14.4   Changes to Acceptance Test Requirements for the 2022 Energy Code

14.4.1      Building Envelope §110.6:

   No changes

14.4.2      Mechanical Systems and Equipment §120.5:

   New Acceptance Test:

Central Ventilation System Duct Leakage Acceptance for multifamily projects

Central Ventilation System HRV or ERV for multifamily projects

   Major Modifications:

All acceptance test form were updated to comply with accessibility requirements.

Acceptance test for DOAS, HRV, ERV added to economizer acceptance test (NA7.5.4)

ATT as an alternative to the technician-HERS Rater verification process was added as an option to four acceptance tests for multifamily low-rise projects:

§ Dwelling Unit Ventilation

    Indoor air quality airflow (supply, exhaust, or balanced) system

    Kitchen exhaust fan

    DOAS, HRV, or ERV system

§ Multifamily Envelope Leakage

   Minor Clarifications

o Revised references to reflect the new multifamily section in the Energy Code.

14.4.3      Lighting Controls

   New Acceptance Tests:

o Demand responsive controlled receptacles (NA7.6.5, NRCA-LTI-04-A)

   Major Modifications:

o Lighting controls installed in multifamily common use areas require acceptance testing per §160.5(e) .

o An alternative partial daylight test has been added to address stakeholder concerns with the feasibility of using the current partial daylight test in all conditions, particularly in daylit spaces with dark glazing or small window areas (NA7.6.1.4).

o An alternative demand responsive controls testing procedure has been added to allow testing for the entire facility at once provided that the lighting load is disaggregated from other end use loads (NA7.

o A new testing procedure has been added for multi-zone occupant sensing controls in offices larger than 250 square feet (NA7.6.2.4).

o Addition of sampling procedures for outdoor photocontrols acceptance testing (NA7.8.3.2).

   Minor Clarifications:

o Added specific items to verify during the construction inspection to improve clarity and align with Energy Code requirements

o Reorganize testing procedure steps to improve clarity and align testing procedures with how testing is conducted in the field.

o The institutional tuning acceptance testing procedures were relocated to NA7.6.4 from NA7.7.5.

o Added clarification on testing procedures for partial on, partial off, and vacancy sensing controls.

14.4.4      Covered Process Systems and Equipment

   New Acceptance Tests:

o Transcritical CO2 system acceptance for refrigerated warehouses and commercial refrigeration (NA7.20.1|topic=NA7.20.1  Transcritical CO2 Gas Cooler and Gas Cooler Fan Motor Variable Speed Control for Refrigerated Warehouses and Commercial Refrigeration).

o Compressed air system monitoring acceptance (NA7.13.2, NRCA-PRC-01-F)

o Steam trap fault detection acceptance (NA7.19, NRCA-PRC-17-F)

   Major Modifications: None.

   Minor Clarifications: None.