Section 1606. Filing by Manufacturers; Listing of Appliances in the MAEDbS.

(a)   Filing of Statements.


Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Each manufacturer shall electronically file with the Executive Director through the MAEDbS a statement for each appliance that is sold or offered for sale in California. The statement shall contain all of the information described in paragraphs (2) through (4) of this subsection and shall meet all of the requirements of paragraph (1) of this subsection and all other applicable requirements in this Article.

The effective dates of this section shall be the same as the effective dates shown in section 1605.1, 1605.2 or Section 1605.3 of this Article for appliances for which there is an energy efficiency, energy consumption, energy design, water efficiency, water consumption, or water design standard in section 1605.1, 1605.2, or section 1605.3 of this Article

For appliances with no energy efficiency, energy consumption, energy design, water efficiency, water consumption, or water design standard in Section 1605.1, 1605.2, or Section 1605.3, of this Article the effective date of this section shall be one year after they are added to Section 1601 of this Article, unless a different effective date is specified.


Exceptions to Section 1606(a) of this Article: Section 1606(a). is not applicable to:

(1)  external power supplies,

(2)  small electric motors, or

(3)  à la carte chargers meeting the EXCEPTION noted in Section 1605.3(w)(2) of this Article.

(4)  General service lamps


(1)   General Rules.

(A)  Format and Categories. Each statement shall be in a format (including but not limited to computer formats) and in categories specified by the Executive Director.

(B)  When Different Statements are Required. The Executive Director may establish, modify, and enforce schedules for the submittal of statements where it is reasonably necessary for orderly processing of submittals, for example when manufacturers or third parties often submit many statements simultaneously.

(C)  Asterisks in Model Numbers. In filing any statement, the manufacturer may use asterisks as a substitute for letters, numbers, blanks, or other characters in the model number, provided that an asterisk (i) shall be used only for a part of the model number that does not indicate energy consumption, energy efficiency, water consumption, or water efficiency, or a design or feature affecting such efficiency or consumption; (ii) shall represent a single letter, number, blank, or other character at the asteriskʹs location in the model number; and (iii) shall not be used for any of the first four letters, numbers, blanks, or other characters in the model number.

(D)  Different Functions. Except as provided in section 1606(a)(1)(G), of this Article if the same appliance is sold or offered for sale as more than one type of appliance shown in Table X (for example, if the appliance can serve both water heating and pool heating functions), the manufacturer shall submit a separate statement for each model of that appliance type. Each appliance type for which a statement is submitted must match all the common identifiers shown in Table X.

(E)  Multiple Statements. A manufacturer may electronically file statements through the MAEDbS for more than one appliance in a single submittal to the Executive Director. If a submittal contains statements for more than one appliance, there shall be only one statement for each appliance, except as provided in sections 1606(a)(1)(D) and 1606(a)(1)(G).of this Article. The Executive Director shall allow multiple statements to be submitted on the same sheet of paper or in the same electronic file under conditions she or he determines are reasonably necessary to ensure accuracy and compatibility with the MAEDbS

(F)  Split System Central Air Conditioners. The statement for split system air conditioners shall be for the combination of the compressorcontaining unit and the noncompressorcontaining unit tested under section 1604(c) of this Article.

(G)  Combination SpaceHeating and WaterHeating Appliances. Manufacturers of combination spaceheating and waterheating appliances shall file two statements for each such appliance. The first statement shall contain the information listed in Table X for combination spaceheating and waterheating appliances, and all other information shown in Table X for “all appliances;” and the second statement shall contain the information listed in Table X for the primary function of the appliance according to the determination required by sections 1605(e) and 1605(f), of this Article and containing all other information shown in Table X for “all appliances.” Each appliance type for which a statement is submitted must match all the common identifiers shown in Table X.

(H)  Portable Air Conditioners. A manufacturer shall file two statements for a single model of portable air conditioner if the model is sold or offered for sale in California with both single-duct and dual-duct configuration options. One statement shall be for the single-duct configuration, and the other statement shall be for the dual-duct configuration.

(I)    Air Filters. The statement for air filters shall be for each basic model of air filter tested under section 1604(c)(3) of this Article


(2)   Manufacturer Information.

(A)  The name, address, telephone number, email address and, if available, fax number, and URL (web site) email address of the manufacturer; provided, however, that if a parent entity is filing on behalf of a subsidiary entity, if a subsidiary entity is filing on behalf of a parent entity, or if an affiliate entity is filing on behalf of an affiliate entity, then each entity shall be clearly identified and the information shall be provided for both entities.

(B)  The name, address, telephone number, email address and, if available, fax number of the individual to contact concerning the statement pursuant to section 1606(a)(4) of this Article. There shall be only one individual to contact for each category (box) in the “Appliance” column of Table X, except that the individual may, during his or her absence, delegate his or her duties in this regard.

(C)  The name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and, if available, fax number of the person signing the declaration pursuant to section 1606(a)(4) of this Article.

(3)   Testing and Performance Information.

(A)  A statement that the appliance has been tested in accordance with all applicable requirements of Sections 1603 and 1604 of this Article If Section 1604 provides more than one test method that may be used, the manufacturer shall identify which method was used.

EXCEPTION 1. to Section 1606(a)(3)(A) of this Article:

For state-regulated compressors, the manufacturer shall submit a statement that the appliance has been tested in accordance with all applicable requirements of sections 1603 and 1604 of this Article, or that the appliance has been rated according to an alternative efficiency determination method (AEDM) in accordance with all applicable requirements of section 1604(s) of this Article

(B)   The name and address and, if available, telephone number, fax number, URL (web site) address, and e-mail address of the laboratory or other institution where the testing required by sections 1603 and 1604 of this Article was performed.

(C)   The applicable information listed in Table X; provided, however, that submittal of information marked with "1" is voluntary for federally regulated appliances, and that submittal of information marked with "2" is voluntary for state-regulated appliances. Where there is text in the "Permissible Answers" column, the information provided must be one of the answers shown. If the text in the "Permissible Answers" column states "other (specify)," the information provided must be a specific response for the "Required Information" category (e.g., a response of "other" is not acceptable).


EXCEPTION 2. to Section 1606(a)(3)(A) of this Article:

For integral cartridge-filter pool pumps and integral sand-filter pool pumps manufactured on or after July 19, 2021, in lieu of the statement required in section 1606(a)(3)(A) of this Article, a statement that the appliance meets the energy design requirements of sections 1605.1(g)(7)(C) and 1605.1(g)(7)(D) of this Article.


EXCEPTION 3 to section 1606(a)(3)(A) of this Article:

For residential pool pump and motor combinations and residential replacement pool pump motors, in lieu of the statement required in section 1606(a)(3)(A) of this Article, a statement that the appliance meets the design requirements of section 1605.3(g)(5)(A) and 1605.3(g)(5)(B) of this Article.


Exception 1. to Section 1606(a)(3)(C) of this Article:

If an appliance has an alternative test procedure pursuant to  section 1603(c)(1) of this Article, or an alternative assessment method specified pursuant to section 1603(c)(2)(A) of this Article, then the statement shall include:

(1) the following information from Table X: Manufacturer's Name, Brand Name, Model Number, and Regulatory Status; and

(2) all information from Table X that is applicable to the appliance and that is produced during the alternative test procedure or the alternative assessment method; and

(3) all other energy performance information produced during the alternative test procedure or the alternative assessment method.


Exception 2. to Section 1606(a)(3)(C) of this Article:

If the Executive Director has specified that there is no test method for an appliance pursuant to section 1603(c)(2)(B) of this Article, then the statement shall include the following information from Table X: Manufacturer's Name, Brand Name, Model Number, and Regulatory Status.


Exception 3. to Section 1606(a)(3)(C) of this Article:

Manufacturers of state-regulated LED lamps and LED versions of state-regulated small-diameter directional lamps may certify estimated values for rated lifetime until testing per section 1604 of this Article is complete. When reporting estimated values, the certification report shall describe the prediction method, which must be generally representative of the methods specified in 10 C.F.R. Appendix BB to subpart B of part 430, “Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Input Power, Lumen Output, Lamp Efficacy, Correlated Color Temperature (CCT), Color Rendering Index (CRI), Power Factor, Time to Failure, and Standby Mode Power of Integrated Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Lamps.” Manufacturers shall maintain records of the development of all estimated values and any associated initial test data. Manufacturers shall update the certification in the MAEDbS upon completion of the required test procedures for rated lifetime.


(D)  How Tested Data Must Be Reported.

1.   For any numerical value required by Table X that is produced by a test specified in section 1604, of this Article the reported value shall be no higher for the value for which the consumer would prefer a high number, and no lower for the value for which the consumer would prefer a low number, than the values obtained by testing; unless different specific instructions are specified in the test method specified in section 1604 of this Article.

2.   For any numerical value required by Table X that is produced by calculation from measured numerical test results, the reported value shall be no higher for the values where the consumer would prefer a high number than the exact result of the calculation, and no lower than the exact result of the calculation where the consumer would prefer a low number, than the values obtained by calculating, unless different specific instructions are specified in the test method specified in Section 1604 of this Article.

3.   Manufacturers may report:

a. numbers higher than tested values, where the consumer would, all other things being equal, prefer lower values (or is indifferent); and

b. numbers lower than tested values, where the consumer would, all other things being equal, prefer higher values (or is indifferent).

Example: An air conditioner is tested using the appropriate test method specified in Section 1604, and the test method does not include specific instructions about the precision of reporting.

   Cooling capacity is measured as: 36,014 Btu per hour.

   For cooling capacity, consumers prefer higher values.

   The manufacturer may not report any value over 36,014 Btu per hour.

   The manufacturer chooses to report 36,000 Btu per hour.

   Electrical energy use is measured at 3,487 watts.

   For electrical energy use, consumers prefer lower values.

   The manufacturer may not report any value under 3,487 watts.

   The manufacturer chooses to report 3,500 watts.

   Using the data the manufacturer chooses to report, EER = 36,000/3,500 = 10.285714.

   For EER, consumers prefer higher values.

   The manufacturer may not report any value of EER over 10.285714 (if EER is reported with only one decimal place, the maximum value would be 10.2).

   The manufacturer chooses to report EER = 10.2 Btu per watt hour.

   If the manufacturer had chosen to report the cooling capacity as 36,014 Btu per hour, and the electrical energy use as 3,487 watts, the calculated EER would have been 36,014/3,487 = 10.328076. In this case the manufacturer could not report any value of EER over 10.328076 (if EER is reported with only one decimal place, the maximum value would be 10.3).


Table X Data Submittal Requirements


A – Refrigerators, Refrigerator-Freezers, and Freezers

B - Room Air Conditioners, Room Air-Conditioning Heat Pumps, Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners, and Packaged Terminal Heat Pumps

C - Central Air Conditioners

D   Portable_Air_Conditioners

E   Gas and Oil Space Heaters and Electric Residential Boilers

F - Water Heaters

G - Pool Heaters, Portable Electric Spas, Residential Pool Pump and Motor Combinations, and Replacement Residential Pool Pump Motors

H - Plumbing Fittings

I - Plumbing Fixtures

J - Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts and Deep-Dimming Lamp Ballasts

K - Lamps

L - Emergency Lighting

M - Traffic Signal Modules

N - Luminaires and Torchieres

O - Dishwashers

P - Clothes Washers

Q - Clothes Dryers

R - Cooking Products and Food Service Equipment

S - Electric Motors

T - Distribution Transformers

U – None.

V - Computers, Computer Monitors, Televisions, Signage Displays, and Consumer Audio and Video Equipment

W - Battery Charger Systems

X – Landscape Irrigation Equipment


Table X- A
Refrigerators, Refrigerator-Freezers, and Freezers.
Data Submittal Requirements


Required Information

Permissible Answers

All Appliances

* Manufacturer’s Name


* Brand Name


*Model Number


Date model to be displayed


Regulatory Status

Federallyregulated consumer product, federallyregulated commercial and industrial equipment, nonfederallyregulated

NonCommercial Refrigerators, NonCommercial RefrigeratorFreezers, NonCommercial Freezers


*Product Class

Category in Table A-2 or A3 (specify)

Access1, 2

Door, drawer, both door and drawer

Kitchen Unit1, 2

True, False

Refrigerator Volume



Freezer Volume



Total Volume


Adjusted Total Volume








Annual Energy Consumption (low)


Annual Energy Consumption (high)


Annual Energy Consumption (mean)


Antisweat Heater Switch

True, False

Refrigerant Type1, 2

Ozonedepleting, nonozone depleting

Insulation Type1, 2

Ozonedepleting, nonozone depleting

Selfcontained Commercial Refrigerators with or without doors, Selfcontained Commercial Refrigerator Freezers with or without doors, Self contained Commercial Freezers with or without doors, Selfcontained Commercial Refrigerators specifically designed for display and sale of bottled or canned beverages with or without doors, Remote Condensing Commercial Refrigerators, Remote Condensing Commercial Freezers, Commercial Ice Cream Freezers

(Note: units with multiple compartments must certify data for each compartment)


*Cabinet Style

Ice cream cabinet; milk or beverage cabinet; milk, beverage, or ice cream cabinet; undercounter cabinet; other reachin cabinet; passthrough cabinet; rollin or rollthrough cabinet; preparation table; buffet table; wedge case; work top table.

*Defrost System

Automatic, manual, partialautomatic


Icecream application, lowtemperature application, mediumtemperature application, pulldown application

Total Compartments (for hybrid models and refrigerator-freezers)


Equipment Family

Vertical open, semivertical open, horizontal open, vertical closed transparent, horizontal closed transparent, vertical closed solid, horizontal closed solid, service over counter

Condensing Unit Configuration

Remote, selfcontained

Multiple Compartments Number Code


Total Display Area (




Total Volume








Anticondensate Energy Consumption (AEC) (for hybrid models and refrigerator-freezers)


Condensate Evaporator Pan Energy Consumption (PEC) (for hybrid models and refrigerator-freezers)


Defrost Energy Consumption (DEC) (for hybrid models and refrigerator-freezers)


Fan Energy Consumption (FEC) (for hybrid models and refrigerator-freezers)


Compressor Energy Consumption (CEC) (for hybrid models and refrigerator-freezers)


Lighting Energy Consumption (LEC) (for hybrid models and refrigerator-freezers)


Other Energy Consumption (OEC) (for hybrid models and refrigerator-freezers)


Daily Energy Consumption


Calculated Daily Energy Consumption (




Total Daily Energy Consumption (TDEC)



Refrigerant Type

Ozonedepleting, nonozonedepleting

Insulation Type

Ozonedepleting, nonozonedepleting

Automatic Commercial Ice Makers


*Equipment Type

Icemaking head, remotecondensing, selfcontained, both remotecondensing and remotecompressor

*Cooling Type

Air, water

*Ice Maker Process Type

Batch, continuous, cube other (specify)

Harvest Rate



Energy Consumption


Water Consumption


Ice Hardness Adjustment Factor (for continuous type models)


Water Dispensers




Bottle type; Bottle type with compartment; Pressure type, bubbler; Pressure type with compartment, bubbler; Pressure type, faucet; Pressure type with compartment, faucet, PointofUse

*Condenser Cooling Medium

Aircooled; Watercooled


Freestanding; FlushtoWall; Wall Hung; Wall Hung semirecessed; Remote; Recessed

*Refrigerated Compartment


Temperatures delivered

Cold only, cook (ambient) and cold, hot and cold

Cooling Capacity (gallons/hour)


Heating Capacity (6oz. cup per hour)


Standby Energy Consumption (kWh/day)


Walkin Coolers, and Walkin Freezers: Doors


Door Type

Passage door (medium temperature), passage door (low temperature), freight door (medium temperature), freight door (low temperature), display door (medium temperature), display door (low temperature)

Door surface area (ft2)


Transparent reach-in?

Door, window, both

Glass Type of Doors and Door Windows (if applicable)

1” triple pane insulated, 1” triple pane tempered, 2-pane Low-E Gas Fill, 3-pane gas fill, 3-pane heat reflective, 3-pane Low-E gas fill, 3-pane reflective gas fill, 3-pane heated, 3- pane unheated, none

Anti-sweat heater power draw (W per ft2 of door opening) (if applicable)


Door insulation R-value (if applicable)


All applicable design standards incorporated?

True, False

Daily energy consumption (kWh/day)


Equipped with a timer, control system, or other demand-based control reducing lighting power and/or heater wire and/or other electricity-consuming device?

Lighting, heater wire, other electricity-consuming device, lighting + heater wire, lighting + other electricity-consuming device, heater wire + other electricity-consuming device, all, none

Total rated lighting power (W) (if applicable)


Total rated heater wire power (W) (if applicable)


Total rated other electricity-consuming device power (W) (if applicable)


Walkin Coolers, and Walkin Freezers: Panels

Panel Type

Wall panels for walk-in coolers, ceiling panels for walk-in coolers, wall panels for walk-in freezers, ceiling panels for walk-in freezers, floor panels for walk-in freezers

R-value of wall insulation (if applicable)


R-value of ceiling insulation (if applicable)


R-value of floor insulation (if applicable)


Walkin Coolers, and Walkin Freezers: Refrigeration Systems

Refrigeration system Type

Dedicated condensing system medium temperature indoor; Dedicated condensing system medium temperature outdoor; Dedicated condensing system low temperature indoor; Dedicated condensing system low temperature outdoor; unit cooler medium temperature, unit cooler low temperature

Is outdoor dedicated condensing system also certified (for indoor dedicated condensing systems only?

True, False

Model number for outdoor dedicated condensing system (only applicable for indoor dedicated condensing systems where outdoor dedicated condensing system is also certified)


Refrigeration system net capacity (Btu/hr) (if applicable)


Evaporator fan motor horsepower (if applicable)


Condenser fan motor horsepower (if applicable)


All applicable design requirements incorporated?

True, False

Process cooling refrigeration system?

True, False

Annual Walk-in Energy Factor(AWEF)


Configuration tested for certification (if applicable)

Condensing unit only, unit cooler only, single package dedicated system, matched pair


Bottled or Canned Beverage Vending Machines



Equipment Class (reporting of Combination A or Combination B for models manufactured on or after January 8, 2019)

Class A, Class B, Combination A,Combination B

Door Type

Glass front, closed front,

Machine use designation

Indoor, indoor / outdoor

Maximum Daily Energy Consumption at 75°F. Ambient Temperature


Standard Vendible Capacity



Low Power State – lighting

True, false

Low Power State – refrigeration

True, false

Low Power State – whole machine

True, false

OnSite Adjustable by Operator or Owner

True, false

Refrigerant Type

Ozonedepleting, nonozonedepleting

Insulation Type

Ozonedepleting, nonozonedepleting

Internal volume


Miscellaneous Refrigeration Products

Product Class

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Variable Defrost Control

True, False

Least time Between Defrosts (hours) (when “Variable Control” = True)


Max time Between Defrosts (hours) (when “Variable Control” = True)


Variable Anti-Sweat Heater Control

True, False

Heater Watts at 5%, 15%, 25%, 35%, 45%, 55%, 65%, 75%, 85%, and 95% humidity (Watts) (when “Variable Anti-Sweat Heater Control” = True)


Testing Conducted with Modifications to Standard Temperature Sensor Locations

True, False

Total Refrigerated Volume (ft3)


Total Adjusted Volume (ft3)


Annual Energy use (kWh/year)


* “Identifier” information as described in Section 1602(a)
1 = Voluntary for federally
regulated appliances
2 = Voluntary for state
regulated appliances

Table X-B
Room Air Conditioners, Room Air-Conditioning Heat Pumps,
 Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners, and Packaged Terminal Heat Pumps
Data Submittal Requirements


Required Information

Permissible Answers

All Appliances

* Manufacturer’s Name


* Brand Name


*Model Number


Date model to be displayed


Regulatory Status

Federallyregulated consumer product, federallyregulated commercial and industrial equipment, nonfederallyregulated

Room Air Conditioners and Room AirConditioning Heat Pumps




*Electrical Phase

1, 3


Room air conditioner, room air conditioning heat pump, casementonly room air conditioner, casementslider room air conditioner.

*Louvered Sides



Cooling Capacity at 95°F


Electrical Input at 95°F


Combined Energy Efficiency Ratio at 95°F


Standby and Off Mode Annual Energy Consumption


Heating Capability

Heat pump, electric resistance heating, heat pump and electric resistance heating, no heating capability

Refrigerant Type1

Ozonedepleting, nonozonedepleting

Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners and Packaged Terminal Heat Pumps




*Electrical Phase

1, 3




Standard, nonstandard

Cooling Capacity at 95°F


Electrical Input at 95°F


Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) at 95°F


Heating Capability

Heat pump, electric resistance heating, heat pump and electric resistance heating, no heating capability

Heating Capacity (for models with heating capability only)


Electrical Input (for models with heating capability only)


Coefficient of Performance (for models with heating capability only)


Refrigerant Type1

Ozonedepleting, nonozonedepleting

Compressor Power1


* “Identifier” information as described in Section 1602(a)
1 = Voluntary for federally‐regulated appliances
2 = Voluntary for state‐regulated appliances
3= Report both fields for split systems; either indoor or outdoor fan electrical input (not both) for single package models

Table X-C
Central Air Conditioners
 Data Submittal Requirements


Required Information

Permissible Answers

All Appliances

* Manufacturer’s Name


* Brand Name


*Model Number


Date model to be displayed


Regulatory Status

Federallyregulated consumer product, federallyregulated commercial and industrial equipment, nonfederallyregulated

Air Filters manufactured on or after July 1, 2024


Length of tested air filter (inches)


Width of tested air filter (inches)


Depth of tested air filter (inches)


Face Area of tested air filter (inches)


Test Procedure used

AHRI Standard 680 (I-P)-2017, ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 52.2-2017

Face Velocity Utilized for the test procedure (feet per minute)


Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) (if ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 52.2-2017 was used.)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 N/A

Particle size Efficiency for 0.3 to 1.0 µm particle size


Particle size Efficiency for 1.0 to 3.0 µm particle size


Particle size Efficiency for 3.0 to 10 µm particle size


Airflow Rate value 1 (cubic feet per minute)


Airflow Rate value 2 (cubic feet per minute)


Airflow Rate value 3 (cubic feet per minute)


Airflow Rate value 4(cubic feet per minute)


Airflow Rate value 5-(cubic feet per minute) (Maximum Rated Airflow Rate if ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 52.2-2017 was used)


Calculated Airflow Rate value at an Initial Resistance of 0.1 inches water column (cubic feet per minute)


Initial Resistance at air flow rate value 1 (inches water column)

Test results to one-hundredths of an Inch of Water Column

Initial Resistance at air flow rate value 2 (inches water column)

Test results to one-hundredths of an Inch of Water Column

Initial Resistance at air flow rate value 3 (inches water column)

Test results to one-hundredths of an Inch of Water Column

Initial Resistance at air flow rate value 4 (inches water column)

Test results to one-hundredths of an Inch of Water Column

Initial Resistance at air flow rate value 5 (inches water column) (if ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 52.2-2017 was used)

Test results to one-hundredths of an Inch of Water Column

Final Resistance at the point where test is terminated and results determined (inches water column)

Test results to one-hundredths of an Inch of Water Column

Dust Holding Capacity at the maximum rated airflow rate as published by the manufacturer

Test results in multiples of one gram

*Coil Model Number with which Compressor was Tested (for split systems only)



Air conditioner, heat pump (heating and cooling), heat pump (heating only), heat pump (cooling only)

All Central Air Conditioners and Central AirConditioning Heat Pumps

*Energy Source for Cooling

Electricity, natural gas

*Energy Source for Heating

Gas, oil, electric heat pump, electric resistance, heat pump and electric resistance, none

*ARI Classification




*Electrical Phase

1, 3

Variable Refrigerant Flow

True, False

Heat Recovery (for Variable Refrigerant Flow models only)

True, False

Vertical Air Conditioner (for single package models only) (required on or after January 1, 2010)

True, False

Refrigerant Type1, 2

Ozonedepleting, nonozone depleting

Thermostatic Expansion Valve (for air source or aircooled models only)

Yes, no

Compressor Motor Design

Singlespeed, dualspeed, multiple speed, variablespeed



Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER)³


Cooling Capacity at 82°F³


AirCooled, Single Package CAC < 65,000 Btu/hour and

AirCooled, Split System CAC < 65,000 Btu/hour

Electrical Input at 82°F³

Degradation Coefficient at 82°F³


Cooling Capacity at 95°F


Electrical Input at 95°F


Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) at 95°F


Average Off Mode Power Consumption (Watts)


Spaceconstrained Product

Spaceconstrained; variable speed mini-split; small duct, high velocity; not spaceconstrained



Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER)


Cooling Capacity at 82°F³


AirSource, Single Package Heat Pumps < 65,000 Btu/hour and

AirSource Split System Heat Pumps < 65,000 Btu/hour

Electrical Input at 82°F³

Degradation Coefficient at 82°F³


Cooling Capacity at 95°F


Electrical Input at 95°F


Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) at 95°F


Average Off Mode Power consumption (Watts) (for models manufactured on or after January 1, 2015 only)


Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF3


Heating Capacity


Electrical input


Coefficient of Performance (COP) at 47°F (single package vertical heat pumps only)


Spaceconstrained Product

Spaceconstrained; variable speed mini-split; small duct, high velocity; not spaceconstrained



Cooling Capacity at 95°F


Electrical Input at 95°F


Air-Cooled, Single Package CAC ≥ 65,000 and < 760,000 Btu/hour

Air-Cooled, Split System CAC ≥ 65,000 and < 760,000 Btu/hour

Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) at 95°F (effective for models manufactured before January 1, 2018)

Integrated Part Load Value (IPLV) (effective for models manufactured before January 1, 2018)


Heating System Type1, 2

Gas, oil, electric resistance, none



Cooling Capacity at 95°F


Electrical Input at 95°F


Air-Source, Single Package Heat Pumps ≥65,000 and  < 760,000 Btu/hour; and

AirSource, SplitSystem Heat Pumps ≥65,000 and <760,000 Btu/hour

Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) at 95°F (effective for models manufactured before January 1, 2018)

Integrated Energy Efficiency Ratio (IEER) at 95°F (effective for models manufactured before January 1, 2018)


Integrated Part Load Value (IPLV) If Applicable


Heating Capacity at 47°F


Electrical Input at 47°F


Coefficient of Performance (COP) at 47°F


Heating Capacity at 17°F


Electrical Input at 17°F


Coefficient of Performance (COP) at 17°F




Cooling Capacity at 95°F


Electrical Input at 95°F


EvaporativelyCooled Single Package CAC <760,000 Btu/hour and

EvaporativelyCooled Split System CAC <760,000 Btu/hour

Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) at 95°F

Integrated Part Load Value (IPLV) If Applicable


Heating System Type1, 2

Gas, oil, electric resistance, none



Compressor Electrical Input (for models ≥65,000 Btu/hour only)


Indoor Fan Electrical Input (for models ≥65,000 Btu/hour only)


WaterCooled Single Package CAC < 760,000 Btu/hour and

WaterCooled, Split System CAC < 760,000 Btu/hour

Outdoor Fan Electrical Input (for models ≥65,000 Btu/hour only)

Cooling Capacity at 85°F Entering Water Temperature


Electrical Input at 85°F Entering Water Temperature


Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) at 85°F Entering Water Temperature


Low Temperature EER at 70°F Entering Water Temperature (for models < 65,000 Btu/hour only)


Heating System Type1

Gas, oil electric resistance, none



Compressor Electrical Input (for models ≥65,000 Btu/hour only)


Indoor Fan Electrical Input (for models ≥65,000 Btu/hour only)


Water-Source, Single Package Heat Pumps< 760,000 Btu/hour and

WaterSource Split System Heat Pumps < 760,000 Btu/hour

Outdoor Fan Electrical Input (for models ≥65,000 Btu/hour only)

Cooling Capacity at 86°F Entering Water Temperature


Electrical Input at 86°F Entering Water Temperature


Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) at 86°F Entering Water Temperature


Heating Capacity at 68°F Entering Water Temperature


Electrical Input at 68°F Entering Water Temperature


Coefficient of Performance (COP) at 68°F Entering Water Temperature




Compressor Electrical Input (for models ≥65,000 Btu/hour only)


Indoor Fan Electrical Input (for models ≥65,000 Btu/hour only)3


Ground WaterSource, Single Package Heat Pumps and

Ground WaterSource
Split System Heat Pumps

Outdoor Fan Electrical Input (for models ≥65,000 Btu/hour only)3

Cooling Capacity at 59°F Entering Water Temperature (for all sizes, including but not limited to models ≥ 240,000 Btu/hour)


Electrical Input at 59°F Entering Water Temperature (for all sizes, including but not limited to models ≥ 240,000 Btu/hour)


Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) at 59°F Entering Water Temperature (for all sizes, including but not limited to models ≥ 240,000 Btu/hour)


Heating Capacity at 50°F Entering Water Temperature (for all sizes, including but not limited to models ≥ 240,000 Btu/hour)


Electrical Input at 50°F Entering Water Temperature (for all sizes, including but not limited to models ≥ 240,000 Btu/hour)


Coefficient of Performance (COP) at 50°F Entering Water Temperature (for all sizes, including but not limited to models ≥ 240,000 Btu/hour)




Compressor Electrical Input (for models ≥65,000 Btu/hour only)


Indoor Fan Electrical Input (for models ≥65,000 Btu/hour only)3


GroundSource, Closed Loop, Single Package Heat Pumps and

GroundSource, Closed Loop, Split System Heat Pumps

Outdoor Fan Electrical Input (for models ≥65,000 Btu/hour only)3

Cooling Capacity at 77°F Entering Brine Temperature


Electrical Input at 77°F Entering Brine Temperature


Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) at 77°F Entering Brine Temperature


Heating Capacity at 32°F Entering Brine Temperature


Electrical Input at 32°F Entering Brine Temperature


Coefficient of Performance (COP) at 32°F Entering Brine Temperature




Cooling Capacity – (cooling bin summary)


Gas Input While Cooling – (cooling bin summary)


GasFired Air Conditioners and Gas Fired Heat Pumps

Electric Input While Cooling – (cooling bin summary)

Cooling COP – Gas


Cooling COP – Electric


Heating Output – (heating bin summary)


Gas Input While Heating – (heating bin summary)


Electric Input While Heating – (heating bin summary)


Heating COP – Gas


Heating COP – Electric




Equipment Type

Aircooled, watercooled, water cooled with a fluid economizer, glycolcooled, glycolcooled with a fluid economizer, evaporatively cooled; chilled-water-cooled

Air Flow Direction

Downflow, horizontal flow, upflow

Computer Room Air Conditioners


Net Sensible Cooling Capacity (Aircooled, watercooled, glycolcooled, chilled-water-cooled models only)

Downflow Unit Power Input (watts) (Aircooled, watercooled, glycolcooled, chilled-water-cooled models only))


Downflow Unit SCOP (Aircooled, watercooled, glycolcooled, chilled-water-cooled models only)


Upflow Unit Power Input (watts) (Aircooled, watercooled, glycolcooled, chilled-water-cooled models only)


Upflow Unit SCOP (Aircooled, watercooled, glycolcooled, chilled-water-cooled models only)


Cooling Capacity at 95°F (evaporatively cooled models only)


Electrical Input at 95°F (evaporatively cooled models only)


Energy Efficiency ratio (EER) at 95ºF (evaporatively cooled models only)







1, 3

Heat pump water-heating packages


Refrigerant Type*

Ozone-depleting, non-ozone-depleting

Compressor Motor Design*

Single-speed, dual-speed, multiple-speed, variable-speed

OD Fan Motor Design*

Single-speed, dual-speed, multiple-speed, variable-speed

Model number includes all components?

True, False

Is the model designed for space cooling?

True, False

Cooling Capacity (BTU per hour) if applicable


Cooling power input (watts) if applicable


Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) if applicable


Integrated part load value (IPLV)


Heating Capacity (BTU per hour) at 47º


Heating power input (watts) at 47º


Coefficient of Performance (COP) at 47º


Heating Capacity (BTU per hour) at 17º


Heating power input (watts) at 17º


Coefficient of Performance (COP) at 17º


Heating Capacity (BTU per hour) of heat reclaim2


COPR of heat reclaim2








* “Identifier” information as described in Section 1602(a)
1 = Voluntary for federally
regulated appliances
2 = Voluntary for state
regulated appliances


Table X-D
Portable Air Conditioners, Evaporative Coolers, Ceiling Fans, Ceiling Fan Light Kits
Whole House Fans, Residential Exhaust Fans, Dehumidifiers, Residential Furnace Fans
Data Submittal Requirements


Required Information

Permissible Answers

All Appliances

* Manufacturer’s Name


* Brand Name


*Model Number


Date model to be displayed


Regulatory Status

Federallyregulated consumer product, federallyregulated commercial and industrial equipment, nonfederallyregulated

Single-Duct and Dual-Duct Portable Air Conditioners

*Duct configuration

Single-duct, dual-duct, ability to operate in both single-duct and dual-duct configurations

Heating function available

True, False

Dehumidification mode available

True, False

Primary condensate removal feature

Auto-evaporation, gravity drain, removable internal collection bucket, condensate pump

Single-Duct Portable Air Conditioners

Combined Energy Efficiency Ratio (CEER) (Btu/Wh)


Seasonally Adjusted Cooling Capacity (SAAC) (Btu/h


Adjusted Cooling Capacity at 83⁰F conditions (Btu/h


Adjusted Cooling Capacity at 95⁰F conditions (Btu/h


Annual energy consumption in off-cycle mode (kWh/year)


Annual energy consumption in inactive or off mode (kWh/year)


Annual energy consumption in cooling mode (kWh/year)




Dual-Duct Portable Air Conditioners

Combined Energy Efficiency Ratio (CEER) (Btu/Wh)


Seasonally Adjusted Cooling Capacity (SAAC) (Btu/h


Adjusted Cooling Capacity at 83⁰F conditions (Btu/h


Adjusted Cooling Capacity at 95⁰F conditions (Btu/h


Annual energy consumption in off-cycle mode (kWh/year)


Annual energy consumption in inactive or off mode (kWh/year)


Annual energy consumption in cooling mode at 83⁰F conditions (kWh/year)


Annual energy consumption in cooling mode at 95⁰F conditions kWh/year)


Spot Air Conditioners



Single package, aircooled; single package, evaporativelycooled; split system: aircooled condensing unit, coil with blower; split system: evaporativelycooled condensing unit, coil alone; single package, aircooled (FD); single package, evaporativelycooled (FD); split system: aircooled condensing unit, coil with blower (FD); split system: evaporatively cooled condensing unit, coil alone (FD)

Cooling Capacity


Total Electrical Input


Cooling Efficiency Ratio (




Fan Electrical Input


Refrigerant Type

Ozonedepleting, nonozonedepleting

Evaporative Coolers




Direct, indirect, indirect/direct

Evaporative Media Saturation Effectiveness (%) (for direct evaporative coolers only)


Media Type (for direct evaporative coolers only)

Expanded paper, woven plastic, aspen wood, rigid cellulose, other (specify).

Cooling Effectiveness (for indirect evaporative coolers only)


Total Power (watts)


Airflow Rate (CFM)


Ceiling Fans



*Ceiling fan type (required for models manufactured on or after January 21, 2020 only)

High-speed small-diameter (HSSD), hugger, large diameter, standard, very small-diameter (VSD)

CFM (low, medium, high)


Watts (low, medium, high)


Efficacy (low, high) [CFM/watt] (required for models manufactured before January 21, 2020 only)


Efficacy [CFM/watt] (required for models manufactured on or after January 21, 2020 only)


Fan speed controls separate from light controls

True, false

Adjustable Speed Controls

(Specify) speed, variable

Reversible Fan Action Capable

Yes, no, Exception [See Section 1605.1(d)(1)(A)(3) of this Article]

Light Source Type

Compact fluorescent, incandescent, other (specify), None

Ceiling Fan Light Kits manufactured before January 21, 2020


Socket Type

Medium screw base, pinbased; other (specify)

Packaged with all appropriate lamps to fill all sockets

True, False

Screw-based Lamps Requirement (screw-base only)

1605.1(d)(2)(A)(1) of this Article (specify)

Meet 1605.1(d)(2)(B) (pin-based sockets only)

True, False

Operate with lamps totaling more than 190 watts (other socket types only)

True, False

Ceiling Fan Light Kits manufactured on or after January 21, 2020


Socket Type

Medium screw base, pinbased; other (specify)

Packaged with all appropriate lamps to fill all sockets

True, False

Lumens for each basic model of lamp or each basic model of integrated SSL (lm)


Rated wattage (watts)


Efficacy (lm/W)


Medium screw base sockets packaged with compact fluorescent lamps

True, False

Pin-based sockets for fluorescent lamps

True, False

Uses an electronic ballast (Pin-based sockets for fluorescent lamps only)

True, False

Whole House Fans and Residential Exhaust Fans


*Residential Exhaust Fan Type

Inline singleport, Inline multiport, Range hood, Bathroom and utility room

*WholeHouse Fan Type

Beltdrive singlefan, Beltdrive dualfan, Directdrive singlefan, Directdrive dual fan

Fan Motor Power (watts)


Air Flow (CFM)


Air Flow Efficiency (CFM/watt)




Dehumidifier Type

Portable dehumidifiers with a capacity less than or equal to 25 pints per day, Portable dehumidifiers with a capacity greater than 25 pints per day and less than or equal to 50 pints per day, Portable dehumidifiers with a capacity greater than 50 pints per day, Whole-home dehumidifiers with a product case volume less than or equal to 8 cubic feet, Whole-home dehumidifiers with a product case volume greater than 8 cubic feet

Water Capacity (pints per day)


Case Volume


Integrated Energy Factor (Liters/Kilowatt Hour)


Residential Furnace Fans


Furnace Fan Types

Non-weatherized, non-condensing gas (NWG-NC); Non-weatherized, condensing gas (NWG-C); Weatherized non-condensing gas (WG-NC); Weatherized condensing gas (MH-NWG-C);Non-weatherized, non-condensing oil (NWO-NC); Non-weatherized electric furnace/ modular blower fan (NWEF/NWMB); Mobile home non-weatherized, non-condensing gas (MH-NWG-NC); Mobile home non-weatherized, condensing gas (MH-NWG-C); Mobile home electric furnace/modular blower fan (MH-EF/MB); Mobile home non-weatherized oil (MG-NOW); Mobile home weatherized gas



Airflow at the maximum airflow-control setting (in cfm) (QMax)


Fan Energy Rating (FER)





Commercial and Industrial Fans and Blowers manufactured after November 16, 2023

Fan type

Centrifugal housed, centrifugal inline, centrifugal unhoused, centrifugal PRV supply, centrifugal PRV exhaust, axial inline, axial PRV, inline mixed-flow, power roof/wall ventilators, axial panel, radial housed

Fan impeller diameter (in.)


Type of Motor (if fans sold with a motor)

None, Single-phase induction, Polyphase induction, Synchronous DC (including ECM), Permanent magnet AC, or Other

Motor nameplate horsepower (if fan sold with an induction motor) (hp)


Pressure type

S = Static pressure

T = Total pressure

Transmission type (if fan is sold with a transmission)

Direct, V-belt, synchronous-belt, flexible coupling, none

Type of Controller (if fan sold with controller)

None, Variable frequency drive, or Other

Maximum fan speed (RPM)


Airflow at maximum fan speed (CFM)


Pressure at maximum fan speed (inches water gauge)


FEPact at maximum fan speed (kW


FEPref at maximum fan speed (kW)


Maximum pressure (inches water gauge)


Airflow at maximum pressure (CFM)


Fan speed at maximum pressure (RPM)


FEPact at maximum pressure (kW)


Maximum air flow (CFM)


Pressure at maximum airflow (inches water gauge)


Fan speed at maximum airflow (RPM)


FEPact at maximum airflow (kW)


FEPref at maximum airflow (kW)


Is the model a Series tested fan?

Yes, No

Associated Series Tested Fan Model Number (if not a series tested fan

Fan product line and model, (Field is N/A if it is a Series tested fan)

Method used to determine FEPact of test method in section 1604(d)(2), (ANSI/AMCA Standard 214-21

Section 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, or 6.5 of the test method in section 1604(d)(2), (ANSI/AMCA Standard 214-21)

* “Identifier” information as described in Section 1602(a)
1 = Voluntary for federally
regulated appliances
2 = Voluntary for state
regulated appliances

Table X-E
Gas and Oil Space Heaters and Electric Residential Boilers
Data Submittal Requirements


Required Information

Permissible Answers

All Appliances

* Manufacturer’s Name


* Brand Name


*Model Number


Date model to be displayed


Regulatory Status

Federallyregulated consumer product, federallyregulated commercial and industrial equipment, nonfederallyregulated

All Space Heaters


*Energy Source

Natural gas, LPG, oil, combination (natural gas and oil), electricity

*Burner Type

Induced draft, luminous, injection type, power, pressure

Constant burning pilot light, (for gas or oil models only)

True, False

*Labeled for Outdoor Installation

True, False

*Electrical Phase

1, 3, none

Draft Equipment1, 2

Draft hood, draft diverter, barometric regulator, none

OffCycle Devices

Stack damper, electromechanical inlet damper, electromechanical flue damper, none

Flue Gas

Condensing, noncondensing



Singlestage, twostage modulating, step modulating

Fan Motor Design (furnaces only)1, 2

Singlespeed, dualspeed, multiplespeed, variable speed

Total Nominal Fan Motor Horsepower (furnaces only)


Fan Motor Type (furnaces only)

Premium, standard

Fan Motor Power Factor (furnaces with variablespeed motors only)1, 2


Pump Motor Design (boilers only).
Note: This information is not required for boilers that are not provided with a pump.

Singlespeed, dualspeed, multiplespeed, variable speed

Total Nominal Pump Motor Horsepower (boilers only).
Note: This information is not required for boilers that are not provided with a pump.


Pump Motor Type (boilers only)
Note: This information is not required for boilers that are not provided with a pump.

Premium, standard

Pump Motor Power Factor (boilers with variablespeed motors only)1, 2


Nameplate Input Rating


Rated Output


Central Furnaces



*Mobile Home

True, False

*Air Flow Direction

Up, down, horizontal

Weatherized (required for non-mobilehome furnaces manufactured on or after November 19, 2015 only)

True, False

Fan Blower Capacity, High, at 0.5” W.C.1, 2


Fan Blower Capacity, Low, at 0.5” W.C.1, 2


Thermal Efficiency (for models ≥ 225,000 Btu/hour input and for threephase equipment < 225,000 Btu/hour input for which the manufacturer chooses to test using r sections 431.75 and 431.76)


Standby Watts [controls, not fan energy] (for models ≥ 225,000 Btu/hour input only)1, 2


Annual Fuel Energy Consumption (for models < 225,000 Btu/hour input only, except for threephase equipment for which the manufacturer chooses to test using 10 C.F.R. sections 431.75 and 431.76)


Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency [AFUE] (for models < 225,000 Btu/hour input only, except for threephase equipment for which the manufacturer chooses to test using 10 C.F.R. sections 431.75 and 431.76)


Annual Auxiliary Electrical Energy Consumption (for models < 225,000 Btu/hour input only, except for threephase equipment for which the manufacturer chooses to test using 10 C.F.R. sections 431.75 and 431.76)


Thermal Efficiency at Minimum Capacity Provided and Allowed by the Controls (for models ≥ 225,000 Btu/hour input only)1, 2


Maximum Standby Mode Electrical Power Consumption (Watts) (applies to models manufactured on or after May 1, 2013 only)1, 2


Maximum Off Mode Electrical Power Consumption (Watts) (applies to models manufactured on or after May 1, 2013 only) 1, 2


Room Heaters, Floor Furnaces, and Wall Furnaces



Room heater (vented fan); room heater (gravity); floor furnace (fan); floor furnace (gravity); wall furnace (direct vent fan); wall furnace (direct vent gravity); wall furnace (vented fan); wall furnace (vented gravity)

Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE)



Auxiliary Electric Power (for fantype heaters only)


Average Annual Auxiliary Electrical Energy Consumption (for fantype heaters only)1


Duct Furnaces and Unit Heaters



Duct furnace; low static unit heater; high static unit heater; floormounted unit heater

Thermal Efficiency at Maximum Rated Capacity (mandatory for duct furnaces, voluntary for unit heaters only)


Energy Consumption During Standby (mandatory for duct furnaces, voluntary for unit heaters only)


Thermal Efficiency at Minimum Rated Capacity (mandatory for duct furnaces, voluntary for unit heaters only)



True, False

Automatic Flue Damper


True, False

Infrared Gas Space Heaters




Patio heater, nonpatio heater


High, low

Radiant Tube Type

True, False


True, False


True, False

Physically Possible to Measure Radiant Coefficient

True, False

Combustion Efficiency (for models using ANSI test method only)


Radiant Coefficient (for models using ANSI test method only; for models for which it is physically possible to measure radiant coefficient only)


Effective Heating Area (for patio heaters only)


Efficiency Index (for patio only)


Combination SpaceHeating and Water Heating Equipment


*Primary Function

Primary function is space heating, secondary function is domestic water heating; primary function is domestic water heating, secondary function is space heating

Volume (measured)


Volume (rated)


Energy Factor (for those models whose primary function is water heating)


Effective SpaceHeating Efficiency (CAAFUE) (for those models whose primary function is water heating)


Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) (for those models whose primary function is space heating)


Effective WaterHeating Efficiency (CAEF) (for those models whose primary function is space heating)


 Combined Annual Efficiency (CAE)





Steam, hot water

Natural Draft (for gasfired steam models manufactured on or after March 2, 2012 and ≥ 300,000 Btu/hour input only)

True, False


Copper, cast iron, other

Automatic means for adjusting water temperature (small hot water boilers only)

True, False

Input at Minimum Capacity1


Output at Minimum Capacity1


Combustion Efficiency (for models ≥ 300,000 Btu/hour input only)


Thermal Efficiency (for models ≥ 300,000 Btu/hour input and < 2,500,000 Btu/hour input only)


Thermal Efficiency (for models ≥ 2,500,000 Btu/hour input only)1


Standby Loss (for packaged boilers ≥ 300,000 Btu/hour input only)1


Standby Loss (for nonpackaged boilers ≥ 300,000 Btu/hour input only) 2


Thermal Efficiency at Minimum Capacity Rating (for non packaged boilers ≥ 300,000 Btu/hour input only)


AFUE (for models < 300,000 Btu/hour input only)


* “Identifier” information as described in Section 1602(a)
1 = Voluntary for federally
regulated appliances
2 = Voluntary for state
regulated appliances

Table X-F
Water Heaters
Data Submittal Requirements


Required Information

Permissible Answers

All Appliances

* Manufacturer’s Name


* Brand Name


*Model Number


Date model to be displayed


Regulatory Status

Federallyregulated consumer product, federallyregulated commercial and industrial equipment, nonfederallyregulated

All Water Heaters


*Energy Source

Natural gas, LPG, oil, electric resistance, heat pump

Rated Volume (except booster heaters, hot water dispensers, and large instantaneous water heaters < 10 gallons capacity)


Measured Volume (water heaters regulated under 10 C.F.R. section 431 subpart G as of January 1, 2017 only)


Input Rating


Heat Traps (for storage models only)

True, False

Ozone Depleting Substance in Insulation1, 2

True, False

Ozone Depleting Substance in Refrigerant (for heat pump water heaters only) 1, 2

True, False

Constant burning pilot light (for large gas and oil models only)

True, False

Mobile Home

True, False

Water Heaters Regulated Under 10 C.F.R. section 430.32


Water Heater Type

Gas-fired storage, oil-fired storage, electric storage, tabletop, instantaneous gas-fired, instantaneous electric, grid-enabled

First Hour Rating (for storage models only)


Maximum Gallons Per Minute (for instantaneous models only)


Recovery Efficiency



Annual Electrical Energy Consumption


Annual Fossil Fuel Energy Consumption (fossil fuel-fired models only)


Draw Pattern

Very small, low, medium, high

Uniform Energy Factor



Pilot Light Energy Consumption (for gas instantaneous models only)


Water Heaters Regulated Under 10 C.F.R. section 431.110
(EXCEPT residential-duty commercial water heaters)


Water Heater Type

Electric storage, gas-fired storage, oil-fired storage,  gas-fired instantaneous, gas-fired instantaneous

Thermal Efficiency


Standby Loss, %/hr. (electric models only) except for those models > 140 gallons for which exemption from standby loss standard is claimed)
Note: this data requirement is mandatory for all models except instantaneous models in which the data requirement is voluntary


Standby Loss Btu/hr. (fossil fuel fired models only) except for those models > 140 gallons for which exemption from standby loss standard is claimed)
Note: this data requirement is mandatory for all models except instantaneous models in which the data requirement is voluntary


Electrical Power During Recovery While Appliance is Heating (for storage models only)


Electrical Power During Standby


R-value of Insulation (for models > 140 gallons only) for which exemption from standby loss is claimed


Flue Damper (for models > 140 gallons only)

True, False

Fan Assisted Combustion (for models > 140 gallons only)

True, False

Hot Water Supply Boiler (for instantaneous models with input ≥ 300,00 Btu/hour and ≤ 12,500,000 Btu/hour only)

True, False

Residential Duty Commercial Water Heaters

Water Heater Type

Gas-fired storage, oil-fired storage electric instantaneous





Draw Pattern

Very small, low, medium, high

Uniform Energy Factor


* “Identifier” information as described in Section 1602(a).
1 = Voluntary for federally
regulated appliances
2 = Voluntary for state
regulated appliances

Table X G
Pool Heaters, Portable Electric Spas, Residential Pool Pump and
Motor Combinations, and Replacement Residential Pool Pump Motors
Data Submittal Requirements


Required Information

Permissible Answers

All Appliances

* Manufacturer’s Name


* Brand Name


*Model Number


Date model to be displayed


Regulatory Status

Federallyregulated consumer product, federallyregulated commercial and industrial equipment, nonfederallyregulated

Heat Pump Pool Heaters


Heating Capacity at Standard Temperature Rating


ReadilyAccessible onoff Switch

True, False

Coefficient of Performance at Standard Temperature Rating


Heating Capacity at Low Temperature Rating


Coefficient of Performance at Low Temperature Rating


Average Coefficient of Performance (COP) at Standard Temperature Rating and Low Temperature Rating


Refrigerant Type1, 2

Ozonedepleting, nonozone depleting

Other Pool Heaters


Energy Source

Natural gas, LPG, oil, electric resistance

Constant Burning Pilot Light (for gas models)

True, False




Thermal Efficiency



Pumps (data collection required for models manufactured on or after January 27, 2020 only)


Equipment Class


Total Pump Head in feet at BEP


Total Pump Head in feet at nominal speed


Volume per unit time (flow rate) in gallons per minute (gpm) at BEP


Volume per unit time (flow rate) in gallons per minute (gpm) at nominal speed


Nominal speed of rotation (rpm)


Calculated driver power input at each load point i (Pini) corrected to nominal speed, in horsepower (hp)3


Driver power input at each load point i (Pini), corrected to nominal speed, in horsepower, (hp)4


Driver power input (measured as the input power to the driver and controls)at each load point i (Pini), corrected to nominal speed, in horsepower, (hp)5


Full impeller diameter in inches


PEICL calculated or tested4


PEIVL calculated or tested5


Number of stages tested RSV and ST pumps only


Pump efficiency at BEP in in percent (%)1,3,4


Pump efficiency at BEP in PERCL1,3,4


Pump efficiency at BEP in percent (%)1,5


Pump efficiency at BEP in PERVL1,5


Pump configuration


Nominal motor efficiency in percent (%)4,5,6


Motor horsepower (hp) for the motor with which the pump is being rated4,5,6


Bowl diameter in inches (ST pumps only)3,4,5








Residential Pool Pump and Motor Combinations and
Replacement Residential Pool Pump Motors
manufactured before July 19, 2021


Motor Construction is Split-Phase

True, False

Motor Construction is Capacitor Start-Induction Run

True, False

Motor Design

Singlespeed, dualspeed, multispeed, variablespeed

Motor has Capability of Operating at Two or More Speeds with the Low Speed having a Rotation Rate that is No More than OneHalf of the Motor’s Maximum Rotation Rate

True, False

Unit Type

Residential Pool Pump and Motor Combination,
Replacement Residential Pool Pump Motor

Pool Pump Motor Capacity



Motor Service Factor


Nameplate Horsepower


Pump Control Speed (compliance with Section 1605.3(g)(5)(B)(2) of this Article)

True, False




Dedicated-Purpose Pool Pumps manufactured on or after July 19, 2021

Dedicated-purpose pool pump product group

Self-priming pool filter pumps with rated hydraulic horsepower of 0.711 hp <= hhp < 2.5 hp. Self-priming pool filter pumps with rated hydraulic horsepower of hhp <0.711 hp. Non-self-priming pool filter pumps. Pressure cleaner booster pumps. Integral cartridge-filter pool pumps. Integral sand-filter pool pumps. Waterfall pumps

Freeze Protection Controls when Shipped

Enabled, Disabled, Not applicable

Default Dry-Bulb Air Temperature setting (in degrees F) (when “Freeze Protection Controls when Shipped” = Enabled)


Default Run-Time Setting (in minutes) (when “Freeze Protection Controls when Shipped” = Enabled)


Default Motor Speed (in rpm) (when Freeze Protection Controls when “Freeze Protection Controls when Shipped” = Enabled)


Default Motor Speed is More than ½ of the Maximum Available Speed (when Freeze Protection Controls when “Freeze Protection Controls when Shipped” = Enabled)





Self-Priming Pool Filter pumps, Non-Self-Priming Pool Filter Pumps, Pressure Cleaner Booster pumps or Waterfall Pumps

Weighted Energy Factor (WEF) in kilogallons per kilowatt-hour (kgal/kWh)


Rated Hydraulic Horsepower in horsepower (hp)


Speed Configuration for which the pump is being rated

Single-speed, Two-speed, Multi speed, or Variable-speed

True Power Factor at High Load Point


Dedicated-Purpose Pool Pump Nominal Motor Horsepower


Dedicated-Purpose Pool Pump Motor Total Horsepower



Dedicated-Purpose Pool Pump Service Factor



Input Power at the High Flow Load Point (watts)


Flow Rate at the High Flow Load Point (gpm)


Speed at the High Flow Load Point (rpm)





Self-priming pool filter pumps, Non-self-priming pool filter pumps or Pressure cleaner booster pumps

Input Power at Maximum Rotating Speed (watts)


Flow Rate at Maximum Rotating Speed (gpm)


Speed at Maximum Rotating Speed (rpm)


True Power Factor at Low Load Point


Pump Certified with NSF/ANSI 50-2015

True, False

Vertical Lift (in feet) (when “Pump Certified with NSF/ANSI 50-2015” = False)


True Priming Time (in minutes) (when “Pump Certified with NSF/ANSI 50-2015” = False)


Input Power at the Low Flow Load Point (watts)


Flow Rate at the Low Flow Load Point (gpm)


Speed at the Low Flow Load Point (rpm)


Self-priming pool filter pumps or Non-self-priming pool filter pumps

True Power Factor at Low Load Point


Pump Certified with NSF/ANSI 50-2015

True, False

Vertical Lift (in feet) (when “Pump Certified with NSF/ANSI 50-2015” = False)


True Priming Time (in minutes) (when “Pump Certified with NSF/ANSI 50-2015” = False)


Input Power at the Low Flow Load Point (watts)


Flow Rate at the Low Flow Load Point (gpm)

Speed at the Low Flow Load Point (rpm)





Self-priming pool filter pumps, Non-self-priming pool filter pumps, or Waterfall Pumps

Maximum Head (in feet)





Integral cartridge-filter pool pumps or Integral sand-filter pool pumps

Pool pump control is either integral to the pump or a separate component that is sold or offered for sale with the pump.

True, False

Maximum Run-Time (in hours) of the Pool Pump Control





Replacement Dedicated-Purpose Pool Pump Motors manufactured on or after July 19, 2021

Replacement Dedicated-Purpose Pool Pump Motor is a Variable-speed replacement dedicated-purpose pool pump motor

True, False

Dedicated-purpose pool pump motor total horsepower (hp)


Nominal efficiency at full-load and maximum operating speed (%)


Motor speed at full-load and maximum operating speed (rpm)


Motor torque at full-load and maximum operating  speed (lb-ft)


Input power at full-load and maximum operating speed (watts)


Power factor at full-load and maximum operating speed (%)


Motor phase

Single-phase, polyphase

Sold with motor drive

True, False

Meets requirements of 1605.3(g)(6)(D) (when “Sold with motor drive” = True)

True, False

Freeze protection controls is shipped enabled

Enabled, Disabled, Not applicable

Default dry bulb air temperature setting (“Freeze protection controls are shipped enabled”)


Default motor speed (rpm) (when “Freeze protection controls are shipped enabled”)


Default run time (minutes) (when “Freeze protection controls are shipped enabled”)


Is the default motor speed more than 1/2 of the maximum available speed? (when “Freeze protection controls are shipped enabled”)

True, False




Portable Electric Spas

*Spa type

Combination Spa, Exercise Spa, Inflatable Spa, Standard Spa

*Tested Spa Cover Model Number


Tested Spa Cover Manufacturer


Rated Capacity (number of people)


Rated Voltage (volts)


Tested Spa Cover Is Insulated

True, False

Spa Enclosure is Fully Insulated

True, False

Spa includes a skimmer

True, False

Maximum water Temperature setting is less than 1000 (for exercise spas and the exercise spa portion of combination spas only)

True, False

Portable Electric Spa Rated Volume (gallons)  (for standard spas, inflatable spas, and the standard spa portion of combination spas only)


Exercise Spa Rated Volume (gallons)  (for exercise spas, and the exercise spa portion of combination spas only)


Portable Electric Spa Fill Volume (gallons) for standard spas, inflatable spas, and the standard spa portion of combination spas only)


Exercise Spa Fill Volume (gallons) (for exercise spas, and the exercise spa portion of combination spas only)


Portable Electric Spa Normalized Standby Power (Watts) (for standard spas, inflatable spas, and the standard spa portion of combination spas only)


Exercise Spa Normalized Standby Power (Watts) (for exercise spas, and the exercise spa portion of combination spas only)


* “Identifier” information as described in Section 1602(a)
1 = Voluntary for federally‐regulated appliances
2 = Voluntary for state‐regulated appliances

Table X H
Plumbing Fittings
Data Submittal Requirements


Required Information

Permissible Answers

All Appliances

* Manufacturer’s Name


* Brand Name


*Model Number


Date model to be displayed


Regulatory Status

Federallyregulated consumer product, federallyregulated commercial and industrial equipment, nonfederallyregulated

Plumbing Fittings




Showerhead, lavatory faucet (independent or collective), public lavatory faucet, kitchen faucet, metering faucet (independent or collective), lavatory replacement aerator, kitchen replacement aerator, wash fountain, lifttype tub spout diverter, turntype tub spout diverter, pulltype tub spout diverter, pushtype tub spout diverter

Flow Rate



Pulsating (for showerheads only)

True, False

Minimum Flow rate at 45 psi and 80 psi (for showerheads manufactured on or after July 1, 2016


Minimum Flow rate at 20 psi (for showerheads manufactured on or after July 1, 2016


Rim Space (for wash fountains only)


Tub Spout Leakage Rate When New


Tub Spout Leakage Rate After 15,000 Cycles


Commercial Prerinse Spray Valves



Product Class (required for models manufactured on or after January 28, 2019)

Product Class 1, Product Class 2, Product Class 3

Flow Rate (gpm)


Spray force (ounce-force (ozf))




* “Identifier” information as described in Section 1602(a)
1 = Voluntary for federallyregulated appliances
2 = Voluntary for stateregulated appliances

Table X I
Plumbing Fixtures
Data Submittal Requirements


Required Information

Permissible Answers

All Appliances

* Manufacturer’s Name


* Brand Name


*Model Number


Date model to be displayed


Regulatory Status

Federallyregulated consumer product, federallyregulated commercial and industrial equipment, nonfederallyregulated

Plumbing Fixtures




Blowout water closet, gravity tank type water closet, dualflush water closet, electromechanical hydraulic water closet, flushometer tank water closet, prisontype urinal, prisontype water closet, flushometer valve water closet, trough type urinal, wallmounted urinal, waterless urinal, other type urinal, vacuum type water closet

Water Consumption (dualflush effective flush volume for dualflush water closet)


Passes waste extraction test

True False

Waste extraction value


Trough Length (troughtype urinals only)


* “Identifier” information as described in Section 1602(a)
1 = Voluntary for federally
regulated appliances
2 = Voluntary for state
regulated appliances

Table X J
Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts and Deep Dimming Lamp Ballasts
Data Submittal Requirements


Required Information

Permissible Answers

All Appliances

* Manufacturer’s Name


* Brand Name


*Model Number


Date model to be displayed


Regulatory Status

Federallyregulated consumer product, federallyregulated commercial and industrial equipment, nonfederallyregulated

Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts



*Ballast Input Voltage

120, 277, between 120 and 277 other (specify)

*Number of Lamps


*Type of Fluorescent Lamp

F34T12, F96T12/ES, F96T12HO/ES (2-foot U-shaped, 4-foot medium bipin, 4-foot miniature bipin high output, 4-foot miniature bipin standard output, 8-foot high output, 8-foot slimline

Product Class (from U.S. DOE CCMS product template


Designed for Dimming to 50% or Less of Maximum Output

True False

Power Factor



*Building Application

Commercial, designed (not classified as sign ballasts) to operate 8-foot high output lamps, designed and labeled as sign ballasts to operate 8-foot high output lamps, residential; not classified as residential, other

Sign Ballasts

True False

Input Power Watts


Ballast Luminous Efficiency



Circuit Design

Cathode cutout, electronic, magnetic


Instant, programmed rapid

Ballast Frequency

High frequency, low frequency, other

Average Total Lamp Arc Power



Deep-Dimming Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts


*Ballast Input Voltage

120, 277, other (specify)

*Number of Lamps


*Lamp Type

T5, T8, other (specify)

*Dimming Type

Continuous, stepped, individual lamp control, other (specify)

*Control Type

3-wire, 0-10 volts, digital communication, phase, other (specify)

*Start Type

Instant start, rapid start, program start, other (specify)



Arc Power 100




Arc Power 80




Arc Power 50


BLE 100


BLE 80


BLE 50



P0 (standby mode power)


Weighted Ballast Luminous efficacy



Power Factor


* “Identifier” information as described in Section 1602(a)
1 = Voluntary for federally
regulated appliances
2 = Voluntary for state
regulated appliances

Table X K
Data Submittal Requirements


Required Information

Permissible Answers

All Appliances

* Manufacturer’s Name


* Brand Name


*Model Number


Date model to be displayed


Regulatory Status

Federallyregulated consumer product, federallyregulated commercial and industrial equipment, nonfederallyregulated

Federallyregulated general service

fluorescent lamps




4foot medium bipin general service fluorescent lamp, 2foot Ushaped general service fluorescent lamp, 8foot slim line general service fluorescent lamp, 8foot high output general service fluorescent lamp, 4foot miniature bipin standard output general service fluorescent lamp, 4foot miniature bi pin high output general service fluorescent lamp

Rated Color Rendering Index


Correlated Color Temperature (for lamps manufactured on or after July 15, 2012)


Minimum Average Lamp Efficacy (LPW)


Federally regulated incandescent reflector lamps sold before January 1, 2020

Minimum Average Lamp Efficacy


Federally regulated Medium Screw Base Compact Fluorescent Lamps sold before January 1, 2020


Lamp Power (Watts)


Minimum Efficacy (LPW)


Lamp Configuration

Bare or Covered (no reflector)

1,000 Hour Lumen Maintenance

True False

Lumen Maintenance Requirements

True False

Rapid Cycle Stress Test

True False

Average Rated Lamp Life

True False

Federally regulated Medium Screw Base General Service Incandescent and OLED Lamps sold before January 1, 2020



General Service Incandescent, LED, OLED

Voltage Range



Rated Lumen Range


Maximum Rate Wattage


Minimum Rate Lifetime


Color Rendering Index


Minimum Efficacy (LPW) (required on or after January 1, 2018)


Modified Spectrum


True False

Bulb Finish (incandescent only)

Clear, frost, soft white

ANSIdesignated Bulb Shape

A15, A19, A21, A23, A25, PS25, PS30, BT14.5, BT15, CP19, TB19, CA22

Federally regulated Candelabra Base and Intermediate Base Incandescent Lamps sold before January 1, 2020

Base Type

Candelabra, intermediate

Maximum Rated Wattage


Federally regulated Medium Screw Base Modified Spectrum General Service Incandescent Lamps sold before January 1, 2020



Rated Voltage



Rated Lumen Range


Maximum Rate Wattage


Minimum Rate Lifetime


Color Rendering Index


State-regulated small diameter

directional lamps


Base Type

Lamp Type (examples PAR16, MR11, MR16, R)


Lamp Power (Watts)


Lamp Output (Lumens)


Beam Angle



Center Beam Candle Power (CBCP)


Efficacy (Lumens per Watt)


Color Rendering Index (CRI)



Combined CRI + Efficacy (only applies where efficacy < 80 LPW)


Correlated Color Temperature


Rated Lifetime Test Completed


Estimated rated Lifetime (hours) (when “Rated Lifetime Test Completed = False

True False

Rated Lifetime (hours) (when “Rated Lifetime Test Completed = True)



Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps


Base Type

Lamp Shape

E12, E17, E26, GU-24, retrofit kit


A, B, BA, C. CA. F. G. other

Minimum Dimming level (%) (if Dimmable = True)

True, False

Reduced Flicker Operation (if Dimmable = True)

True, False

Correlated Color Temperature





Rated Lifetime Test Complete


Estimated rated Lifetime (hours) (when “Rated Lifetime Test Completed = False


Rated Lifetime (hours) (when “Rated Lifetime Test Completed = True)

Ambient, Elevated

Lifetime test environment temperature


Lamp Power (Watts)


Lumen Output (Lumens)


Efficacy (Lumens per Watt)


Color Rendering Index (Ra)


Compliance Score


Power Factor



Standby Power (Watts (if applicable)


Connected network type (if applicable)

Wi-Fi, ZigBee, ANT, Bluetooth, RF, Wired, Other



















Meets applicable luminous intensity distribution requirements


Audible Noise at 100% output (decibels)


Audible Noise at 20% output (decibels)


Start Time2


6000 hour lumen maintenance2


6000 hour survival rate2


Projected time to L702


Dimming Control Compatibility (when “Dimmable” = True)

Forward, Phase cut control, reverse phase cut, powerline carrier, digital, 010 VDC, other

NEMA SSL 7A Compatible 2 (If compatible with forward phase cut dimmer control answer “True,” If not answer “False.”)

True, False

* “Identifier” information as described in Section 1602(a)
1 = Voluntary for federally
regulated appliances
2 = Voluntary for state
regulated appliances

Table X L
Emergency Lighting
Data Submittal Requirements


Required Information

Permissible Answers

All Appliances

* Manufacturer’s Name


* Brand Name


*Model Number


Date model to be displayed


Regulatory Status

Federallyregulated consumer product, federallyregulated commercial and industrial equipment, nonfederallyregulated

Emergency Lighting


Light Source Type

LED, electroluminescent, fluorescent, incandescent, other (specify)

Battery Backup


True, False

Number of Faces


Sign Format

Edgelit, panel, matrix, stencil, other (specify)

Input Power Demand



* “Identifier” information as described in Section 1602(a)
1 = Voluntary for federally
regulated appliances
2 = Voluntary for state
regulated appliance

Table X-M
Traffic Signal Modules
Data Submittal Requirements


Required Information

Permissible Answers

All Appliances

* Manufacturer’s Name


* Brand Name


*Model Number


Date model to be displayed


Regulatory Status

Federallyregulated consumer product, federallyregulated commercial and industrial equipment, nonfederallyregulated

Traffic Signal Modules for Vehicle control


Module Color

Green, amber, red

Module Type

Circular, arrow, lane controlarrow, lane controlX, pedestrian, other (specify)

Modular Size (circular, arrow only)


Nominal Wattage at 25° C


Maximum Wattage at 74° C


Traffic Signal Modules for Pedestrian Control


Module Type

Hand, Walking Person, walk, don’t walk, countdown (Specify)

Power Consumption at 25° C


Power Consumption at 74° C


* “Identifier” information as described in Section 1602(a)
1 = Voluntary for federally
regulated appliances
2 = Voluntary for state
regulated appliances

Table X- N
Luminaires and Torchieres
Data Submittal Requirements


Required Information

Permissible Answers

All Appliances

* Manufacturer’s Name


* Brand Name


*Model Number


Date model to be displayed


Regulatory Status

Federallyregulated consumer product, federallyregulated commercial and industrial equipment, nonfederallyregulated




*Lamp Type of UpwardFacing Lamp(s)

Screwbased Incandescent, Halogen, Fluorescent Pinbased, Other (specify)

*Lamp Type of Side Lamp(s)

Screwbased Incandescent, Halogen, Fluorescent Pinbased, Other, None (specify)

Total Number of Lamp Sockets


Maximum Possible Power Demand, All Sockets (watts)


Method of Insuring 190 Watt Maximum Power Consumption

Currentlimiting Device, Thermal Switch, Other (specify)

Metal Halide Luminaires


*Lamp Position (orientation)

Vertical BaseUp, Vertical Base Down, Horizontal, Universal, Other (specify)

Lamp Rating, low (watts)


Lamp Rating, high (watts)


Outdoor Luminaire

True, False

Compliance Option Used

≥ 90/92% efficient ballast,

≥ 88% efficient ballast with integral control (Occupancy Sensor),
≥ 88% efficient ballast with integral control (Automatic Daylight Control),
 ≥ 88% efficient ballast labeled for relamping with only 150160 watt, 200215 watt, 290335 watt, or 336500 watt lamps

Ballast Type [only applies to models manufactured on or after January 1, 2006]

Probestart electronic, probestart magnetic, pulsestart electronic, pulsestart magnetic, other (specify)

Minimum Ballast Efficiency (percent)


Lamp Exceptions2

Exception(s) met, no exceptions met

Integral Control Type (for integral control compliance method only)

Occupancy sensor, Automatic daylight control

Integral Control Method (for integral control compliance method only)

Directly into luminaire housing Packaged and sold prewired Integrated wireless radio controlled sensor

Maximum relamping rated wattage on a factoryinstalled label (watts) (for relamping wattage compliance method only)


Packaged with efficient lamps (for relamping wattage compliance method only)

True, False

UnderCabinet Fluorescent Fixtures (Luminaires)


Lamp Length (inches)


Number of Lamps for which Fixture (Luminaire) is Designed


Ballast Efficacy Factor


* “Identifier” information as described in Section 1602(a)
 1 = Voluntary for federally
regulated appliances
2 = Voluntary for state
regulated appliances

Table X-O
Data Submittal Requirements


Required Information

Permissible Answers

All Appliances

* Manufacturer’s Name


* Brand Name


*Model Number


Date model to be displayed


Regulatory Status

Federallyregulated consumer product, federallyregulated commercial and industrial equipment, nonfederallyregulated





Compact, standard

* Number of Place Settings


Water Heating



True, False

Truncated Normal Cycle Capable

True, False

Soil Sensing

True, False

Maximum Energy Use


Maximum Water Use


* “Identifier” information as described in Section 1602(a)
1 = Voluntary for federally
regulated appliances
2 = Voluntary for state
regulated appliances

Table X-P
Clothes Washers
Data Submittal Requirements


Required Information

Permissible Answers

All Appliances

** Manufacturer’s Name


* Brand Name


*Model Number


Date model to be displayed


Regulatory Status

Federallyregulated consumer product, federallyregulated commercial and industrial equipment, nonfederallyregulated

Clothes Washers that are consumer products



Frontloading, top loading


Automatic, semiautomatic, other (specify)


Horizontal, vertical



True, False

Combination Washer/Dryer1

True, False

Clothes Container Compartment Capacity


Power Consumption Per Cycle1


Water Consumption Per Cycle


Integrated Modified Energy Factor




Water Factor



Remaining Moisture Content


Commercial Clothes Washers




Frontloading, top loading


Automatic, semiautomatic, other (specify)


Horizontal, vertical


True, False

Combination Washer/Dryer

True, False

Clothes Container Compartment Capacity


Power Consumption Per Cycle


Water Consumption Per Cycle


Modified Energy Factor


Water Factor (effective for models manufactured before January 1, 2018)


Integrated Water Factor (effective for models manufactured on or after January 1, 2018)


Remaining Moisture Content (required only on and after January 1, 2004)


* “Identifier” information as described in Section 1602(a)
1 = Voluntary for federally
regulated appliances
2 = Voluntary for state
regulated appliances

Table X-Q
Clothes Dryers
Data Submittal Requirements


Required Information

Permissible Answers

All Appliances

** Manufacturer’s Name


* Brand Name


*Model Number


Date model to be displayed


Regulatory Status

Federallyregulated consumer product, federallyregulated commercial and industrial equipment, nonfederallyregulated

Clothes Dryers



*Energy Source

Gas, electric

*Drum Capacity



120, 240, other (specify)

Combination Washer/Dryer1

True, False


Vented, ventless

Combined Energy Factor


Constant Burning Pilot Light (Gas models only)

True, False

* “Identifier” information as described in Section 1602(a)
1 = Voluntary for federally
regulated appliances
2 = Voluntary for state
regulated appliances

Table X-R
Cooking Products and Food Service Equipment
Data Submittal Requirements


Required Information

Permissible Answers

All Appliances

** Manufacturer’s Name


* Brand Name


*Model Number


Date model to be displayed


Regulatory Status

Federallyregulated consumer product, federallyregulated commercial and industrial equipment, nonfederallyregulated

Consumer Product Cooking Products



Conventional range, conventional cooking top, conventional oven, microwaveonly oven, countertop convection microwave oven, builtin microwave oven, overthe range convection microwave oven, combined cooking products, other (specify)

*Energy Source

Gas, electric, microwave

Electrical Supply Cord (for gas models only)

True, False

*Constant Burning Pilot Light

True, False

Annual Cooking Energy Consumption


Clock Power Consumption (for gas conventional ovens only)


Pilot Light Consumption (for gas conventional ovens only)


Annual Secondary Energy Consumption (for gas conventional ovens only)


Average Standby Power (data required for various microwave ovens manufactured on or after June 17, 2016 only)


Off Mode Power1


On Mode Power


Commercial Convection Ovens



Energy Input Rate


Idle Energy Consumption Rate


Commercial Hot Food Holding Cabinets



Measured Interior Volume (ft3)


Energy Input Rate


Idle Energy Consumption Rate


Commercial Range Tops



Energy Input Rate


Cooking Energy Efficiency


Test Cooking Vessel Diameter


* “Identifier” information as described in Section 1602(a)
1 = Voluntary for federally
regulated appliances
2 = Voluntary for state
regulated appliances

Table X-S
Electric Motors
Data Submittal Requirements


Required Information

Permissible Answers

All Appliances

** Manufacturer’s Name


* Brand Name


*Model Number


Date model to be displayed


Regulatory Status

Federallyregulated consumer product, federallyregulated commercial and industrial equipment, nonfederallyregulated

Electric Motors




NEMA Design A, NEMA Design B, IEC NEMA Design C, IEC, Design H, IEC Design N, Fire pump electric motor

Voltage (V)


Speed1 (RPM)


Rated Horsepower (hp)


Input Power (kW)


Air Exchange

Open, enclosed

Number of Poles

2, 4, 6, 8

Nominal Full Load Efficiency (%)


State-regulated Compressors

Isentropic Efficiency


Equipment Class

Rotary, lubricated, air-cooled, fixed-speed compressor; Rotary, lubricated, air-cooled, variable-speed compressor; Rotary lubricated, liquid-cooled, fixed-speed compressor; Rotary, lubricated, liquid-cooled, variable-speed compressor

Full-load package isentropic efficiency (fixed-speed compressor only) or part-load package isentropic efficiency (variable-speed compressor only)


Full-load actual volume flow rate (CFM)


Compressor motor nominal horsepower (HP)


Full-load operating pressure (psig)


Maximum full-flow operating pressure (psig)


Pressure ratio at full-load operating pressure



* “Identifier” information as described in Section 1602(a)
1 = Voluntary for federally
regulated appliances
2 = Voluntary for state
regulated appliances

Table X-T
Distribution Transformers
Data Submittal Requirements


Required Information

Permissible Answers

All Appliances

** Manufacturer’s Name


* Brand Name


*Model Number


Date model to be displayed


Regulatory Status

Federallyregulated consumer product, federallyregulated commercial and industrial equipment, nonfederallyregulated

Distribution Transformers


Distribution Transformer type (Data required for liquidimmersed and mediumvoltage drytype on or after January 1, 2010 only)

Lowvoltage drytype; liquid immersed; mediumvoltage drytype


1, 3

kVa (BIL kVa for mediumvoltage dry type)


Rated Output Power


Total Loss Power


Efficiency (for mediumvoltage models, this will be the Efficiency at 2045 kV)


Efficiency 2 (medium voltage models only, Efficiency at 4695 kV)


Efficiency 3 (medium voltage models only, Efficiency at ≥ 96 kV)


* “Identifier” information as described in Section 1602(a).
1 = Voluntary for federally
regulated appliances
2 = Voluntary for state
regulated appliances

Table X-V
Computers, Computer Monitors, Televisions,
Signage Displays, and Consumer Audio and Video Equipment.
Data Submittal Requirements


Required Information

Permissible Answers

All Appliances

** Manufacturer’s Name


* Brand Name


*Model Number


Date model to be displayed


Regulatory Status

Federallyregulated consumer product, federallyregulated commercial and industrial equipment, nonfederallyregulated




CRT, Plasma, LCD, DLP, Rear Projection, Laser, OLED, LCOS

Viewable Screen Area



Screen Size



Automatic Brightness



True, False

Automatic Brightness Control enabled

True, False

Forced Menu


True, False

Native Vertical Resolution



Aspect Ratio



Integrated Occupancy Sensor


True, False





Luminance Ratio


TV StandbyPassive Mode Power (watts)


On Mode Power (watts)


Retail On Mode Power (watts)


Power Factor



Consumer Audio and Video Equipment

Compact Audio Products


Power Usage in Audio StandbyPassive Mode for Models Without a PermanentlyIlluminated Clock Display (watts)

Power Usage in Audio StandbyPassive Mode for Models With a PermanentlyIlluminated Clock Display (watts)


Digital Versatile Disc Players and Digital Versatile Disc Recorders

Power Usage in Video StandbyPassive Mode (watts)


Computer Monitors


Backlight Type

CCFI, LED, OLED, Quantum Dots


True, False


True, False

Gaming Monitor w/ Incremental Hardware

True, False

Gaming Monitor w/o Incremental Hardware

True, False

Fast refresh rate gaming monitor


True, False

Maximum Refresh Rate (Hz)



True, False

Very High Performance

True, False

Curved Monitor

True, False

Viewable Screen area (square inches)


Screen size (diagonal inches)


Automatic Brightness Control

True, False

Automatic Brightness Control Enabled when Shipped

True, False

Screen Luminance (Candelas Per Square Meter)


Native resolution (megapixels)


Power Draw in On Mode (watts)


Power Draw in Computer Monitor Sleep Mode (watts)


Power Draw in Computer Monitor Off Mode (watts)


Touch Screen Capability

True, False

Touch Screen Enabled in On Mode

True, False

Touch Screen Enabled in Computer Monitor Sleep Mode

True, False

Touch Screen Enabled in Computer Monitor Off Mode

True, False

Color Gamut

>32.9% OF cieluV (99% or more of defined Srgb colors),
>38.4% OF cieluV (99% or more of defined Adobe rgb colors),
<32.9% OF cieluV

Medical Computer Monitor


(Other than the identifier information shown under “All Appliances” (e.g., manufacturer name, brand name, model number), no other data is required for medical computer monitors at this time.)



(Note: Units with more than one integrated display must certify related data for each screen)

Computer Type

Desktop, Notebook, Small-Scale Server, Workstation, Thin Client, Portable All-In-One, Mobile Gaming System, Mobile Workstation, High Expandability Computer, Rack-mounted Workstation

Operating System Type

None, Limited Capability Operating System, Other

Operating System Type (Provide the operating system used during testing to calculate energy consumption.)


Core Speed (gigahertz)


Number of CPU Cores


CPU Support for 4 or more channels of memory or a 256 bit or greater memory interface

True, False

Number of 3.5” hard-disk drives and Others (other than main storage)


Number of 2.5” hard-disk drives (other than main storage)


Number of solid state drives (other than main storage)


Number of hybrid solid state drives (other than main storage)


Nameplate output power of the external power supply (watts) (notebook computers and mobile gaming systems only)


Total Battery Capacity (watt-hours) (notebook computers, portable all-in-one, and mobile gaming systems only)


Discrete GPU(s) present in system

True, False

First Discrete GPU is packaged on the same substrate as the CPU

True, False

First Discrete GPU Frame Buffer Bandwidth (rounded to nearest gigabyte per second)


Total Number of Discrete GPUs


Integrated display

True, False

Multi-screen notebook


True, False

Number of integrated screens


Color Gamut (if computer has integrated display)

>32.9% OF cieluV (99% or more of defined Srgb colors),
>38.4% OF cieluV (99% or more of defined Adobe rgb colors),
<32.9% OF cieluV

Diagonal screen size (inches) (if computer has integrated display)


Viewable screen area (square inches) (if computer has integrated display)


Resolution (megapixels) (if computer has integrated display)


Enhanced Performance (if computer has integrated display)

True, False

Length of time of user inactivity before computer entering sleep (minutes)
Do not report a number if the model does not enter sleep.