Section 180.0 – General

Additions, alterations, and repairs to existing attached dwelling units and common use areas in multifamily buildings, existing outdoor lighting for these occupancies, and internally and externally illuminated signs, shall meet the requirements specified in Sections 100.0 through 110.10, and 160.1, and 160.3 through 170.2 that are applicable to the building project, and either the performance compliance approach (energy budgets) in Section 180.1(b) (for additions) or 180.2(c) (for alterations), or the prescriptive compliance approach in Section 180.1(a) (for additions) or 180.2(b) (for alterations), for the Climate Zone in which the building is located. Climate zones are shown in FIGURE 100.1-A.

Covered process requirements for additions, alterations and repairs to existing multifamily buildings are specified in Section 141.1.

Nonresidential occupancies in mixed occupancy buildings shall comply with nonresidential requirements in Sections 120.0 through 141.1.

NOTE:  For alterations that change the occupancy classification of the building, the requirements specified in Section 180.2 apply to the occupancy after the alterations.

NOTE: Authority: Sections 25213, 25218, 25218.5, 25402 and 25402.1, Public Resources Code. Reference: Sections 25007, 25008, 25218.5, 25310, 25402, 25402.1, 25402.4, 25402.5, 25402.8, and 25943, Public Resources Code.