This subchapter describes the documentation (compliance forms) required for compliance with the nonresidential indoor lighting requirements of the Energy Code.
At the time a building permit application is submitted to the local enforcement agency, the applicant also submits building plans and energy compliance documentation. This section describes the recommended compliance documentation (forms) for complying with the nonresidential indoor lighting Energy Code. It does not describe the details of the requirements.
This section is addressed to the person preparing building plans and compliance documents and to the local enforcement agency plan checkers who are examining those documents for compliance.
The nonresidential indoor lighting requirements are the same for conditioned and unconditioned spaces. However, the Energy Code does not allow lighting power trade-offs to occur between conditioned and unconditioned spaces. Therefore, most nonresidential indoor lighting compliance forms are required to be separately completed for conditioned and unconditioned spaces.
Following is an explanation of the nonresidential lighting compliance documentation numbering:
- NRCC Nonresidential Certificate of Compliance.
- NRCA Nonresidential Certificate of Acceptance.
- NRCI Nonresidential Certificate of Installation.
- LTI Lighting, Indoor.
- LTO Lighting, Outdoor.
- LTS Lighting, Sign.
- E Primarily used by enforcement authority.
- A Primarily used by acceptance tester.
There is only one nonresidential indoor lighting certificate of compliance document (form) required to be filled out for each project.
- NRCC-LTI-E; Certificate of Compliance; Indoor Lighting.
The certificate of compliance must be submitted for all buildings that demonstrate compliance with the nonresidential indoor lighting requirements. The certificate of compliance documents installed lighting power, lighting power allowance calculations, mandatory controls, PAFs, and other lighting requirements in the Energy Code.
There are six certificates of installation listed as follows. See Section 5.9.1 of this chapter for additional information.
- NRCI-LTI-01-E, Certificate of Installation, Indoor Lighting
- NRCI-LTI-02-E, Certificate of Installation, Lighting Control Systems
- NRCI-LTI-04-E, Certificate of Installation, Two Interlocked Lighting Systems
- NRCI-LTI-05-E, Certificate of Installation, Power Adjustment Factors
- NRCI-LTI-06-E, Certificate of Installation, Additional Video Conference Studio Lighting
The certificate of installation is used primarily as a declaration that the installed lighting and controls matches what is claimed on the certificate of compliance. The certificate of installation is signed by the licensed person that completed the installation.
The required nonresidential indoor lighting certificates of installation include the following:
- NRCI-LTI-01-E — must be submitted for all buildings. This is the general certificate of installation used to declare that what was proposed in the certificates of compliance is what was installed.
In addition to the NRCI-LTI-01-E, the following certificates of installation are also required if the job includes any of the measures covered by these certificates of installation. If any of the requirements in any of these certificates of installation fail the respective installation requirements, then that application shall not be recognized for compliance with the lighting standards.
- NRCI-LTI-02-E — Must be submitted whenever a lighting control system, and whenever an energy management control system (EMCS), have been installed to comply with any of the lighting control requirements.
- NRCI-LTI-04-E — Must be submitted for two interlocked systems serving an auditorium, a convention center, a conference room, a multipurpose room, or a theater to be recognized for compliance.
See Section 5.6.2 of this chapter for two interlocked system requirements.
- NRCI-LTI-05-E — Must be submitted for a power adjustment factor (PAF) to be recognized for compliance.
See Section 5.6.2 of this chapter for requirements of PAFs.
- NRCI-LTI-06-E — Must be submitted for additional wattage installed in a video conferencing studio to be recognized for compliance
Acceptance requirements ensure that equipment, controls, and systems operate as required by the Energy Code. Acceptance testing consists of:
- Visual inspection of the equipment and installation.
- Functional testing of the systems and controls.
Individual acceptance tests may be performed by one or more field technicians under the responsible charge of a licensed contractor or design professional, (responsible person) eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, in the applicable classification, to accept responsibility for the scope of work specified by the certificate of acceptance document. The responsible person must review the information on the certificate of acceptance form and sign the form to certify compliance with the acceptance requirements:
Typically, the individuals who perform the field testing/verification work and provide the information required for completion of the acceptance form (field technicians) are contractors, engineers, or commissioning agents. Field technicians do not need to be a third-party and are not required to be licensed contractors or licensed design professionals. Only the responsible person who signs the certificate of acceptance form certifying compliance must be licensed.
When certification is required by Title 24, Part 1, §10-103.1, acceptance testing must be performed by a certified lighting controls acceptance test technician. Acceptance test technicians receive hands-on and classroom training on the testing procedures and must pass an exam to become certified. Acceptance test technicians are trained and certified by an Energy Commission approved Acceptance Test Technician Certification Provider.
The acceptance tests required for nonresidential indoor lighting include:
- Shutoff controls.
- Automatic daylighting controls.
- Demand-responsive lighting controls and demand-responsive controlled receptacles.
- Institutional tuning controls that qualify for a power adjustment factor.
Instructions for completing the certificates of acceptance are imbedded in the certificates. The lighting controls acceptance testing procedures are included in Nonresidential Reference Appendix NA7.6.
See Chapter 14 of this manual for additional information about acceptance requirements.