regardless if the project is following the Prescriptive or Performance compliance method. Design Engineers should use the forms to document exceptions to the prescriptive requirements and how compliance will be achieved through alternate efficiency measures and best practice items. Contractors accepting the responsibilities of the engineer under the provision of the Business and Profession Code may sign the forms in place of the design engineer.
NRCC-CXR-01-E – Certificate of Compliance – Cx Design Review Kickoff
This form is used to document that the requirement to hold a design review kickoff meeting between the owner, design engineer and design reviewer has been met. The intent of the kickoff meeting is to discuss the project scope, design, project schedule, and the design reviewer’s involvement using schematic design documents, the Owner’s Project Requirements and the Basis of Design. The kickoff meeting should be held during the schematic design phase. The design reviewer will deliver the appropriate Certificates of Compliance – Cx Construction Documents to the project design team at the kickoff meeting for guidance in development of the construction documents.
A. Project Information
PROJECT NAME is the title of the project, as shown on the Code Compliance Forms.
DATE PREPARED provide the date that the form was prepared.
B. General Information
This section consists of data entry requirements, all of which are self-explanatory. Enter data as instructed:
• CLIMATE ZONE is the California Climate zone in which the project is located. See Reference Joint Appendix JA2 for a listing of climate zones.
•BUILDING TYPE is specified because code requirements and design decisions are influenced by building type. It is possible for a building to include more than one building type.
•CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA has a specific meaning under the Standards. The number entered here should match the floor area entered on the other forms.
• REVIEWER’S NAME identifies the reviewer by name.
• REVIEWER’S AGENCY identifies the agency that the reviewer is representing.
•ENFORCEMENT AGENCY identifies who has enforcement jurisdiction such as the county or city. The enforcement agency is the entity that issued the building permit.
• PERMIT NUMBER is the number issued by the enforcement agency and is located on the building permit.
C. Date of Design Review Kickoff
Provide date that the design review kickoff meeting was held.
D. Design Review Checklists Provided to Design Team
State if blank copies of the relevant construction documents design review checklists have been provided to the design team for their information. This allows the design team the opportunity to review those requirements that will be evaluated during the construction documents design review process which occurs towards the end of construction document development.
E. Design Reviewer Qualifications
This section consists of three check boxes that are used to identify the qualifications of the design reviewer based on project size and complexity of mechanical systems. Contractors accepting the responsibilities of the engineer under the provisions of the Business and Profession Code may also complete and sign these certificates. The commissioning coordinator who meets the requirements of 120.8(d) may also fill the role of design reviewer. Complete the check box for the qualification being met by the project’s design reviewer.
F. List of Meeting Attendees
Meeting attendees should be identified on this section of the form. Mechanical and/or electrical engineers may be identified under the design engineer check box.
G. Documents Received by Design Reviewer for Design Review Kickoff
Complete the check boxes and identify information received by the design reviewer prior to or during the kickoff meeting. These documents will be used to inform the design reviewer on which forms (NRCC-CXR-01-E through NRCC-CXR-05-E) will require completion at the end of design.
H. Design Review Meeting Topics
The meeting topics section identifies five areas that should be discussed between the owner, design engineer(s), design reviewer and project manager. These topics include the following:
The PROJECT SCOPE section should include a brief description of the project including topics such as type of building occupancy and function, building hours of operation, number of building occupants, and O&M requirements of staff or contracted services.
design elements and assumptions should include a description of the approach taken in designing the building’s envelope, mechanical, service hot water, and electrical systems and may reference the Basis of Design and Owner’s Project Requirements. Also included in this section are assumptions on building loads, i.e. typical versus unique or specialty plug loads.
HVAC system selection identifies the HVAC system type and the reasoning behind that selection to include items such as energy efficiency requirements, building limitations (i.e. no mechanical equipment on the roof), owner preferences, etc..
The recommended energy efficiency measureS section includes a brief discussion of efficiency measures that may be incorporated based on the OPR, BOD and discussion of project scope and HVAC system selection.
other comments includes topics such as building lighting approach and daylight harvesting, occupied period lighting controls, unoccupied egress lighting, outdoor lighting control, HVAC controls, building sustainability goals, etc.
I. Coordination
The design reviewer, owner, design engineer and project manager should coordinate on timing of the construction documents design review. The construction documents design review and completion of forms NRCC-CXR-02-E through NRCC-CXR-04-E should occur late in the construction document phase, so the timing must be coordinated such that the design engineer can review the completed forms and provide any required changes prior to the project schedule permit submittal date.
J. Signatures
The CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE is signed and dated by the owner, design engineer and design, indicating that the meeting has been held with all required participants in attendance.
NRCC-CXR-02-E – Certificate of Compliance – Cx Construction Documents - General
NRCC-CXR-02-E or the Construction Document Certificate of Compliance is the design review checklist that must be completed by all projects, regardless if the HVAC system type is complex or simple. The purpose of the form is to document that applicable code elements are included and are well-documented in the construction documents. Not all code elements are included in the checklists. Rather, the forms focus on items known to be more frequently overlooked or to contain insufficient detail. No second review of issues raised is required by the design reviewer:
A. Project Information
• PROJECT NAME is the title of the project, as shown on the Code Compliance Forms.
• DATE PREPARED provide the date that the form was prepared.
B. General Information
CLIMATE ZONE is the California Climate zone in which the project is located. See Reference Joint Appendix JA2 for a listing of climate zones.
BUILDING TYPE is specified because code requirements and design decisions are influenced by building type. It is possible for a building to include more than one building type.
CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA has a specific meaning under the Standards. The number entered here should match the floor area entered on the other forms.
REVIEWER’S NAME identifies the reviewer by name.
REVIEWER’S AGENCY identifies the agency that the reviewer is representing.
ENFORCEMENT AGENCY identifies who has enforcement jurisdiction such as the county or city. The enforcement agency is the entity that issued the building permit.
PERMIT NUMBER is the number issued by the enforcement agency and is located on the building permit.
C. Design Review Checklist
The Construction Document checklist is broken into categories of envelope, lighting, service hot water heating and HVAC Design – All Buildings, ventilation rates, demand control ventilation, economizers, duct design, acceptance and commissioning. Each measure in the checklist is identified as a mandatory, prescriptive or best practice item. There are two sections to be completed – the first three columns to the right of the measure description should be completed by the design reviewer. The next three columns to the far right are to be completed by the design engineer (referred to as designer on the form).
Design Reviewer Section: Each measure should be categorized using the following three options: 1) “Yes. Complies”, 2) “Does Not Comply”, and 3) “Consider Better Practice”. A measure may have both “Yes. Complies” and “Consider Better Practice” completed. If “Consider Better Practice” is checked, the design reviewer should identify the best practice measure that should be considered using the Notes section.
Designer Section: For those measures identified by the design reviewer as “Does Not Comply”, the designer should respond with one of the following: “Complies”, “Will Include in Next Draft”, or “Not Included – State Reason”. The notes section should also be used to clarify why a measure either complies or will not be included.
NRCC-CXR-03-E – Certificate of Compliance – Cx Construction Documents – Simple HVAC Systems
NRCC-CXR-03-E or the Construction Document – Simple HVAC Systems Certificate of Compliance is the design review checklist that must be completed by all projects that have HVAC systems that are NOT defined as Complex, per Section 100.1.
COMPLEX MECHANICAL SYSTEMS are systems that include 1) fan systems each serving multiple thermostatically controlled zones; or 2) built-up air handler systems (non-unitary or non-packaged HVAC equipment); or 3) hydronic or steam heating systems; or 4) hydronic cooling systems. Complex systems are NOT the following: (a) unitary or packaged equipment 'listed in Tables 110.2-A, 110.2-B, 110.2-C and 110.2-E that each serve one zone, or (b) two-pipe, heating only systems serving one or more zones.
For projects that have more than one system type, the CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE form applicable to each system type should be completed. In other words, if a project has a chilled water system with variable air volume air handlers serving the majority of the building and a packaged DX rooftop unit serving an individual space, both NRCC-CXR-03-E and NRCC-CXR-04-E should be completed.
A. Project Information
• PROJECT NAME is the title of the project, as shown on the Code Compliance Forms.
• DATE PREPARED provide the date that the form was prepared.
B. General Information
• CLIMATE ZONE is the California Climate zone in which the project is located. See Reference Joint Appendix JA2 for a listing of climate zones.
• BUILDING TYPE is specified because code requirements and design decisions are influenced by building type. It is possible for a building to include more than one building type.
• CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA has a specific meaning under the Standards. The number entered here should match the floor area entered on the other forms.
• REVIEWER’S NAME identifies the reviewer by name.
• REVIEWER’S AGENCY identifies the agency that the reviewer is representing.
• ENFORCEMENT AGENCY identifies who has enforcement jurisdiction such as the county or city. The enforcement agency is the entity that issued the building permit.
• PERMIT NUMBER is the number issued by the enforcement agency and is located on the building permit.
C. Design Review Checklist
The checklist is divided into the categories of Fan System design and Controls. As for the NRCC-CXR-02-E form, each measure in the checklist is identified as a mandatory, prescriptive or best practice item. There are two sections to be completed – the first three columns to the right of the measure description should be completed by the design reviewer. The next three columns to the far right are to be completed by the design engineer (referred to as designer on the form).
Design Reviewer Section: Each measure should be categorized using the following three options: 1) “Yes. Complies”, 2) “Does Not Comply”, and 3) “Consider Better Practice”. A measure may have both “Yes. Complies” and “Consider Better Practice” completed. If “Consider Better Practice” is checked, the design reviewer should identify the best practice measure that should be considered using the Notes section.
Designer Section: For those measures identified by the design reviewer as “Does Not Comply”, the designer should respond with one of the following: “Complies”, “Will Include in Next Draft”, or “Not Included – State Reason”. The notes section should also be used to clarify why a measure either complies or will not be included.
NRCC-CXR-04-E – Certificate of Compliance – Cx Construction Documents – Complex Mechanical Systems
NRCC-CXR-04-E or the Construction Document – Complex Mechanical Systems Certificate of Compliance is the construction documents design review checklist that must be completed by all projects that have HVAC systems defined as Complex, per Section 100.1.
COMPLEX MECHANICAL SYSTEMS are systems that include 1) fan systems each serving multiple thermostatically controlled zones; or 2) built-up air handler systems (non-unitary or non-packaged HVAC equipment); or 3) hydronic or steam heating systems; or 4) hydronic cooling systems. Complex systems are NOT the following: (a) unitary or packaged equipment 'listed in Tables 110.2-A, 110.2-B, 110.2-C and 110.2-E that each serve one zone, or (b) two-pipe, heating only systems serving one or more zones.
For projects that have more than one system type, the CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE form applicable to each system type should be completed. In other words, if a project has a chilled water system with variable air volume air handlers serving the majority of the building and a packaged DX rooftop unit serving an individual space, both NRCC-CXR-03-E and NRCC-CXR-04-E should be completed.
A. Project Information
• PROJECT NAME is the title of the project, as shown on the Code Compliance Forms.
• DATE PREPARED provide the date that the form was prepared.
B. General Information
• CLIMATE ZONE is the California Climate zone in which the project is located. See Reference Joint Appendix JA2 for a listing of climate zones.
• BUILDING TYPE is specified because code requirements and design decisions are influenced by building type. It is possible for a building to include more than one building type.
• CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA has a specific meaning under the Standards. The number entered here should match the floor area entered on the other forms.
• REVIEWER’S NAME identifies the reviewer by name.
• REVIEWER’S AGENCY identifies the agency that the reviewer is representing.
• ENFORCEMENT AGENCY identifies who has enforcement jurisdiction such as the county or city. The enforcement agency is the entity that issued the building permit.
• PERMIT NUMBER is the number issued by the enforcement agency and is located on the building permit.
C. Design Review Checklist
The checklist is divided into the categories fan systems, supply air temperature reset, heat rejection equipment, chillers and boilers, hydronic systems – pumping and hydronic heat pump. As for the NRCC-CXR-02-E form, each measure in the checklist is identified as a mandatory, prescriptive or best practice item. There are two sections to be completed – the first three columns to the right of the measure description should be completed by the design reviewer. The next three columns to the far right are to be completed by the design engineer (referred to as designer on the form).
Design Reviewer Section: Each measure should be categorized using the following three options: 1) “Yes. Complies”, 2) “Does Not Comply”, and 3) “Consider Better Practice”. A measure may have both “Yes. Complies” and “Consider Better Practice” completed. If “Consider Better Practice” is checked, the design reviewer should identify the best practice measure that should be considered using the Notes section.
Designer Section: For those measures identified by the design reviewer as “Does Not Comply”, the designer should respond with one of the following: “Complies”, “Will Include in Next Draft”, or “Not Included – State Reason”. The notes section should also be used to clarify why a measure either complies or will not be included.
NRCC-CXR-05-E – Certificate of Compliance – Cx Design Review Signature Page
This form documents that the required construction documents design review has been completed for the project.
A. Project Information
• PROJECT NAME is the title of the project, as shown on the Code Compliance Forms.
• DATE PREPARED provide the date that the form was prepared.
B. General Information
• CLIMATE ZONE is the California Climate zone in which the project is located. See Reference Joint Appendix JA2 for a listing of climate zones.
• BUILDING TYPE is specified because code requirements and design decisions are influenced by building type. It is possible for a building to include more than one building type.
• CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA has a specific meaning under the Standards. The number entered here should match the floor area entered on the other forms.
• REVIEWER’S NAME identifies the reviewer by name.
• REVIEWER’S AGENCY identifies the agency that the reviewer is representing.
• ENFORCEMENT AGENCY identifies who has enforcement jurisdiction such as the county or city. The enforcement agency is the entity that issued the building permit.
• PERMIT NUMBER is the number issued by the enforcement agency and is located on the building permit.
C. 120.8(d): DESIGN REVIEW
The DATE OF DESIGN REVIEW KICKOFF is the date the meeting was held with the project owner, design engineer and design reviewer. This date must be consistent with compliance form NRCC-CXR-01-E.
The owner, design engineer and design reviewer must all print, sign and date under the DESIGN REVIEW KICKOFF section to document that they participated in the kickoff meeting.
The DATE OF CONSTRUCITON DOCUMENT CHECKLIST COMPLETION is the date that forms NRCC-CXR-02-E through NRCC-CXR-04-E were completed by both the design reviewer and design engineer and presented to the owner.
The CHECKLISTS COMPLETED section checkboxes must be completed for each of the three construction documents design review checklists indicating which were completed.
A second set of signatures by the owner or owner’s representative, design engineer and design reviewer are required to indicate that all checklists were completed by both the design reviewer and the design engineer and the owner received copies of these completed forms.