To qualify as a central HPWH for use for compliance, the central HPWH products shall be certified to the Energy Commission to meet the following requirements:
Manufacturers shall determine central HPWH performance data for each basic model either by testing pursuant to the requirements in (a) or by simulating pursuant to the requirements in (b) below:
Testing shall be conducted in accordance with the test setup, installation, calculation procedures, and instruments described in Appendix E to Subpart G of 10 CFR Part 431 for each of the test conditions described in JA14.3.3; or
Simulated performance shall be conducted using an alternative efficiency determination methods (AEDM) as described in 10 CFR part 429.70(a)-(c) to generate the performance data described in JA14.3.2. In addition, manufacturers shall only simulate the performance of other central HPWH basic models sharing the same series compressor, same type of heat exchangers, and same architecture as the tested basic model.
The following performance specifications shall be submitted to the Energy Commission:
The performance data shall be provided at the following conditions:
For conditions where defrost strategies operate, reported data shall include at least one complete defrost cycle, or alternatively, for each model submitted for approval, provide a description of the defrost strategy including method, cycle length, and process.
The Central HPWH basic model shall be tested at the following conditions:
- Inlet ambient air temperature: If the minimum operating temperature is above 40⁰F, the following three test conditions are required: the DOE test Procedure condition, the minimum, and one midpoint temperatures within the manufacturer specified operating range. If the minimum operating temperature limit is below 40⁰F, the following four test conditions are required: the DOE test procedure condition, the minimum, and two midpoint temperatures within the manufacturer specified operating range.
- Two inlet water temperatures: maximum and minimum within the manufacturer specified operating range.
- Two outlet water temperatures: Maximum and minimum outlet water (setpoint) temperatures within the manufacturer specified operating range.