Additions to existing residential buildings shall meet the requirements of Sections 110.0 through 110.9 and Section 150.0(a) through (q), and either Section 150.2(a)1 or 2.
EXCEPTION 1 to Section 150.2(a): Additions 1,000 square feet or less are exempt from the ASHRAE Standard 62.2 Section 4 requirements to provide whole-building ventilation airflow as referenced by Section 150.0(o), however all other applicable requirements of ASHRAE Standard 62.2 as referenced by Section 150.0(o) shall be met by the addition.
EXCEPTION 2 to Section 150.2(a): Additions of 300 square feet or less are exempt from the roofing requirements of Section 150.1(c)11
EXCEPTION 3 to Section 150.2(a): Existing inaccessible piping shall not require insulation as defined under Section 150.0(j)2Aiii.
EXCEPTION 4 to Section 150.2(a): Space-Conditioning System. When heating or cooling will be extended to an addition from the existing system(s), the existing heating and cooling equipment need not comply with Part 6. The heating system capacity must be adequate to meet the minimum requirements of CBC Section 1204.1.
EXCEPTION 5 to Section 150.2(a): Space-Conditioning System Ducts. When ducts are extended from an existing duct system to serve the addition, the existing duct system and the extended ducts shall meet the applicable requirements specified in Section 150.2(b)1D.
EXCEPTION 6 to Section 150.2(a): Additions 1,000 square feet or less are exempt from the Ventilation Cooling requirements of Section 150.1(c)12.
1. Prescriptive approach.. |t|topic=§
150.2(a)1. – Related Topics
Additions to existing buildings shall meet the following additional requirements:
Additions that are greater than 700 square feet shall meet the prescriptive
requirements of Section 150.1(c), except that the maximum allowed fenestration area shall be the greater of
175 square feet or 20 percent of the addition floor area, and the maximum
allowed west-facing fenestration area shall be the greater of 70 square
feet or the requirements of Section 150.1(c).
B. Additions that are 700 square feet or less shall meet all the requirements of Section 150.1(c) except that the wall insulation value need not exceed R-13. In Climate Zones 2, 4 and 6-16; the maximum allowed west-facing fenestration area shall not be greater than 60 square feet; and shall also comply with either i or ii below:
i. For additions that are 700 square feet or less but greater than 400 square feet, the maximum allowed fenestration area limit is the greater of 120 square feet or 25 percent of the conditioned floor area of the addition; or
ii. For additions that are 400 square feet or less, the maximum allowed fenestration area is the greater of 75 square feet or 30 percent of the conditioned floor area of the addition.
C. Additions larger than 1,000 square feet shall meet the ASHRAE Standard 62.2 Section 4 requirement to provide whole-building ventilation airflow. The whole-building ventilation airflow rate shall be based on the conditioned floor area of the entire dwelling unit comprised of the existing dwelling conditioned floor area plus the addition conditioned floor area.
D. Water Heater.
When a second water heater is installed as part of the addition, one of the following types of water heaters shall be installed and assumed to comply:
i. A natural gas or propane water-heating system that meets the requirements of Section150.1(c)8; or
ii. If no natural gas is connected to the building, an electric water heater that has an energy factor equal to or greater than required under the Appliance Efficiency Regulations. Recirculation pumps shall not be used; or
iii. A water-heating system determined by the Executive Director to use no more energy than the one specified in Item 1 above; or if no natural gas is connected to the building, a water-heating system determined by the Executive Director to use no more energy than the one specified in Item 2 above; or.
iv. Using the existing building plus addition compliance or addition alone compliance as defined in Section 150.2(a)2. demonstrate that the proposed water heating system uses no more energy than the system defined in Item 1 above regardless of the type or number of water heaters installed.
Performance calculations shall meet the requirements of Section 150.1(a) through (c), pursuant to the applicable requirements in Items A, B, and C below.
A. For additions alone. The addition complies if the addition alone meets the energy budgets as specified in Section 150.1(b).
B. Existing plus alteration plus addition. The standard design for existing plus alteration plus addition energy use is the combination of the existing building’s unaltered components to remain; existing building altered components that are the more efficient, in TDV energy, of either the existing conditions or the requirements of Section 150.2(b)2; plus the proposed addition's energy use meeting the requirements of Section 150.2(a)1. The proposed design energy use is the combination of the existing building’s unaltered components to remain and the altered components’ energy features, plus the proposed energy features of the addition.
EXCEPTION to Section 150.2(a)2B: Existing structures with a minimum R-11 insulation in framed walls showing compliance with Section150.2(a)2 are exempt from showing compliance with Section 150.0(c).
C. Additions larger than 1,000 square feet shall meet the ASHRAE Standard 62.2 Section 4 requirement to provide whole-building ventilation airflow. The whole-building ventilation airflow rate shall be based on the conditioned floor area of the entire dwelling unit comprised of the existing dwelling conditioned floor area plus the addition conditioned floor area.
Alterations to existing residential buildings or alterations in conjunction with a change in building occupancy to a low-rise residential occupancy shall meet either Item 1 or 2 below.
The altered component and any newly installed equipment serving the alteration shall meet the applicable requirements of Sections 110.0 through 110.9 and all applicable requirements of Section 150.0(a) through (q); and
Alterations that add vertical fenestration and skylight area shall meet the total fenestration area and west facing fenestration area, U-factor, and Solar Heat Gain Coefficient requirements of Section 150.1(c) and TABLE 150.1-A .
EXCEPTION 1 to Section 150.2(b)1A: Alterations that add fenestration area of up to 75 square feet shall not be required to meet the total fenestration area and west-facing fenestration area requirements of Sections 150.1(c)3B and C.
EXCEPTION 2 to Section 150.2(b)1A: Alterations that add up to 16 square feet of new skylight area with a maximum U-factor of 0.55 and a maximum SHGC of 0.30 area shall not be required to meet the total fenestration area and west-facing fenestration area requirements of Sections 150.1(c)3B and C.
Replacement of fenestration, where existing fenestration area in an existing wall or roof is replaced with a new manufactured fenestration product and up to the total fenestration area removed in the existing wall or roof, the replaced fenestration shall meet the U-factor and Solar Heat Gain Coefficient requirements of Sections 150.1(c)3A, and 150.1(c)4.
EXCEPTION 1 to Section 150.2(b)1B: Replacement of vertical fenestration no greater than 75 square feet with a U-factor no greater than 0.40 in Climate Zones 1-16, and a SHGC value no greater than 0.35 in Climate Zones 2, 4, and 6-16.
EXCEPTION 2 to Section 150.2(b)1B: Replaced skylights must meet a U-factor no greater than 0.55, and a SHGC value no greater than 0.30.
NOTE: Glass replaced in an existing sash and frame or replacement of sashes in an existing frame are considered repairs.
Entirely New or Complete
Replacement Space-Conditioning Systems
…installed as part of an alteration, shall include all the system heating or cooling equipment (e.g. condensing unit and cooling or heating coil for split systems; or complete replacement of a package unit); plus entirely new or replacement duct system (Section 150.2(b)1Diia); plus a new or replacement air handler.
Entirely New or complete replacement space-conditioning systems shall:
i. Meet the requirements of Sections 150.0(h), 150.0(i), 150.0(j)2, 150.0(j)3, 150.0(m)1 through, 150.0(m)11, 150.1(c)6, 150.1(c)7, 150.1(c)9, and 150.1(c)10; and
ii. Be limited to natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, or the existing fuel type unless it can be demonstrated that the TDV energy use of the new system is more efficient than the existing system.
Altered Duct Systems - Duct
In all Climate Zones when more than 40 feet of new or replacement space-conditioning system ducts are installed in unconditioned space or indirectly conditioned space:
i. the new ducts shall meet the applicable requirements of Sections 150.0(m)1 through 150.0(m)11, and the duct insulation requirements of TABLE 150.1-A, and
ii. the altered duct system shall be sealed as confirmed through field verification and diagnostic testing in accordance with all applicable procedures for duct sealing of altered existing duct systems as specified in the Reference Residential Appendix RA3.1, utilizing the leakage compliance criteria specified in Reference Residential Appendix TABLE RA3.1-2, and conforming to either Subsection a or b below:
a. Entirely New or Complete Replacement Duct System.
If the new ducts form an entirely new or replacement duct system directly connected to the air handler, the measured duct leakage shall be equal to or less than 6 percent of the system air handler airflow as confirmed by field verification and diagnostic testing utilizing the procedures in Reference Residential Appendix Section RA3.
Entirely new or complete replacement duct systems installed as part of an alteration shall be constructed of at least 75 percent new duct material, and up to 25 percent may consist of reused parts from the dwelling unit's existing duct system (e.g., registers, grilles, boots, air handler, coil, plenums, duct material) if the reused parts are accessible and can be sealed to prevent leakage.
Entirely new or complete
replacement duct systems shall also conform to the requirements of Section
150.0(m)12 and 150.0(m)13.
b. Extension of an Existing Duct System.
If the new ducts are an extension of an existing duct system, the combined new and existing duct system shall meet one of the following requirements:
1. The measured duct leakage shall be equal to or less than 15 percent of nominal system air handler airflow as confirmed by field verification and diagnostic testing utilizing the procedures in Reference Residential Appendix Section RA3.; or
2. The measured duct leakage to outside shall be equal to or less than 10 percent of nominal system air handler airflow as confirmed by field verification and diagnostic testing utilizing the procedures in Reference Residential Appendix Section RA3.; or
3. If it is not possible to meet the duct sealing requirements of either Section150.2(b)1Diib1, or 150.2(b)1Diib2. then all accessible leaks shall be sealed and verified through a visual inspection and a smoke test by a certified HERS Rater utilizing the methods specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.
EXCEPTION to Section 150.2(b)1Diib: Duct Sealing. Existing duct systems that are extended, which are constructed, insulated or sealed with asbestos.
Altered Space-Conditioning System
- Duct Sealing:.
In all Climate Zones, when a space-conditioning system is altered by the installation or replacement of space-conditioning system equipment (including replacement of the air handler, outdoor condensing unit of a split system air conditioner or heat pump, or cooling or heating coil) the duct system that is connected to the altered space-conditioning system equipment shall be sealed, as confirmed through field verification and diagnostic testing in accordance with the applicable procedures for duct sealing of altered existing duct systems as specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.1 and the leakage compliance criteria specified in Reference Residential Appendix Table RA3.1-2, conforming to one of the following requirements:
i. The measured duct leakage shall be equal to or less than 15 percent of system air handler airflow as determined utilizing the procedures in Reference Residential Appendix Section RA3.; or
ii. The measured duct leakage to outside shall be equal to or less than 10 percent of system air handler airflow as determined utilizing the procedures in Reference Residential Appendix Section RA3.; or
iii. If it is not possible to meet the duct sealing requirements of either Section 150.2(b)1Ei or Section 150.2(b)1Eii, then, all accessible leaks shall be sealed and verified through a visual inspection and a smoke test by a certified HERS Rater utilizing the methods specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.
EXCEPTION 1 to Section 150.2(b)1E: Duct Sealing. Duct systems that are documented to have been previously sealed as confirmed through field verification and diagnostic testing in accordance with procedures in the Reference Residential Appendix RA3.1.
EXCEPTION 2 to Section 150.2(b)1E: Duct Sealing. Duct systems with less than 40 linear feet in unconditioned spaces as determined by visual inspection.
EXCEPTION 3 to Section 150.2(b)1E: Duct Sealing. Existing duct systems constructed, insulated or sealed with asbestos.
Altered Space-Conditioning System
- Mechanical
When a space-conditioning system is an air conditioner or heat pump that is altered by the installation or replacement of refrigerant-containing system components such as the compressor, condensing coil, evaporator coil, refrigerant metering device or refrigerant piping, then any nonsetback thermostats associated with the system shall be replaced with thermostats meeting the requirements of Section 110.2(c).
Additionally, these systems shall comply with the following requirements as applicable:
i. In Climate
Zones 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, air-cooled air conditioners and
air-source heat pumps (including but not limited to ducted split systems, ducted
package systems, and minisplit systems)shall have proper refrigerant charge
field verified in accordance with all applicable procedures specified in
Reference Residential Appendix Section
RA3.2.2, or Reference Residential Appendix
RA1 if the procedures in Section RA3.2.2, or RA1 are applicable to the
system, or be equipped with a CID that meets the requirements in Section150.1(c)7Aib
if the CID is applicable to the system.
a. Systems that do not comply with the minimum 300 cfm per ton airflow requirement as specified in Reference Residential Appendix Section RA3. shall comply with the procedures in Section RA3.; and the system's thermostat shall conform to the specifications in Reference Joint Appendix JA5 and shall be capable of receiving and responding to Demand Response Signals prior to final approval of the building permit by the enforcing agency.
EXCEPTION to Section 150.2(b)1Fi: When the outdoor temperature is less than 55 degrees F and the installer utilizes the weigh-in charging procedure in Reference Residential Appendix Section RA3.2.3.1 to verify the refrigerant charge, the installer may elect to utilize the HERS Rater verification procedure in Reference Residential Appendix Section RA3.2.3.2. If the HERS Rater verification procedure in Section RA3.2.3.2 is used for compliance, the system's thermostat shall conform to the specifications in Reference Joint Appendix JA5 and shall be capable of receiving and responding to Demand Response Signals prior to final approval of the building permit by the enforcing agency.
ii. In climate Zones 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, air-cooled air conditioners or air-source heat pumps (including but not limited to packaged systems and mini-split systems) that cannot comply with the requirements of Reference Residential Appendix Sections RA3.2.2, or RA1 shall conform to the following requirement:
a. Correct refrigerant charge shall be confirmed by the system installer utilizing the weigh-in charging procedure specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2.3.1, as confirmed through field verification by a HERS Rater according to the procedure specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2.3.2.
Section 150.2(b)1F: Altered Space-Conditioning System.
Packaged systems for which the manufacturer has verified correct system
refrigerant charge prior to shipment from the factory are not required to
confirm refrigerant charge through field verification and diagnostic testing. The installer of these packaged
systems shall submit Certificate of Installation documentation that certifies
the system is a packaged system for which the correct refrigerant charge has
been verified by the system manufacturer prior to shipment from the factory.
Replacement service water-heating systems or components shall:
Meet the requirements of Section 150.0(j)2 and either be:
i. A natural gas or propane water-heating system that meets the requirements of 150.1(c)8. No recirculation system shall be installed; or
ii. If no natural gas is connected to the building, an electric water heater that has an energy factor equal to or greater than required under the Appliance Efficiency Regulations. For storage type water heaters the capacity shall not exceed 60 gallons. No recirculation system shall be installed; or
iii. A water-heating
system determined by the executive director to use no more energy than the one specified
in Item 1 above; or if no natural gas is connected to the building, a
water-heating system determined by the executive director to use no more energy
than the one specified in Item 2
above; or
Using the existing building plus addition compliance approach as
defined in Section 150.2(b)2 demonstrate that the proposed water heating system
uses no more energy than the system defined in Item 1 above regardless of the
type or number of water heaters installed
EXCEPTION to Section 150.2(b): Existing inaccessible piping shall not require insulation as defined under 150.0(j)2A iii.
Replacements of the exterior surface of existing roofs shall meet the requirements of Section 110.8 and the applicable requirements of Subsections i and ii where more than 50 percent of the roof is being replaced:
i. Low-rise residential buildings with steep-sloped roofs, in Climate Zones 10 through 15 shall have a minimum aged solar reflectance of 0.20 and a minimum thermal emittance of 0.75, or a minimum SRI of 16.
EXCEPTION TO 150.2(b)1Hi: The following shall be considered equivalent to Subsection i:
Air-space of 1.0 inch (25 mm) is provided between the top of the roof deck to
the bottom of the roofing product; or
b. The installed roofing product has a profile ratio of rise to width of 1 to 5 for 50 percent or greater of the width of the roofing product; or
c. Existing ducts in the attic are insulated and sealed according to Section 150.1(c)9; or
d. Buildings with at least R-38 ceiling insulation; or
e. Buildings with a radiant barrier in the attic meeting the requirements of Section 150.1(c)2; or
f. Buildings that have no ducts in the attic; or
g. In Climate Zones 10-15, R-4 or greater insulation above the roof deck.
ii. Low-sloped roofs in Climate Zones 13 and 15 shall have a 3-year aged solar reflectance equal or greater than 0.63 and a thermal emittance equal or greater than 0.75, or a minimum SRI of 75.
EXCEPTION 1 to Section 150.2(b)1Hii: Buildings with no ducts in the attic.
EXCEPTION 2 to Section 150.2(b)1Hii: The aged solar reflectance can be met by using insulation at the roof deck specified in TABLE 150.2-A.
Luminaire power and luminaire classification shall be determined in accordance with Section 130.0(c)
EXCEPTION to Section 150.2(b)1I: For only residential lighting alterations, Light Emitting Diode (LED) modules may be hardwired into luminaire housings manufactured for use with incandescent lamps, provided all of the following conditions are met:
a. The luminaire has been previously used and is in an existing installation; and,
b. The LED modules are not LED lamps, integrated or non integrated type, as defined by ANI/IES RP-16-2010; and;
c. The LED modules comply with all other requirements in Section 130.0(c); and
d. The LED modules are certified as high efficacy to the Commission in accordance with Section 110.9; and
e. The LED modules are not connected using screw-based sockets or screw-base adaptors.
This performance approach shall only be used for projects that include tradeoffs between two or more altered components that are 'listed’ in TABLE 150.2-B.
A. The altered components shall meet the applicable requirements of Sections 110.0 through 110.9 and Section 150.0(a) through (q);
B. The standard design for an altered component shall be the higher efficiency of existing conditions or the requirements stated in TABLE 150.2-B. For components not being altered, the standard design shall be based on the existing conditions. When the third party verification option is specified as a requirement, all components proposed for alteration must be verified.
Aged Solar Reflectance |
Aged Solar Reflectance |
Roof Deck
Insulation | |
0.62-0.60 |
2 |
0.44-0.40 |
12 |
0.59-0.55 |
4 |
0.39-0.35 |
16 |
0.54-0.50 |
6 |
0.34-0.30 |
20 |
0.49-0.45 |
8 |
0.29-0.25 |
24 |
Altered Component |
Standard Design Without Third Party Verification
of Existing Conditions |
Standard Design With Third Party Verification of
Existing Conditions |
Ceiling Insulation, Wall Insulation, and Raised-floor Insulation |
The requirements of Sections 150.0(a), (c), and (d) |
The existing insulation R-value |
Fenestration |
The U-factor of 0.40 and SHGC value of 0.35. The glass area shall be the glass area of the existing building. |
If the proposed U-factor is ≤ 0.40 and SHGC value is ≤ 0.35, the standard design shall be based on the existing U-factor and SHGC values as verified. Otherwise, the standard design shall be based on the U-factor of 0.40 and SHGC value of 0.35. The glass area shall be the glass area of the existing building. |
The U-factor of 0.40 and SHGC value of 0.35. |
The existing fenestration in the alteration shall be based on Table 110.6-A and Table 110.6-B. | |
Space-Heating and Space-Cooling Equipment |
The requirements of |
The existing efficiency levels. |
Air Distribution System |
The requirements of Section 150.2(b)1D. | |
Air Distribution System – Duct Insulation |
The proposed efficiency levels. |
The existing efficiency levels. |
Water Heating Systems |
The requirements of Section 150.1(b)1 the solar water heating requirements. |
The existing efficiency energy factor. |
Roofing Products |
The requirements of Section 150.2(b)1H. | |
All Other Measures |
The proposed efficiency levels. |
The existing efficiency levels. |
C. The proposed design shall be based on the actual values of the altered components.
1. If an existing component must be replaced with a new component, that component is considered an altered component for the purpose of determining the standard design altered component energy budget and must meet the requirements of Section 150.2(b)2B.
2. The standard design shall assume the same geometry and orientation as the proposed design.
3. The “existing efficiency level” modeling rules, including situations where nameplate data is not available, are described in the Residential ACM Approval Manual’
EXCEPTION 1 to Section 150.2(b): Any dual-glazed greenhouse or garden window installed as part of an alteration complies with the U-factor requirements in Section 150.1(c)3.
EXCEPTION 2 to Section 150.2(b): Where the space in the attic or rafter area is not large enough to accommodate the required R-value, the entire space shall be filled with insulation provided such installation does not violate Section 1203.2 of Title 24, Part 2.
EXCEPTION 3 to Section 150.2(b): Space-Conditioning System Ducts. The requirements of Section150.0(m)12, 150.0(m)13, 150.0(m)14 and 150.0(m)15 do not apply to altered existing duct systems.
Any addition or alteration may comply with the requirements of Title 24, Part 6 by meeting the requirements for the entire building.