9.2  all over thePrescriptive Requirements for Photovoltaic System

9.2.1      Photovoltaic System Size – Nonresidential and Hotel/Motel

§140.10(a) and §170.2(g)

To comply with the prescriptive requirements the following building types are required to have a PV system installed unless the building qualifies for an exception.


    Office, Financial Institutions, Unleased Tenant Space




    Auditorium, Convention Center, Hotel/Motel, Library, Medical Office Building/Clinic, Restaurant, Theater

For all building types listed in Table 9-1, the PV size in kW dc must be not less than the smaller of the PV system size determined by Equation 9-1, or the total of all available Solar Access Roof Areas (SARAs) multiplied by 14 W/ft².

SARAs include the area of the building roof, covered parking areas, carports, and all other newly constructed structures that are capable of structurally supporting a PV system per Title 24, California Code of Regulations, Part 2, (California Building Code or CBC) Section 1511.2. SARA does not include any roof area with less than 70 percent annual solar access, occupied roofs as specified by CBC Section 503.1.4, or roof space that is not available due to compliance with other building code requirements if confirmed by the Executive Director.

The annual solar access is the ratio of solar insolation including shading to the solar insolation without shading. Annual solar access is determined by dividing the total annual solar insolation (accounting for shading obstructions) by the total annual solar insolation if the same areas were unshaded by those obstructions. For all roofs, all obstructions including those that are external to the building, and obstructions that are part of the building design and elevation features may be considered for the annual solar access calculations. Refer to Exceptions for Reduced Solar Zone Due to Shade in Section 9.6.2 for an example of how to calculate annual solar access.