8.5 Circuit Controls and Controlled Receptacles for 120-Volt Receptacles


Healthcare facilities are exempt from the controlled receptacle requirements.

“Office plug loads” are the loads with the largest power density (W/ft2) in most office buildings. The Energy Code requires controlled and uncontrolled 120-volt receptacles in lobbies, conference rooms, kitchen areas in office spaces, copy rooms, and hotel/motel guest rooms. Controlled receptacles allow plug loads to be turned off automatically when the space is unoccupied, resulting in energy savings.

All controlled receptacles must be marked to differentiate them from uncontrolled receptacles.

Either circuit controls or controlled receptacles can be used for meeting the requirements of Section 130.5(d).

Either of the following is required for compliance:

  1. At least one controlled receptacle located within 6 feet of each uncontrolled receptacle
  2. Split-wired receptacles that provide at least one controlled outlet

The controlled receptacle requirement does not require that there be one controlled receptacle for each uncontrolled receptacle.

In open office areas where receptacles are installed in modular furniture, at least one controlled receptacle must be provided for each workstation. Any controlled circuits already built into the building system can be used to meet the requirement.

Controlled receptacles or circuits must be capable of automatically switching off when the space is not occupied. See Section 8.5.1 for example approaches of using automatic means for shutting off controlled receptacles. An automatic time switch with manual override may be used for meeting the requirement. Occupant sensing controls may also be used.

Plug-in strips and other plug-in devices do not meet this requirement, but a hardwired power strip controlled by an occupant sensing control does.

Controlled receptacles are not required in the following situations:

  1. Receptacles in kitchen areas specifically for refrigerators and water dispensers
  2. Receptacles specifically for clocks. (The receptacle must be mounted 6’ or more above the floor to meet this exception.)
  3. Receptacles in copy rooms specifically for network copiers, fax machines, audio-visual equipment, and data equipment other than personal computers
  4. Receptacles on circuits rated more than 20 amperes
  5. Receptacles connected to an uninterruptible power supply that are intended to be in use 24 hours per day, every day of the year, and are marked to distinguish them from other standard uncontrolled receptacles or circuits.
8.5.1 Application Considerations

The following are example approaches to meeting the controlled receptacle requirements:

A. Private Offices, Conference Rooms, and Other Spaces With Periodic Occupancy

Occupant-sensing controls that are part of a lighting control system may be used to control general lighting and receptacles. For example, a common occupancy sensor can control general lighting and receptacles, with auxiliary relays connected to the lights and the controlled receptacles to provide the needed functionality.

B. Lobbies, Break Rooms, and Other Spaces With Frequent Occupancy During Business Hours

Astronomical time-switch controls, with either a vacancy sensor or switch override, can be used to control receptacles. Programmable relay panels or controllable breakers can be used, or, for simpler projects, a combination of vacancy sensors and programmable time switches can accomplish the same task. If vacancy sensing is used, controls will likely need to be room-by-room or space-by-space, but if time-switch control with manual override is used, whole circuits may be controlled together.

C. Open Office Areas

Receptacles in open office areas can be controlled by the automatic shutoff system of the building or by controls integrated into the modular furniture systems. Automatic time-switch controls with relays or controllable breakers, and manual override switches, may be used for zones within an open office space. A system using vacancy sensors might also be considered if sensors can be added as needed to address partitioning of the workstations (thus ensuring proper operation). Systems contained within workstation systems are an acceptable alternative provided that they are hardwired as part of the workstation wiring system.

D. Networked Control Systems and Building Automation Systems

Most advanced lighting and energy control systems can be easily designed to accommodate receptacle controls.

Certain office appliances, such as computers, need to be powered continuously during office hours to provide uninterrupted service. These would be connected to uncontrolled receptacles. Other appliances, such as task lamps, fans, heaters, and monitors, do not need to be powered when occupants are not present. These controllable loads would be plugged into the controlled receptacles to ensure they are automatically shut off and to prevent any unnecessary standby power draw.

In open office areas, it is advisable to implement vacancy sensor controls at each workstation or cubicle to maximize the opportunities of shutoff controls. Modular office system furniture is usually equipped with more than one internal electrical circuit, and some of these circuits can be dedicated for controllable plug loads.

8.5.2 Demand Response

§130.5(e), 110.12(e)

When demand-response controls are required for lighting systems, controlled receptacles must comply with demand-responsive control requirements in §110.12. Controlled receptacles must be capable of automatically turning off all connected loads in response to a demand-response signal.

Spaces where health or life safety statute, ordinance, or regulation does not permit receptacles to be automatically controlled are exempt from this requirement.

See Appendix D of this manual for guidance on compliance with the demand-responsive control requirements.

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