7.8    Battery Ready Overview

All single-family homes with one or two dwelling units must be Energy Storage System (ESS) ready to facilitate the future installation of a battery system. The following requirements must be met. There are no exceptions.

1.    At least one of the following shall be provided:

a.    ESS ready interconnection equipment with a minimum backed up capacity of 60 amps and a minimum of four ESS supplied branch circuits. or

b.    A dedicated 1” minimum raceway from the main service to a subpanel that supplies the branch circuits described in #2 below. The subpanel must be labeled “Subpanel shall include all backed-up load circuits.” All branch circuits are permitted to be supplied by the main service panel prior to the installation of an ESS.

2.    A minimum of four branch circuits shall be identified and have their source of supply collocated at the subpanel referenced in #1b above to be supplied by the ESS. At least one circuit must supply the refrigerator, one lighting circuit near the primary egress, and at least one circuit shall supply a sleeping room receptacle outlet. There is no requirement for what is supplied by the fourth circuit.

3.    The main panelboard shall have a minimum busbar rating of 225 amps.

4.    Sufficient space shall be reserved to allow future installation of a system isolation equipment/transfer switch within 3 feet of the main panelboard. Raceways shall be installed between the panelboard and the system isolation equipment transfer switch location to allow the connection of backup power source.