NA7.19    Steam Trap Fault Detection Acceptance Tests

NA7.19.1 Steam Trap Fault Detection

Acceptance tests for steam trap fault detection in accordance with Section 120.6(i).

NA7.19.1.1   Construction Inspection

Verify and document the following steam trap system capabilities prior to functional testing:

a)   Distribution system steam trap arrangement and connected steam line operating pressure subject to 120.6(i) were installed as designed including the presence of monitoring equipment, strainer, and blow-off valve.

b)   Visual confirmation of the central steam trap monitoring system installation, operation and programmed as designed.

c)   Confirm the central steam trap monitoring system displays status of all installed steam trap sensors with a descriptive label or cross-references to a look-up table with location of sensor.

NA7.19.1.2   Functional Testing

For steam systems with up to seven (7) steam traps required to have fault detection in accordance with Section 120.6(i), all steam traps would be tested. For steam systems with more than seven (7) steam traps; sampling would include a minimum of 1 steam trap for each group of up to 7 additional steam traps. If the first steam trap in the sample group passes the acceptance test, the remaining steam traps in the sample group also pass. If the first steam trap in a sample group fails, the rest of the steam traps in that group must be tested. If any tested steam trap fault detection sensor fails it must be repaired, replaced, or adjusted until it passes the test.

For each fault detection sensor, test the following:

Step 1: Identify the status of the steam trap and note if the steam line is operational or non-operational at the time of the functional test.

Step 2: Confirm that central steam trap monitoring system is receiving a signal that reflects the status of the steam trap.

Step 3: Generate a fault at the steam trap sensor for each tested steam trap.

Step 4: Verify that the central steam trap monitoring system detects the fault and reports the fault detection to the operator.

Step 5: Reconnect steam trap sensor and verify the fault detection sensor is communicating with the central steam trap monitoring system.

Step 6: Verify that central steam trap monitoring system does not report a fault.