Addition and alteration compliance is based on standards §150.2. Alterations must model the entire dwelling unit. Additionally, if there is no addition the standards require at least two components of the residence are altered (see 150.2(b)2). Additions may be modeled as an entirely new building (whole building), addition alone, or as “existing+addition+alteration”.
The entire proposed building, including all additions and/or alterations, is modeled the same as a newly constructed building. The building complies if the proposed design uses equal or less energy than the standard design. This is a difficult standard to meet as the existing building usually does not meet current standards and must be substantively upgraded.
The proposed addition alone is modeled the same as a newly constructed building except that the internal gains are prorated to the size of the dwelling and any surfaces such as walls or ceilings that are between the existing building and the addition are modeled not included in the calculations. The addition complies if the proposed design uses equal or less space heating and space cooling TDV energy than the standard design.
The Addition Alone Approach shall not be used when alterations to the existing building are proposed. Modifications to any surfaces between the existing building and the addition are part of the addition and are not considered alterations.
Proposed Design
The user shall indicate that an addition alone is being modeled and enter the conditioned floor area of the addition. Any surfaces that are between the existing building and the addition are not modeled or treated as an adiabatic surfaces. All other features of the addition shall be modeled as for a newly constructed building.
When an existing HVAC system is extended to serve the addition, the proposed design shall assume the same efficiency for the HVAC equipment as the standard design (or Package A, see Section 2.4.1). When a dual-glazed greenhouse or garden window is installed in an addition or alteration, the proposed design U-factor can be assumed to be 0.32.
Standard Design
The addition alone is modeled the same as newly constructed building.
Standards §150.2(a)2 and (b)2 contain the provisions for additions and alterations to be modeled by including the existing building in the calculations. This is called the “Existing + Addition + Alteration” (or “E+A+A”) performance approach.
The proposed design is modeled by identifying each energy feature as part of the existing building, the addition, or an alteration. The compliance software uses this information to create an E+A+A standard design in accordance with the rules in the standards that take into account whether altered components meet or exceed the threshold at which point they receive a compliance credit and whether any measures are triggered by altering a given component. For example, when replacing or adding an air handler, outdoor condensing unit of a split system, or cooling or heating coil, the prescriptive requirements include duct leakage testing to 15%.
For building surfaces and systems designated below, all compliance software must provide an input field with labels for the proposed design which define how the standard design requirements are established, based on the option selected by the software user:
• Existing: remains unchanged within the proposed design.
• Altered: the surface or system is being altered in the proposed design. No verification of existing conditions is performed.
• Verified and Altered: the surface or system is being altered in the proposed design and the original condition is verified by a HERS rater.
• New: a new surface or system is added in the proposed design (typically part of the addition, but may be in the existing building).
Features being removed are not included in the proposed design.
When the standard design requirements for existing, altered and new are identical for a particular input, this section uses the term “all”.
The compliance software user shall indicate that an existing + addition + alteration is being modeled and select the correct tag for each surface or system. Features to be altered must be paired with an existing feature. The compliance documentation shall clearly indicate each tag .
The user chooses whether the project is run “Without” or “With Third Party Verification” of an existing condition (see §150.2, Table 150.2-B):
• Without Third Party Verification of Existing Conditions (the default selection). This compliance path does not require an on-site inspection of existing conditions prior to the start of construction. The software ignores the specific attributes of the existing condition, and automatically sets the standard design based solely on the type of surface or system being altered and the climate zone. Energy compliance credit is a function of the difference between the value for that specific feature allowed in Table 150.2-B and the modeled/installed efficiency of the feature. This path is the default user selection.
The existing condition for altered features may be left undefined since the software uses Table 150.1-B to set the standard design.
Example: an existing 2x4 wood frame exterior wall with no insulation is upgraded to include R-15 cavity insulation. The standard design is based on R-13 cavity insulation (U=0.102), the mandatory minimum insulation requirement, and the proposed R-15 in the walls receives an energy credit for the difference between R-13 and R-15.
• With Third Party Verification of Existing Conditions. This
compliance path requires that a HERS Rater perform an on-site inspection of pre-alteration
conditions prior to registration of the performance Certificate of Compliance by
the HERS Provider Data Registry. If an altered component or system
meets or exceeds the prescriptive alteration requirements, the compliance
software uses the existing condition as the standard design value. Energy
compliance credit is then based on the difference between the verified existing
condition for that altered feature and the modeled/installed efficiency of the
proposed design.
The HERS Rater verifies only those existing features that are
being altered for compliance credit and used to set the standard design. A
summary of the existing measures to be verified are listed on a special Verification of
Existing Conditions form (CF3R-20-H) which can be downloaded by the HERS Rater
from the HERS
Provider website.
In this approach, the existing condition for
altered features must be defined by the user since that is used to set the
standard design.
Using the same example as above, the standard design is
the existing uninsulated wall, and the energy compliance credit is based on the
difference between the R-0 wall and the proposed R-15 wall.
Details on the verification of existing conditions are contained in the Residential Compliance Manual, Appendix G. Roof/Ceilings
Standard Design
The standard design roof/ceiling construction assembly is based on the proposed design assembly type as shown in Table 2-23.
Proposed Design Roof/Ceiling Types |
Standard Design Based on Proposed Roof/Ceiling Status (Tag) | |||
Addition or New Construction |
ALTERED Without 3rd Party Verification |
VERIFIED ALTERED With 3rd Party Verification |
Ceilings Below Attics |
CZ1 & 11-16: R-38 between 2x wood framing, 24”
o.c. |
R-30 between 2x wood framing, 24” o.c. |
If Proposed is U-factor <= Altered, standard
design = Existing roof/ ceiling. |
Existing Roof/Ceiling |
Non-Attic (Cathedral) |
CZ1 & 11-16: R-38 between 2x wood framing, 24”
o.c. |
R-30 between 2x wood framing, 24” o.c. R-19 if proposed is R-19 |
If proposed is U-factor <= Altered, standard
design = Existing Roof/Ceiling or 0.054 (whichever is higher). |
Existing Roof/Ceiling |
Radiant Barrier |
CZ2-15: Radiant Barrier CZ1&16: No Radiant Barrier |
Existing radiant barrier condition |
Existing radiant barrier condition (Y/N) |
Existing Radiant Barrier condition (Y/N) |
Roofing Surface |
Low Sloped (< 2:12), CZ13&15: Reflectance=0.63 & Emittance=0.75 or SRI=75 Steep Sloped (> 2:12), |
Same as Addition. |
Existing roof surface. |
Existing Roof Surface | Exterior
Proposed Design
Existing structures being converted to conditioned space using an E+A+A approach are allowed to show compliance using R-11 wall insulation, without having to upgrade to R-13 mandatory insulation requirements. The walls are modeled as an assembly with R-11 insulation.
Standard Design
The areas, orientation and tilt of existing, new and altered net exterior wall areas (with windows and doors subtracted) are the same in the existing and addition portions of standard design as the proposed design.
If the proposed wall area is framed, the gross exterior wall area (excluding knee walls) is equally divided between the four building orientations: front, left, back and right. The gross exterior wall area of any unframed walls is also equally divided between the four orientations in the standard design.
The standard design exterior wall construction assembly is based on the proposed design assembly type as shown in Table 2-24.
Proposed Design Exterior Wall Assembly Type |
Standard Design Values Based on Proposed Wall Status (Tag) | |||
Addition or New Construction |
ALTERED Without 3rd Party Verification |
VERIFIED ALTERED With 3rd Party Verification |
Above Grade, |
R-15 cavity insulation in 2x4 16” o.c. wood frame + R-4 exterior continuous insulation |
R-13 cavity insulation in 2x4 16” o.c. wood frame |
If proposed U-factor is <= Altered,
standard design = existing wall. |
Existing Wall |
Above & Below Grade, |
CZ1-15: R-13 cavity insulation in 2x4 16” o.c. wood frame inside 8” CMU heavy weight solid grout CZ16: R-13 cavity insulation in 2x4 16” o.c. wood frame + R-4 continuous insulation inside 8” CMU heavy weight solid grout |
If proposed U-factor is <= Addition, standard
design = existing wall. |
Pre-alteration |
Existing Wall |
Above Grade, Mass Wall, |
CZ1-15: R-8 continuous insulation outside of 8” CMU heavy weight solid grout CZ16: R-13 cavity insulation in 2x4 16” o.c. wood frame outside of 8” CMU heavy weight solid grout |
If proposed U-factor is <= Addition, standard
design = existing wall. |
Pre-alteration |
Existing Wall |
Below Grade, Mass Wall, |
CZ1-13: R-5 continuous insulation outside of 8” CMU heavy weight solid grout CZ14-15: R-10 continuous insulation outside of 8” CMU heavy weight solid grout CZ16: R-19 cavity insulation in 2x6 16”o.c. frame outside of 8” CMU heavy weight solid grout |
If proposed U-factor is <= Addition, standard
design = existing wall. |
Pre-alteration |
Existing Wall |
Framed Wall Adjacent to Unconditioned |
R-15 cavity insulation in 2x4 16” o.c. wood frame |
R-13 cavity insulation in 2x4 16”o.c. wood frame |
Pre-alteration |
Existing Wall | Fenestration
Proposed Design Fenestration Type |
Standard Design Based on Proposed Fenestration Status (Tag) | |||
Addition or New Construction |
ALTERED Without 3rd Party Verification |
VERIFIED ALTERED With 3rd Party Verification |
| |
Vertical Glazing: |
If total proposed fenestration area <= 20% of CFA, total standard design area = total proposed area divided equally between the four building orientations. If total proposed area is > 20% of CFA, standard design = 20% divided equally between the four building orientations. |
See full description below, “E+A+A standard design Fenestration Areas and Orientation”. |
Same respective areas and orientations as in Altered.
Existing vertical glazing |
Vertical Glazing: |
If proposed U-factor is <= Altered, standard design = existing U-factor. If proposed U-factor > Altered, standard design = Altered |
Existing vertical glazing
Vertical Glazing: SHGC |
CZ2, 4, 6 -16: SHGC=0.25 |
CZ2, 4 & 6-16: CZ1,3 & 5: SHGC = 0.66 |
If proposed SHGC is <= Altered, standard design = existing SHGC. If proposed SHGC > Altered, standard design = Altered |
Existing vertical glazing |
Skylight: |
No skylight area in the standard design |
See full description below, “E+A+A standard design Fenestration Areas and Orientation”. |
Same respective areas and orientations as in Altered.
Existing skylight |
Skylight: U-Factor |
U=0.55 |
If proposed U-factor is <= Altered, standard design = existing U-factor. If proposed U-factor > Altered, standard design = Altered |
Existing skylight |
Skylight: SHGC |
CZ2, 4, 6 -16: SHGC=0.25 |
If proposed SHGC is <= Altered, standard design = existing SHGC. If proposed SHGC > Altered, standard design = Altered |
skylight |
Proposed Design
Fenestration areas are modeled in the addition as new. In the existing building they may be existing, altered or new. Altered (replacement) fenestration is defined in §150.2(b)1.B as “existing fenestration area in an existing wall or roof [which is] replaced with a new manufactured fenestration product...Up to the total fenestration area removed in the existing wall or roof....“ Added fenestration area in an existing wall or roof is modeled as new.
Example: A 5’-0” x 6’-8” (33.33 ft2) single pane metal frame sliding door is replaced with a 6’-0” x 6’-8” (40.0 ft2) dual vinyl low-e sliding door. Since the new glass sliding door replaces the full area of the existing glass sliding door, an altered glass door is modeled with an area of 33.33 ft2, and a new glass door is modeled with an area of (40.0 - 33.33) = 6.67 ft2.
Standard Design
Standard design fenestration area, orientation, U-factor and SHGC are based on the proposed design fenestration as shown in Table 2-25. Vertical glazing includes all fenestration in exterior walls such as windows, clerestories and glazed doors. Skylights include all glazed openings in roofs and ceilings.
The standard design is set for fenestration areas and orientations as:
1. Proposed design < 20% total fenestration area:
In the existing building, the standard design uses the same area and orientation of each existing or altered fenestration area (in its respective existing or altered wall or roof.)
In the addition, new fenestration is divided equally between the four project compass points similar to new gross wall areas in the addition described above.
2. Proposed design > 20% total fenestration area:
The standard design first calculates the allowed total fenestration area as follows total existing and altered fenestration area in existing or altered walls and roofs + 20% of the addition conditioned floor area.
Example: An existing 2,000 sf house is undergoing alterations and a 400-ft2 addition. The existing portion of the house has a total of 560 ft2 (28%) of windows, glazed doors and skylights that are existing (unchanged) or altered (replaced) within the exterior walls and roofs to remain. Therefore:
Standard design = 560 + (0.20 x 400) = 560 + 80 = 640 ft2
The standard design is based on 640 ft2 of glazing divided among the 4 building surfaces.
Overhangs, Sidefins and Other
Exterior Shading
Standard Design
The standard design for a proposed building with overhangs, sidefins and/or other exterior shades is shown in Table 2-26. Treated differently than fixed overhangs and sidefins, exterior shading includes such features as exterior woven or louvered sunscreen, or roll-down awnings or slats as explained in Section
Proposed Design |
Standard Design Based on Proposed Shading Status (Tag) | |||
Addition or New Construction |
ALTERED Without 3rd Party Verification |
VERIFIED ALTERED With 3rd Party Verification |
Overhangs and Sidefins |
No overhangs or sidefins on new fenestration in the standard design. |
Standard design uses whatever overhangs and sidefins are defined with the altered fenestration. |
Same as Altered. |
Existing overhangs and sidefins |
Exterior Shading |
No exterior shading except default (standard) bug screens. |
Standard design uses whatever exterior shading is defined as part of the altered fenestration. |
Existing exterior shading | |
No exterior shading except default (standard) bug screens. |
Standard design uses whatever exterior shading is defined as part of the altered fenestration. |
Existing exterior shading | Window
Proposed Design
A window film is treated as a window replacement for the SHGC value. To determine the SHGC value, use Table 2-27 to calculate the adjusted SHGC value for the program input. If a window film does not have a 10-year warranty, multiply column 3 by column 4 (ignore column 5) and enter the adjusted SHGC value into the software for the window’s altered SHGC value. If a window film has a 10-year warranty, the multiplier in Column 4 is used with the NFRC value in column 5 (ignore column 3) and enter the adjusted SHGC value into the software for the window’s altered SHGC value. It shall be treated as a window replacement.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Operator Type |
Default Glazing Reference |
Default SHGC Value Table 110.6-B |
SHGC Ratio |
NFRC Window Film SHGC |
New Adjusted Total Value |
Fixed |
3 mm (1/8in.) clear (Single Pane) |
0.83 |
1.1528 |
x |
= |
Fixed |
3 mm (1/8in.) clear (Double Pane - Clear) |
0.73 |
1.1406 |
x |
= |
Window Wall |
6 mm (1/4in.) clear (Single Pane - Clear) |
0.83 |
1.1370 |
x |
= |
Window Wall |
6 mm (1/4in.) grey (Single Pane - Tinted) |
0.68 |
1.3077 |
x |
= |
Window Wall |
6 mm (1/4in.) clear (Double Pane - Clear) |
0.73 |
1.1587 |
x |
= |
Window Wall |
6 mm (1/4in.) grey 6 mm (1/4in.) clear (Double Pane - Tinted) |
0.60 |
1.4634 |
x |
= |
| Floors
Standard Design
The standard design for floors is shown in Table 2-28.
Proposed Design |
Standard Design Based on Proposed Floor Status (Tag) | |||
Addition or New Construction |
ALTERED Without 3rd Party Verification |
VERIFIED ALTERED With 3rd Party Verification |
| |
Raised Floor
R-19 cavity insulation in 2x6 16” o.c. raised floor |
R-19 cavity insulation in 2x6 16” o.c. raised floor |
If proposed U-factor is <= Altered,
standard design = existing raised floor. |
Existing Raised Floor over Crawl or Open |
Slab-on-Grade: Unheated |
CZ1-15: Un-insulated slab edge CZ16: R-7 16” vertical slab edge |
Standard design = |
Existing unheated slab-on-grade | |
Slab-on-Grade: Heated, Vertical Insulation |
CZ1-15: R-5 16” vertical slab edge insulation CZ 16: R-10 16” vertical slab edge insulation |
Standard design = |
Existing heated slab-on-grade | |
Raised Concrete Slab |
CZ1,2,11,13,14,16: R-8 |
Standard design =
Existing raised concrete slab
| Thermal
Standard Design
The standard design for thermal mass in Existing + Addition + Alteration calculations is the same as for all newly constructed buildings as explained in Section Air Leakage and Infiltration
Standard Design air leakage and infiltration
The standard design for space conditioning systems is shown in Table 2-29.
Proposed Air Leakage |
Standard Design Air Leakage Based on Building Type | |||
Addition or New Construction |
ALTERED Without 3rd Party Verification |
VERIFIED ALTERED With 3rd Party Verification |
Single Family Buildings |
5 ACH50 |
5 ACH50 |
Diagnostic testing of existing ACH50 value by HERS Rater or 7.0 ACH50, whichever is less |
5 ACH50 |
Multi-Family Buildings |
7 ACH50 |
7 ACH50 |
7 ACH50 | Space Conditioning
Standard Design
The standard design for space conditioning systems is shown in Table 2-30.
Proposed Design |
Standard Design Based on Proposed Space Conditioning Status (Tag) | |||
Addition or New Construction |
ALTERED Without 3rd Party Verification |
VERIFIED ALTERED With 3rd Party Verification |
Heating System: Compliance 2014 |
See Section 2.4 based on fuel source and equipment type. |
Same as Addition. |
Existing heating fuel type, equipment type/efficiency. | |
Heating System: Compliance 2015 |
See Section 2.4 and 2015 Federal Appliance Stds based on fuel source and equipment type. |
Same as Addition. |
Existing heating fuel type and equipment type/efficiency. | |
Cooling System: Compliance 2014 |
See Section 2.4 on equipment type.
Same as Addition. |
Existing cooling equipment type/efficiency. | |
Cooling System: Compliance 2015 |
See Section 2.4 2015 Federal
Appliance Stds based on equipment type. |
Same as Addition. |
Existing cooling equipment type/efficiency. | |
Whole House Fan (WHF) applies only if addition > 1,000 ft2 |
CZ8-14: Whole House Fan in New Single Family only; 2.0 cfm/sf |
Same as Addition. |
Existing condition. To count as Existing the WHF must be >= 2.0 cfm/sf and be CEC-rated | Duct
Standard Design
Proposed Design |
Standard Design Based on Proposed Duct System Status (Tag) | |||
Addition or New Construction |
ALTERED Without 3rd Party Verification |
VERIFIED ALTERED With 3rd Party Verification |
| |
All |
CZ 1-10, 12: Duct insulation R-6 and duct sealing <= 6% CZ 11, 14-16: Duct insulation
Proposed duct R-value and duct leakage of 15%. |
Existing duct R-value and duct leakage of 15%. |
Note 1: Refer to section 150.2(b)1Diia for definition of an “Entirely New or Complete Replacement Duct System”. Water Heating
Standard Design
Proposed Design |
Standard Design Based on Proposed Water Heating Status (Tag) | |||
Addition or New Construction |
ALTERED Without 3rd Party Verification |
VERIFIED ALTERED With 3rd Party Verification |
Single Family |
Package A water heating system (see Section 2.10). |
Same as Addition. |
Existing water heater type(s), efficiency, distribution system. | |
Multi-family: Individual Water Heater for Each Dwelling Unit |
Package A water heating system for each dwelling unit (see Section 2.10). |
Same as Addition. |
Existing water heater type(s), efficiency, distribution system | |
Multi-family: Central Water Heating System |
Central water heating system per Section 2.10 |
Same as Addition. |
Existing water heater type(s), efficiency, distribution system |