9.9   Instructions for Completing Certificate of Compliance Forms

9.9.1    NRCC-SRA-01-E Certificate of Compliance – Solar Ready Areas

Project Name is the title of the project, as shown on the plans and known to the enforcement agency.

Date is the date of preparation of the compliance submittal package. It should be on or after the date of the plans, and on or before the date of the building permit application.

Project Address is the address of the project as shown on the plans and as known to the enforcement agency.

Select the appropriate Building Type that the project is classified as.

Select whether the project is New Construction or whether the project is an Addition that increases the total roof area by more than 2,000 ft2. Additions that increase the roof area by 2,000 ft2 or less are not required to meet the Solar Ready Building requirements of §110.10

Section A. Allocated Solar Zone

This section must be completed if the building is complying with all of the Solar Ready Requirements of §110.10b through §110.10d. The applicant must also submit the NRCC-SRA-02-E (Minimum Solar Zone Area Worksheet) to show how the building’s minimum solar zone area and proposed solar zone area were calculated.

Enter the Minimum Solar Zone Area calculated in the NRCC-SRA-02-E Worksheet in units of square feet.

Enter the Proposed Solar Zone Area calculated in the NRCC-SRA-02-E Worksheet in units of square feet.

If the Proposed Solar Zone Area is greater than or equal to the Minimum Solar Zone Area and all other interconnection pathway and documentation requirements have been met, the building complies.

Section B. Permanently Installed Solar Photovoltaic System

This section must be completed if the building is claiming Exception 1 to §110.10(b)1B by permanently installing a solar photovoltaic system with a nameplate DC power rating of no less than 1 w/ft2 of roof area. By claiming this exception, the building is also waived from having to meet the requirements in §110.10(c) and Section 110.10(d). A copy of the NRCI-SPV-01-E (Certificate of Installation – Solar Photovoltaic System) must be submitted as a condition of final approval.

Enter the Total Roof Area in units of square feet.

Calculate the Minimum DC Power Rating of the solar photovoltaic system in units of watts. The Minimum DC Power Rating is calculated by multiplying the Total Roof Area by 1 (watt/ft2).

Select ‘Yes’ if the building will have a permanently installed solar photovoltaic system that meets or exceeds the Minimum DC Power Rating. If the building’s solar photovoltaic system DC Power Rating does not exceed the Minimum DC Power Rating, then the building cannot claim this exception.

Section C. Permanently Installed Solar Water Heating System

This section must be completed if the building is claiming Exception 2 to §110.10(b)1B by permanently installing a domestic solar water heating system. By claiming this exception, the building is also waived from having to meet the requirements in §110.10(c) and §110.10(d). A copy of the NRCI-STH-01-E (Certificate of Installation – Solar Water Heating System) must be submitted as a condition of final approval of the building.

Will there be a permanently installed solar water heating system. Answer Yes or No. If the answer is yes, then a copy of the NRCI-STHV-01-E (Certificate of Installation – Solar Water Heating System) must be submitted as a condition of final approval. If the answer is no, then Solar Ready Building requirements must be met using a different approach.

Will the permanently installed solar water heating system have a solar savings fraction equal to or greater than 0.2 if installed in climate zones 1 through 9 and or 0.35 if installed in climate zones 10 through 16. Answer Yes or No.

Enter the Annual Solar Savings Fraction and the method used to calculate that value.

Section D. Thermostats and High Efficacy Lighting

This section must completed if the building is claiming Exception 4 to §110.10(b)1B by installing smart thermostats and high efficacy lighting.

The building is a high rise multifamily with ten habitable stories or fewer? Check Yes or No.

The building will have thermostats that meet the requirements of Reference Joint Appendix JA5 and are capable of receiving and responding to Demand Response Signals prior to granting of an occupancy permit. Answer Yes or No.

The building will have installed luminaires that are classified as high efficacy. Answer Yes or No.

Section E. Roof is Designed for Vehicular Traffic, Parking, or a Heliport

This section must be completed if the building is claiming Exception 5 to §110.10(b)1B by having the roof be used for vehicular traffic, parking or a heliport.

Will the roof be designed and approved to be used for vehicular traffic, parking or a heliport. Answer Yes or No.

Provide a Building Plan Reference where additional information can be found about the building roof design.

The documentation author is the person who prepares the Title 24 Part 6 compliance document that must subsequently be reviewed and signed by a responsible person (see below) in order to certify compliance with Part 6. Subject to the requirements of §10-103(a)1 and §10-103(a)2, the person who prepares the Certificate of Compliance documents (documentation authors) shall sign a declaration statement on the documents they prepare to certify the information provided on the documentation is accurate and complete.

A documentation author may have additional certifications such as an Energy Analyst certification number. Enter number in the EA# box, if applicable.

The person’s telephone number is given to facilitate response to any questions that arise.

Responsible Person’s Declaration Statement

The “responsible person” signing the Certificate of Compliance is required to be eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design, to certify conformance with Part 6. If more than one person has responsibility for the building design, each person (such as an eligible lighting designer) shall sign the Certificate of Compliance document(s) applicable to that portion of the design for which the person is responsible. Alternatively, the person with chief responsibility for the building design shall prepare and sign the Certificate of Compliance document(s) for the entire building design.


9.9.2    NRCC-SRA-02-E – Minimum Solar Zone Area Worksheet

Project Name is the title of the project, as shown on the plans and known to the enforcement agency.

Date is the date of preparation of the compliance submittal package. It should be on or after the date of the plans, and on or before the date of the building permit application.

Project Address is the address of the project as shown on the plans and as known to the enforcement agency.

Select the Total Roof Area. Answer <10,000 ft2 or > 10,000 ft2.

Select whether the project is New Construction or whether the project is an Addition that increases the total roof area by more than 2,000 ft2. Additions that increase the roof area by 2,000 ft2 or less are not required to meet the Solar Ready Building requirements of §110.10.

Step 1. Determine the Minimum Solar Zone Area

The Minimum Solar Zone Area can be determined using one of two methods. The first method can be used when there is no shading that obstructs the building roof area. The second method can be used if the building is trying to reduce the required minimum solar zone area based on Exception 3 to §110.10(b)1B.

Method 1: Minimum Solar Zone Area Based on Total Roof Area

For New Construction, enter the total roof area of the building or for Additions, enter the total roof area added to the building in Box A.

For New Construction, enter the total area of the roof covered by skylights or for Additions, enter the total area of the new roof covered by skylights in Box B.

Calculate the Minimum Solar Zone Area in Box C using the formula:

Box C  = 0.15 x (Box A – Box B)

Method 2: Minimum Solar Zone Area Based on Potential Solar Zone

Describe the method or tool used to quantify the annual solar access

Enter the area of low-sloped roof (ratio of rise to run is less than 2:12) where the annual solar access is 70% or greater in Box D.

Enter the area of steep-sloped roof (ratio of rise to run is greater than 2:12) where the annual solar access is 70% or greater in Box E.

Calculate the Minimum Solar Zone Area in Box F using the formula:

Box F = 0.5 x (Box D + Box E)

Enter the Minimum Solar Zone Area in Box G, depending on whether Method 1 or Method 2 was used to calculate the value.



Step 2. Allocated Solar Zone Subareas

This section must be completed to determine the proposed solar zone area of the building which must meet or exceed the minimum solar zone area calculated in Step 1.

Label each roof or overhang subarea with a unique ID number in Box H.

Provide a building plan reference where the subarea can be reviewed in Box I.

In Box J, answer Yes or No whether the solar zone subarea is located on a low or steep-sloped section of the roof.

If the subarea is located on a steep-sloped roof, select whether the subarea is oriented between 110 and 270 degrees in Box K. If the steep-sloped roof area in not oriented in between 110 and 270 degrees, it cannot be included in the roof area used to meet the Solar Ready requirements.

In Box L, answer Yes or No whether the subarea will comply with all access, pathway, smoke ventilation and spacing requirements described in the California Fire Code. If the subarea does not comply with these requirements, it cannot be in the roof area used to meet the Solar Ready requirements.

In Box M, answer Yes or No whether the subarea is free from on-roof shading obstructions. If there is an obstruction located in the subarea, it cannot be in the roof area total used to meet the Solar Ready requirements.

In Box N, answer Yes or No whether the subarea is located an appropriate distance from all on and off-roof obstruction.

In Box O, answer Yes or No whether the smallest dimension of the subarea is five feet or greater. A subarea with a dimension less than five feet cannot be used in to meet the Solar Ready requirements.

In Box P, answer Yes or No whether the subarea meets the minimum area requirement. For a building with a roof area < 10,000 ft2, the minimum size of a subarea is 80 ft2 for buildings with roof area > 10,000 ft2, the minimum size is 160 ft2.

In Box Q, answer Yes or No, whether the subarea qualifies.

In Box R, enter the roof subarea in units of square feet.

In Box S, take a sum of all of the qualified subareas.

Check the Box if the building complies with the Minimum Solar Zone Area Requirement. This box can only be checked if the value in Box S meets or exceeds the value in Box G.

The “documentation author” is the person who prepares a Title 24 Part 6 compliance document that must subsequently be reviewed and signed by a responsible person (see below) in order to certify compliance with Part 6. Subject to the requirements of §10-103(a)1 and §10-103(a)2, the person who prepares the Certificate of Compliance documents (documentation authors) shall sign a declaration statement on the documents they prepare to certify the information provided on the documentation is accurate and complete.

A documentation author may have additional certifications such as an Energy Analyst certification number. Enter number in the EA# box, if applicable.

The person’s telephone number is given to facilitate response to any questions that arise.

Responsible Person’s Declaration Statement

The “responsible person” signing the Certificate of Compliance is required to be eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design, to certify conformance with Part 6. If more than one person has responsibility for the building design, each person (such as an eligible lighting designer) shall sign the Certificate of Compliance document(s) applicable to that portion of the design for which the person is responsible. Alternatively, the person with chief responsibility for the building design shall prepare and sign the Certificate of Compliance document(s) for the entire building design.