Zone | Ambient Illumination | State wide Default Location | Moving Up to Higher Zones | Moving Down to Lower Zones |
LZ0 | Very Low | Undeveloped areas of government design at ed parks, recreation areas, and wildlife preserves. | Undeveloped areas of government design at ed parks, recreation areas, and wildlife preserves can be designated as LZ1 or LZ2 if they are contained within such a zone. | Not applicable |
LZ1 | Low | Rural areas, as defined by the 2010 U.S. Census . These areas include: single or dual family residential areas, parks, and agricultural zone districts, developed portion of government designated parks, recreation areas, and wildlife preserves. Those that are wholly contained within a higher lighting zone may be considered by the local government as part of that lighting zone. | Developed portion of a government designated park, recreation area, or wildlife preserve, can be designated as LZ2 or LZ3 if they are contained within such a zone. Retail stores, located in a residential neighborhood, and rural town centers, as defined by the 2010 U.S. Census, can be designated as LZ2 if the business operate s during hours of darkness. | Not applicable. |
LZ2 | Moderate | Urban clusters, as defined by the 2010 U.S. Census. The following building types may occur here: multifamily housing, mixed use residential neighborhoods, religious facilities, schools, and light commercial business districts or industrial zoning districts. | Special districts within a default LZ2 zone may be designated as LZ3 or LZ4 by a local jurisdiction. Examples include special commercial districts or areas with special security considerations located within a mixed-use residential area or city center . | Special districts may be designated as LZ1 by the local jurisdiction, without any size limits. |
LZ3 | Moderately High | Urban areas, as defined by the 2010 U.S. Census. The following building types may occur here: high intensity commercial corridors, entertainment centers, and heavy industrial or manufacturing zone districts. | Special districts within a default LZ3 may be designated as a LZ4 by local jurisdiction for high intensity nighttime use, such as entertainment or commercial districts or areas with special security considerations requiring very high light levels. | Special districts may be designated as LZ1 or LZ2 by the local jurisdiction, without any size limits. |
LZ4 | High | None. | Not applicable. | Not applicable. |

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